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Swedish government wants a back door in Signal

Swedish government wants a back door in signal for police and 'Säpo' (Swedish federation that checks for spies)

Let's say that this becomes a law and Signal decides to withdraw from Sweden as they clearly state that they won't implement a back door; would a citizen within the country still be able to use and access Signals services? Assuming that google play services probably would remove the Signal app within Sweden (which I also don't use)

I just want the government to go f*ck themselves, y'know?

  • Wherever a service with encryption exists any government in the world thinks they need to be the special child with the access to the contents.

    E2E with privately generated and held keys, have you published your PGP public key yet?

    • E2E with privately generated and held keys, have you published your PGP public key yet?

      Exactly. You can't stop secure encryption.

      I remember in the very old days of the internet when only the US had strong encryption and thought it was some gotcha. They labeled it a weapon to prevent overseas export. Phil Zimmerman created PGP, lobbed the source into a book (protected under 1st amendment) then shipped it overseas.

      If strong encryption exists and people want to use it, you're just not going to be able to stop them.

      • Reminds me of the story of immigrants who tatooed the algorithm on their back. It was illegal to send them back.

    • I wish PGP was easier to use. The barrier to entry is way too high for everyday use.

  • How does this even make sense? The criminals would just move to another platform like SimpleX or use a VPN.

    Whole article in English:

    The encrypted messaging app Signal is growing - now even the Swedish Armed Forces use it.

    But the government wants to force the company to introduce a technical backdoor for the police and Säpo.

    • “If this becomes a reality, we will leave Sweden,” says Signal's CEO Meredith Whittaker, in an exclusive interview with SVT.

    If the government gets its way, the bill will be passed in the Riksdag as early as March next year.

    The bill states that companies such as Signal and Whatsapp will be forced to store all messages sent using the apps. Leaving Sweden

    Signal - which is run by a non-profit foundation - has now told SVT Nyheter that the company will leave Sweden if the bill becomes reality.

    • “In practice, this means that we are being asked to break the encryption that is the basis of our entire business. Asking us to store data would undermine our entire architecture and we would never do that. We would rather leave the Swedish market completely,” says Signal's CEO Meredith Whittaker.

    She says the bill would require Signal to install so-called backdoors in its software.

    • “If you create a vulnerability based on Swedish wishes, it would create a path to undermine our entire network. Therefore, we would never introduce these backdoors.

    But don't you have a responsibility as a supplier to support anti-crime efforts?

    • Our responsibility is to provide technology that upholds human rights in an era where those rights are being violated in more and more places. In today's digital world, there are very few places where we can communicate privately or whistleblow. Armed forces critical

    Whittaker cites the 2024 attack by the Chinese state actor Salt Typhoon on several internet service providers in the US, where text messages and phone calls were leaked. She argues that a Swedish backdoor would open up for the same thing.

    • “There are no backdoors that only the good guys have access to.”

    The aim of the bill is to allow the Security Service and the police to request the message history of criminal suspects after the fact. Both authorities were positive in the consultation.

    • “The ability of law enforcement authorities to effectively access electronic communications is crucial,” said Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) earlier at a press conference.

    But the Swedish Armed Forces are opposed and recently urged their personnel to start using Signal to reduce the risk of interception.

    In a letter to the government, the Swedish Armed Forces wrote that the bill could not be implemented “without introducing vulnerabilities and backdoors that could be exploited by third parties”.

    • How does this even make sense? The criminals would just move to another platform like SimpleX or use a VPN.

      Next move (and not just from Sweden): make the use of a VPN (and any fully encrypted service) illegal for the average citizen—who needs a backdoor when the law makes it a crime to simply use full E2EE? Let those be used with trust by the army, the press, organizations and people like that just not by common people that should have no privacy at all.

      Politician incompetency and dishonesty will finish to ruin what little of Europe remains and what the word democracy was supposed to mean (which is not to consider your citizen like clueless children that can't understand shit and that can't be trusted).

      But in exchange of ruining that they will get some more power and/or money, so that's fine I suppose.

  • Governments have long wanted backdoors on secure private communication, and so long as we have an ownership class, they always will.

    And backdoors will always be more useful to hackers, industrial spies and terrorists than they are these departments of state looking to ensure national security (or watch for proletariat unrest. We're already pissed.)

    And the private sector will always route around these backdoors, possibly by modding the client or offering new services that are still secure.

    States should get used to disappointment. Investigation bureaus should prepare for going dark. Once upon a time they had to rely on detective work rather than asking Google whose phones were near the incident or what web-surfers were asking questions about the circumstances pre-hoc.

  • Article with no trackers

    The encrypted messaging app Signal is growing – now even the Swedish Armed Forces are using the app.

    But the government wants to force the company to introduce a technical backdoor for the Police and the Swedish Security Service.

    "If it becomes a reality, we will leave Sweden," says Signal's boss Meredith Whittaker, in an exclusive interview with SVT.

    If the government has its way, the bill will be passed in the Riksdag as early as March next year.

    The bill states that companies such as Signal and Whatsapp will be forced to store all messages sent using the apps.

    Leaving Sweden Signal – which is run by a non-profit foundation – now states to SVT Nyheter that the company will leave Sweden if the bill becomes a reality.

    "In practice, this means that we are being asked to break the encryption that is the basis of our entire business. Asking us to store data would undermine our entire architecture and we would never do that. We would rather leave the Swedish market completely," says Signal's head of Meredith Whittaker.

    She says the bill would require Signal to install so-called backdoors in the software.

    "If you create a vulnerability based on Swedish wishes, it would create a path to undermine our entire network. Therefore, we would never introduce these backdoors.

    But don't you as a supplier have a responsibility to support efforts against crime?

    "Our responsibility is to offer technology that upholds human rights in an era where those rights are being violated in more and more places. In today's digital world, there are very few places where we can communicate privately or whistleblow.

    The Armed Forces critical Meredith Whittaker mentions the Chinese state actor Salt Typhoon's 2024 attack on several internet service providers in the United States, where text messages and phone calls were leaked. She believes that a Swedish back door would open the door for the same thing.

    "There are no back doors that only the good guys have access to.

    The purpose of the bill is to enable the Security Service and the police to request subsequent notification history for persons suspected of crime. Both authorities were positive in the consultation round.

    "The opportunities for law enforcement authorities to effectively access electronic communications are absolutely crucial," Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer (M) said earlier at a press conference.

    But the Armed Forces are negative and recently the Armed Forces urged their personnel to start using Signal to reduce the risk of eavesdropping.

    In a letter to the government, the Armed Forces writes that the bill will not be able to be realized "without introducing vulnerabilities and back doors that may be used by third parties".

  • They will probably just show message to Swedish ip addresses and state that they cannt provide you with the binary as you are using a Swedish ip.

    Something very clear to say use a VPN 😉

  • I really like that Signal is able to update itself. Even our of the stores, it can still be up-to-date.