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All 64 of the countries where it’s illegal to be LGBTQ+ – and yes, it’s all colonialism’s fault
  • British colonialism, and homophobia for that matter, ended (to a larger extent, at least) a while ago

    LMAO. Anglo colonialism continues to this day. Oil companies, NGOs and missionaries all do their part to spread Anglo dominance in yhe developing world

    As for British homophobia having "ended", wtf are you talking about. Look up the very recent history of section 28. Look up the cass report. While most Brits are lovely, trans people like to call it TERF island for a reason.

  • Two astronauts wait to come home as Boeing races to understand spacecraft issues
  • Thanks, Obama. Really glad you privatized space travel. It's going great. Our space program now consists of Guy who wants space apartheid, and company whose name is synonymous with planes that crash for no reason.

  • Stonehenge covered in powder paint by Just Stop Oil protesters - BBC News
  • Idk if petite bougeouis theatrics while trudging towards calamity is any better than doing it quietly. Maybe a little. And fuck the Mona Lisa. But defacing an archaeological site (even temporarily) for bougeouis theatrics is just icky

  • Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media
  • You're doing the same thing antivaxers do. Doing your own research on pubmed is honestly a terrible way to reach conclusions, unless you have the necessary background in that field. OR if there's a metaamalysis published in a journal that has a more generalist audience.

    And you didn't even link to the studies or give citations

  • Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media
  • My opinion is mostly based on commentary and articles in the journal Nature. Every year or so they publish something about how there are some correlations, but very little evidence of a causative link, and more research is needed.

    I don't claim to be an expert, and its possible nature had lead me astray. But following a popular, general journal like nature is a better way to reach conclusions than a pubmed search (unless you have the necessary training)/experience to interpret papers on childhood psychology, which I don't)

  • Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media
  • I hate social media, And think it's probably harmful to kids. But the evidence just isn't there. Where are the meta reviews? Is there a Cochrane study? No, it's just based on vibes. And I doubt the surgeon general is homophobic, but I can guarantee this will be used to further the current trans/gay panic

  • what's your current linux distro?
  • Pretty much. I used mint for a while, then Ubuntu, upgrading every October and April. Then I tried Debian on a laptop I didn't want to update often, and realized it's not really missing anything that Ubuntu has.

    Although I think the main thing that lead me to Debian was some issue with snap that I was having

  • what's your current linux distro?
  • Conda makes python soooo much easier. I never use apt for python things. If you use it a lot, you'll eventually have to learn how to work with different environments. But I promise it's easier than trying to solve dependency hell with some combination of apt and pip.

  • what's your current linux distro?
  • Debian stable on Thinkpad 1 and Debian testing on Thinkpad 2. Testing is nice because Gnome is a slightly better version. Stable is nice because it doesn't bother me about updates.

    What don't you like about gnome?

  • Coconuts 🥥
  • Yeah. It's pretty hard to believe they just "floated" over considering sweet potatos mde it to the Philippines from south America. Clearly those didn't float over. Someone else posted a scientific article providing evidence that humans brought the coconut to the Americas

  • Open source e reader

    I recently got a Sony prs 600 e reader from 2009. The battery is at the end of its life (It lasts about 3 days with heavy reading, and a couple weeks without reading). No backlight, no Wi-Fi, just an SD card that I can load epub files and small PDFs. The screen is slow and the contrast isn't the best. The "touch screen" is the old resistive type where you really need to press with your nail or a stylus. Despite all those flaws, it's fantastic. It's just good enough for reading books.

    I read with large text so I don't even need to put on glasses, and it's easier to read than an actual book. Combined with Anna's archive, I'm reading more than I ever have before. No Wi-Fi nd slow screen make the experience feel closer to an actual book than a smartphone. It's great to just have a device do one thing without distractions popping up every minute.

    It's all old technology, but it's so rare to see anyone with an e-reader. Probably because they're still expensive and designed to microtransact the fuck out of you.

    So do you think there could be a simple open source e reader? I see pine64 is making the "pinenote", but it's still just the developer version, it's expensive, doesn't have an sd card, and looks like it's trying to be a lot more than an reader. Maybe it'll come down in cost, or they'll release a simpler version? The biggest obstacle for making an e-reader seems to be the screen, so maybe the pinenote's screen could become something of a standard.

    Or maybe I'm overthinking it, because there's already so many old Kindles and nooks out there that could be improved with a new battery and maybe new firmware too.


    Bangladesh opens mosque for transgender hijra community Photos: Bangladesh opens mosque for transgender hijra community

    The South Asian nation has, since 2013, officially allowed members of the hijra community to identify as a third gender.

    Photos: Bangladesh opens mosque for transgender hijra community
    Democracy rule

    I need y'all to understand: Biden isnt losing votes from the far left. He never had those votes, and could never get them.

    He's losing the votes of Muslims and Arabs in Michigan and Philly. He's losing the votes of moderates who are watching Israel's final solution in horror. He's losing the votes of Latinos and Haitians who see the southern border is getting more militarized and more violent every year

    [Edit] to be 100% clear: If you oppose Israel's war on Palestine, but plan on voting for Biden this November,this post isn't about you.

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