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Arrowhead CEO says Helldivers 2 balancing patches have 'gone too far' recently: 'It feels like every time someone finds something fun, the fun is removed'
  • What are you going on about lol? I am saying that anyone can use any gun without being literally unable to play higher difficulties because it is too bad... If something is so fucked that you will never get close to winning without using X gun, then that is literally a "meta" that you can't win without and I am arguing against doing that?

    Helldivers is literally one of the least toxic games I have ever played. Nobody gives a fuck what you use or do as long as you don't intentionally team kill or screw the team.

  • Arrowhead CEO says Helldivers 2 balancing patches have 'gone too far' recently: 'It feels like every time someone finds something fun, the fun is removed'
  • I don't get it.

    There is no need for balance in PVE.

    Just make every primary viable to use (within a reasonable level by boosting them all), then balance the enemies off that and add new enemies and guns.

    As long as you don't get severely punished for not using meta weapons, then why does it matter? Not everything has to be perfectly balanced, especially a non-competetive game...

  • Immich x FUTO Q&A
  • What is Futo? Their website says absolutely nothing besides their "company values."

    What is their business model?

    Who is running it?

    How do they earn money to give out?

    What do they ask in return besides hoarding the trademarks?

    Flat fee is always good, but I am always skeptical about these sort of completely opaque, altruistic companies that often turn into not-so-altruistic companies after they see more profit capabilities.

  • Google’s Pixel Leaves Little Room to Breathe for Sony Phones - Bloomberg
  • I don't think Sony had said they will do that though.

    Just as likely they will pull their phone from Europe lol

  • Google Fit APIs get shut down in 2025, might break fitness devices
  • It's very sad that polar products don't work. Their heart rate monitor bands are the absolute gold standard for activity heart rate monitoring. Correlate the best with professional equipment out of any monitor including the apple watch.

    That being said, amazing initiative. An open source api bridge like this and openRGB make everyone's life 10x easier!

  • What was made beautiful?
  • We bought a house last year that was the first on the street by a decade. Everything was asparagus farms and some forest.

    1. It needed to be fully stripped and redone, but damn is that house strong. 20cm thick brick wall going down like 5m underground or something. Load bearing walls also have like 2cm iron rods running vertically for support. This house will not budge.

    Trying to renovate it respectfully while repairing damage done by the previous owner and complying with the many, many strict Belgium housing regulations. So much potential and almost no problems with damp in an extremely wet region.

  • How much coffee do y'all typically drink in a sitting?
  • Highly depends!

    Normal day working from home: 16g/256mL specialty beans with a V60

    At the office? 150mL from the coffee machine 1 or 2 times. Beans are okay. Oxfam fair trade

    Sitting at a coffee shop? I will have 2-3 cappuccinos or something.

    4-6 shots of espresso and my heart would explode

  • Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause
  • It ends when musk popularizes his shitty brain microchip and the engineers figure out technology to project image and sound into your head.

    24/7 unmodifiable banner ads, ads while you sleep, ads related to what you see that cover your vision until you pay an extra subscription fee, then just border ads.

    That is the future that musk and tech BoDs cum in their pants for.

    The consumer advertising industry is a scourge of humanity. The dregs of the groveling worms.

  • What's a good graphics card for jellyfin?

    Blows the 6950XT and 3090 out of the water in transcoding performance. I would say that is performing very well. That was before drivers have gotten much much better too probably a bigger difference now.

  • What's a good graphics card for jellyfin?
  • I have one, it is fantastic.

    Someone said that it is "not terribly performent" but it doesn't matter for transcoding. It can do multiple 4k streams of AV1 & HEVC. That is perfect.

    According to benchmarks, it beat the 3080 and 6800XT when it was released for transcoding performance. That is what you have to look at in this case, you aren't gaming on it.

    Just remember to enable all of the correct kernel modules to get it working. You often have to manually download the firmware git repo and move it to the firmware folder in Debian to get it working.

  • Self-hosted Jellyfin CPU or GPU for 4K HDR transcoding?
  • Compatibility and storage.

    Do you want only 2 devices of the 10 your family possibly owns to work?

    Do you want your family to complain that jellyfin "isn't as good as Netflix/Disney+/etc.." Because it constantly stops to buffer and a can't keep up the framerate?

    It is completely fine if you are single and have 1-2 devices that work with AV1 and h.265 client side and that is all you need, then you don't have to bother with transcoding at all. When you start letting other people into it, compatibility becomes an issue.

    As for storing it beforehand, the entire point of AV1 and HEVC is to significantly reduce the size on disk. If you have to store 10 versions or each file, 5 resolutions each, half h.264, then you are taking up about 20x the space per file compared to 1 copy of HEVC or AV1.

    A transcode GPU like the A380 or new QSV compatible CPU is MUCH cheaper than a new good quality 12TB drive lol

    Sorry for the long text, it pretty much depends on the living situation.

  • Change your Steam review
  • I am 100% behind this sentiment outside of continued abuse (like that of nearly every publishing company in the video game industry) as long as they apologize.

    But the problem is that corporations are not people. One of the biggest downfalls of America getting into the shit situation that it is in was legally treating corporations as people. It screwed them over

    The same is true socially. Corporations are not people. They are composed of people, but the problem is that many or most people will compromise their personal values to keep their job or get a promotion. That has been shown time and time again. A corporation's goal is 100% exclusively, both legally and internally, to make profit for the shareholders. It will do whatever possible, screw over whoever possible, and even harm whoever necessary to create extra profit for shareholders. (Ex. Boeing, Nestle, Coke, Blackrock, palantir, exxon, the lidt goes on) The only thing that makes them back down in regulation or people threatening their profits.

    This time, gamers were vocal enough, outraged enough, and ready to actually affect their profits (and future prospects of microtransactions or profitable sequels) enough for them to back down.

    THEY DID NOT EVEN APOLOGIZE, read their statement, they did not make a mistake, they just chose a wrong time to try to squeeze some extra profit and were surprised that the pushback was enough to affect their profits and not just fade away like it usually does.

  • Removed
    Can someone explained what hexbear is?
  • It is essentially a Marxists Leninist instance that is extremely far left.

    People hate them because they often brigade posts, especially anything that contains keywords including their instance, and probably also just because communism = scary 🤡.

    However, their instance is very similar to reddit's /r/conservative: believes any and all propaganda coming from chosen sources as gospel (for example, they believe much of what comes out of North Korea, a notably right-wing fascist state masking as socialist just like the Nazis did), they are intolerant of any other ideologies, they swing the ban hammer hard on anyone that disagrees with them, and they believe any news outside of their chosen channels is "fake news."

    Antifascism is a great goal, but it seems to bow to fascist regimes and believe everything they say because the regime calls themselves socialist. (Or it could be natural if one subscribes to political ring or horseshoe theory I guess)

    They probably mean well, but it is the same echochamber as pretty much every political community: neolib, conservative, and communist alike. It is hard to not get sucked into being an echochamber as the nature of communities.

    Edit: As you can see from their responses, they just automatically assume that everyone that disagrees with a single thing they say is liberal or right wing and brigade down vote them to hell and insult them. Which is interestinf because they don't allow downvotes on their own instance, but use them with abandon on other instances. Everyone who isn't them is the enemy. It sounds very familiar (Umberto Eco definition of fascism point #4). Like one user assumes that I am "indistinguishable from the VB party" that is by far the worst party in Belgium because I slightly disagreed with how they conduct themselves generally.

    As for sources, look up on the hexbear news community. Every single post regarding statements that north Korea releases along with russia is believed over over other source. They often post conventional news sources, but then the posts are filled with "this is not true, neolibs are lying to us" type stuff.

  • Helldivers 2 received over 14,000 negative reviews today due to an update that will require PSN accounts next week.
  • I thought someone had gone to the waybackmachine and confirmed that it said it was optional initially and changed it when they made this decision?

  • Exclusive: Sony Xperia 1 VI leaked – Improved Telephoto, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, and more -mspoweruser
  • Except that they give only half or less of the software support of other manufacturers.. I have a Sony 5ii. 2 years after release on the dot, not a single security update after.

  • Exclusive: Sony Xperia 1 VI leaked – Improved Telephoto, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, and more -mspoweruser
  • They already fucked it up. They support their phones the least in the whole industry among major manufacturers. I think even shitty HMD Global supports their phones for longer now.

  • Boris Johnson turned away from polling station after forgetting to bring photo ID
  • The US (mostly the trending fascist party) does whatever possible to make sure the least amount of people possible get the opportunity to vote and for the people who do vote, make sure their vote does not count as much as possible. It also varies per state.

    • not giving out a national identification card, but then requiring an identification card to vote

    • voting districts with crazy borders to make absolute certain that the far right gets the most representatives possible

    • reducing the amount of voting centers every year in areas like major cities that vote more left so that the people would have to travel an hour or more to vote and without a car, it is almost impossible

    • Voting is not a public holiday and many states do not allow voting by mail. Combined with the before point removes many poor people's ability to vote at all

    • there is a right wing effort to remove as many left leaning votors as possible from registration for minor errors

    • Armed party members at elections recently to intimidate voters, especially if they "look like the left demographic"

    • the "electoral college" which can just decide to not cast the vote that actually decides elections for the candidates that the citizens voted for

    It is really batshit crazy over there. It seems like the right gets away with all of this crazy stuff and then when the left is back in power, almost nothing is done to change it back with regards to voting.

  • Elon Musk Laid Off Supercharger Team After Taking $17 Million in Federal Charging Grants
  • Government grants should come with government share % of the company.

    Or at least with heavy requirements and obligations like every government "grant" for normals people.

  • Xperia 1 VI and 10 VI camera islands' leak suggests new larger modules
  • Will it have more than a pitiful 2 years of software updates? If not, not interested.

    If I didn't need my banking and identity apps so bad, I would slap lineage on my 5ii.

  • Post your Servernames!
  • Swedish city names, but only the ones with pure english characters to avoid hassel 😅





  • Should I or should I not use a VLAN? I have trouble understanding the benefits for home use

    Hey everyone,

    I am completely stripping my house and am currently thinking about how to set up the home network.

    This is my usecase:

    • home server that can access the internet + homeassistant that can access IoT devices

    • KNX that I want to have access to home assistant and vice versa

    • IoT devices over WiFi (maybe thread in the future) that are the vast majority homemade via ESPHome. I want them to be able to access the server and the other way around. (Sending data updates and in the future, sending voice commands)

    • 3 PoE cameras through a PoE 4 port switch

    • a Chromecast & nintendo switch that need internet access

    Every router worth anything already has a guest network, so I don't see much value in separating out a VLAN in a home use case.

    My IoT devices work locally, not through the cloud. I want them to work functionally flawless with Home assistant, especially anything on battery so it doesn't kill its battery retrying until home assistant polls.

    The PoE cameras can easily have their internet access blocked on most routers via parental controls or similar and I want them to be able to send data to the on-server NVR

    I already have PiHole blocking most phone homes from the chromecast or guest devices.

    So far it seems like a VLAN is not too useful for me because I would want bidirectional access to the server which in turn should have access from the LAN and WiFi. And vice versa.

    Maybe I am not thinking of the access control capability of VLANs correctly (I am thinking in terms of port based iptables: port X has only incoming+established and no outgoing for example).

    I figure if my network is already penetrated, it would most likely be via the WiFi or internet so the attack vector seems to not protect from much in my specific use case.

    Am I completely wrong on this?

    [Immich] What is the "proper" way to navigate migration from another service (all photos are already on the server)

    I got immich with SSO up and running. It runs like a dream compared to Photoprism and is simple enough for me, but also has necessary features like user accounts.

    There is one thing I couldn't find in the docs:

    I already have a library of 5000 photos and 150 videos on my server that sync to my phone with Syncthing to 4 different directories (one for each phone I took the photos on) in Immich. Right now I have that directory as an external library, but I don't think this is the "right way."

    My goal:

    • No duplicates between phone app and desktop app
    • Don't have to re-upload every image from my phone as my network is 100/30 mbps
    • Am able to manage my photos from the Immich app and web app (deleting photos that will propagate between devices)

    Can I just map the "Upload" folder to that syncthing photo base folder and get parity between my phone and my server? Or do I have to re-upload everything from my phone? Or am I waiting for a feature that doesn't quite exist yet? I noticed some feature discussions about photo hashing and de-duplication.

    I tried asking in a discussion on the repo, but nobody answers those much.

    What is with Steam's shading cache updates nowadays?

    For the past few months or so, steam precaching has been out of control. I have to download between 10 and 30 GB of shader precache data per day. That is extremely ridiculous. Steam's shader caches are quite often almost as large as the game itself. For example: the image here is a game that is ~7GB for the full game, downloading 10GB of shader precache. If I download an average of 30GB of shaders per day, then that is almost 1TB of data downloaded written per month just in shaders...

    Not to mention that games I play regularly like CS2 get a precache update literally every 2 days that is 5-10GB and if I manage to cancel it, there is 0 difference in performance at all.

    Also fossilize replay that takes 20%-50% CPU load, sometimes for an hour and is the single highest user of disk IO on my entire system. I would be concerned about SSD wear if it was during the early times of ssd just because of the massive amount of writes.

    I'm all for downloading shader precaching, but at normal intervals of after updates, not just randomly every few days when there hasn't been a game update in months or years. I don't want to delete all of my games because I only have 100/30 internet, so it would take me a long time too redownload games.

    Has anyone else been seeing these ridiculous intervals and datasets of shader cache? Could there at least be a selective pre-caching setting only for games that I play regularly so I am not caching shaders for games that I haven't played in 2 years?

    Home Network Setup Advice (WiFi & home server)

    Hey everyone,

    There is no real "homenetworking" community like there was on reddit so I thought I would try my luck here.

    I live in a 130m^2 house (~1500sqft) that is being completely stripped. That means I am putting in 12-14 Ethernet jacks in the rooms that might need it and have to completely redo my home network setup.

    It is a house from the 1950s in belgium, so 21cm thick internal brick walls, a bit thicker concrete floors on the 2 levels. It is essentially a square (8m x 9m outer dimensions), and most of the advice on the internet is built for sprawling American wood houses which have completely different absorption of wireless signals. It has central stairs and essentially 4 rooms, 2 on either side with the kitchen in the back being bigger.

    The little advice that I have seen is "brick walls -> get a bunch of access points" but that doesn't sit right with me.

    1. Currently we are using a Proximus (our ISP) modem/router in the northwest most far corner or the house and still get weak signal (enough for lower quality videos like Instagram reels) all the way in the southeast corner on the 2nd floor. It goes through 2 brick walls, a concrete floor, and a door and we can still use WiFi 6. Intuitively I would then set up something like an Asus rt-ax58u or a zenwifi XT8 mounted to the staircase wall or in the hallway in the center of the house. I don't know if that would be strong enough to reach everything we need, but it seems better to me than a router in each corner and blasting channel noise at our neighbors' houses since in belgium there isn't much side-garden if any.

    2. I have a home server running a variety of local and internet-facing services for myself and family. Due to ease of wiring, I would prefer running modem -> TP-SG1SG016DE -> Wireless Router and using an Asus router. Would the TPlink kind-of-managed-switch be able to isolate the modem fron the rest of the network and just run it to my router to use the LAN of the router for the rest of the ports on my switch? It has port isolation functionality, so I assume so. Then I don't have to run double Ethernet to the hall.

    I want to go with Asus because I hear that they generally have more features than other brands. I for sure need port forwarding, QoS, disabling PnP, assigning static IP, and NAT loopback if possible so that local access of services doesn't have to go through cloudflare and can go directly to my reverse proxy. My TPlink Archer A7 that I use now can't do NAT loopback and it makes any file transfers limited by my 5:1: asymmetrical upload speed. Also having VLANs for any cameras would be great, but I think you can do something similar via parental controls on an ASUS (restricting a certain device IP's internet access.

    Would the Asus rt-ax58u or a zenwifi XT8 have the festures that I would need for my simpleish home server?

    Thanks for the help!

    Edit: Tl;dr since nobody reads this long of a post:

    • I am running Ethernet (cat6) to every room. Modern laptops as well as phones have no Ethernet port, so I need wifi

    • I am looking at 1 wireless router, no "mesh" bs at all. The advice of overstuffing a small house full of a dozen access points is overkill and detrimental to performance without power and channel usage tuning.

    • I have specific features I want in a router, can one of the listed ones do all of that like NAT loopback?

    [SOLVED} I am struggling getting my Arc A380 working on my headless debian 12 server.

    Hello everyone,

    I am trying to get my new A380 working on jellyfin for transcoding. My setup is headless so I have no X server or wayland installed.

    I am running debian 12 bookworm with backported ZFS and kernel:

    Linux Kiruna 6.4.0-0.deb12.2-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.4.4-3~bpo12+1 (2023-08-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux

    According to everything I found, there is no need for any extra drivers as Intel card drivers are baked into the kernel and functional on 6.2+

    I have followed the documentation regarding intel GPUs and added both /dev/dri and /dev/dri/renderD128 to my devices in jellyfin and restarted.

    Executing vainfo in the container space returns this:

    Trying display: drm libva info: VA-API version 1.19.0 libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/lib/dri/ libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_19 libva error: /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/lib/dri/ init failed libva info: va_openDriver() returns 1 libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/lib/dri/ libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_19 libva error: /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/lib/dri/ init failed libva info: va_openDriver() returns -1 vaInitialize failed with error code -1 (unknown libva error),exit

    vainfo on the main device sudo vainfo --display drm --device /dev/dri/card0 returns the same thing even though this command should work on headless servers.

    executing docker exec -it jellyfin /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -v verbose -init_hw_device vaapi=va -init_hw_device opencl@va

    for checking OpenCL gives this:

    ffmpeg version 5.1.3-Jellyfin Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 11 (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) configuration: --prefix=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg --target-os=linux --extra-libs=-lfftw3f --extra-version=Jellyfin --disable-doc --disable-ffplay --disable-ptx-compression --disable-static --disable-libxcb --disable-sdl2 --disable-xlib --enable-lto --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-shared --enable-gmp --enable-gnutls --enable-chromaprint --enable-libdrm --enable-libass --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libbluray --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libdav1d --enable-libwebp --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libzvbi --enable-libzimg --enable-libfdk-aac --arch=amd64 --enable-libsvtav1 --enable-libshaderc --enable-libplacebo --enable-vulkan --enable-opencl --enable-vaapi --enable-amf --enable-libmfx --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-cuda --enable-cuda-llvm --enable-cuvid --enable-nvdec --enable-nvenc libavutil 57. 28.100 / 57. 28.100 libavcodec 59. 37.100 / 59. 37.100 libavformat 59. 27.100 / 59. 27.100 libavdevice 59. 7.100 / 59. 7.100 libavfilter 8. 44.100 / 8. 44.100 libswscale 6. 7.100 / 6. 7.100 libswresample 4. 7.100 / 4. 7.100 libpostproc 56. 6.100 / 56. 6.100 [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55e4877d54c0] Trying to use DRM render node for device 0. [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55e4877d54c0] libva: VA-API version 1.19.0 [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55e4877d54c0] libva: Trying to open /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/lib/dri/ [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55e4877d54c0] libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_19 [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55e4877d54c0] libva: /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/lib/dri/ init failed [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55e4877d54c0] libva: va_openDriver() returns 1 [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55e4877d54c0] libva: Trying to open /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/lib/dri/ [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55e4877d54c0] libva: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_19 [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55e4877d54c0] libva: /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/lib/dri/ init failed [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55e4877d54c0] libva: va_openDriver() returns -1 [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55e4877d54c0] Failed to initialise VAAPI connection: -1 (unknown libva error). Device creation failed: -5. Failed to set value 'vaapi=va' for option 'init_hw_device': Input/output error Error parsing global options: Input/output error

    I also have under environment this option:

    - DOCKER_MODS=linuxserver/mods:jellyfin-opencl-intel

    because I am using the version of jellyfin.

    Starting a show with hardware encoding then enables (VAAPI or QSV) results in "This client isn't compatible with the media and the server isn't sending a compatible media format." so hardware encoding definitely isn't working.

    Does anyone have any idea if this is because I don't have a display driver installed? According to FFMPEG it shouldn't need an X server environment

    Solution 5 months later:

    After a lot of debuging, giving up, and starting again recently. I noticed that intel GuC was loading on start but HuC was not. I ended up having to download the entire linux firmware git repo, extracting the i915 folder and dropping it in my /usr/lib/firmware/.

    Now it works perfectly!

    Home Improvement JustEnoughDucks
    Help with Ideas to make a concrete slab into a temporary kitchen countertop?

    Hey everyone!

    We are renovating our atelier to be a temporary house while we completely strip and redo the main house for a few years.

    One thing I am really struggling with is how to make a large 255cm x 65cm dirty concreate workbench into a kitchen countertop for 2 years or so.

    We are based in Belgium, so wood prices are about 2x what they are in the US (250cm x 125cm OSB board is 50€ or so).

    The height is already quite high for a countertop (for me and my girlfriend it is perfect) so adding a thick slab of butcher block or something would make it unusable.

    I don't really know what my options are. Maybe a wood veneer? Some sort of cheap-ish tile?

    We used some iron-on white to finish the edge of our custom sink cabinet made from some old office cupboards, maybe there are larger ones like that that would work for concrete?

    We are trying to stay below 2cm thickness. Idealy 0.5cm or so, but that would be difficult.

    If anyone has any ideas to throw out, we would be open to it! It is just temporary, so it doesn't have to last more than a few years


    Edit: I realized I didn't have any good pictures of the bench itself since it always took a back seat, but here are a few bad ones to give an idea from in the beginning

    Where to get stainless steel barbells and other equipment in the EU?

    Hey guys, I have been looking at building a home gym (possibly outdoors) in my new house we are renovating.

    I want to get back into lifting as it has been about 4 years since I did it seriously.

    I was looking at bars and the market here is ridiculout it seems. I can't find a single stainless steel bar for under 475€($520). The Ohio bar is one of the cheaper ones at 550€ instead of $370. Of course I get why it is more expensive for an import bar, but I literally can't find any bar here non-imported that says that it is stainless steel that isn't calibrated and insanely expensive (550€+)

    The difference here betweeen cerakote and stainless is even greater (>100€ in some cases).

    I was hoping to just get a second hand rack, some basics weights, and a barbell for around 1000€ or so, but it looks like I would have to spend at least 2000€ to get any kind of setup. Cage here are 850€ or so on the lower end just by themselves.

    I am looking at,,, but I don't really know what are the best bang for your buck options.

    It looks like one of those sites has a 340€ stainless steel ATX bar, but I don't know if that is a reliable brand.

    Anyone in the EU with any advice?

    Sometimes this game just decides to dump on you

    I just started playing rimworld a week ago.

    My first colony all died. I was researching drug policy and starting geothermal and blowback weapons, I was getting raided every couple of days and had 0 wind so I had to prioritize those. Suddenly, the plague infects 5 of my 6 people. 2 people survive with the least skills. Cassandra: Adventure difficulty. I followed all of the healing and rest guides and 1 person with the plague survived. This first time I got a few turtles and had major problems with 300+ turtles eating all of my food and unable to slaughter them as fast as they were spawning

    I started a new colony also with Cassabdra: Adventure difficulty. I just reached the exact same point. Drug policy not done, this time not even geothermal or blowback done (so I would say early game). Plague. This time only 2 out of 6 die. Not bad. I survived.

    NOPE: 2 days later, nuclear fallout and everyone has to stay inside for what? Months? Luckily I have only 1 turtle so I have 1000 rice and 1000 various meats built up in my much larger freezer with a open door chimney. Should be able to wait it out.

    NOPE: the second day of fallout I had a multi-day solar flare knocking out all of my fridges.

    Luckily the power came back before all of the meat spoiled and I got a mad muffalo for extra food.

    I still don't know how to protect my chickens in the pen because I can't set a zone, but they seem to by chance sleep under the roof every few days and reduce their radiation. I don't have the available power or components to switch to indoor farming with sunlamps (and hydroponics not researched yet) so I might be screwed if my food runs out.

    I read online "plague is a very unlucky roll early-mid game" and I got it twice in a row lol. Plus a toxic fallout immediately after. Sometime this game just decides to come and get you.

    Should you never make a root partition anymore?

    I have been upgrading after a few weeks of being too busy too. I constantly now run out of space on my 50GB root partition even when running -Sc after every update and reboot to make sure everything works...

    It really is crazy that there is no option to put all the programs on another partition than root unless you make a separate partition for /usr that will somehow foresee what you will install in the future.

    My /usr with all of my programs installed is 29GB and /var takes up 10 GB. That leaves just 10GB for everything else.

    I have just followed the partitioning advice since my first 2016 install, but in the past few years, everything has just ballooned in size it seems and is now always a problem every few years no matter how big you make your root partition.

    Is there a better solution for this? Can we place /usr files managed through managers in /home? I think that is against the pacman/yay way of working.

    How does the difference in 6%/21% tax for bouw/verbouw work?

    Good morning everyone,

    My girlfriend and I are renovating our first house.we are busy with demolition and cleaning stuff right now, but we are also planning out our entire budget and getting offers for a new bathroom and such.

    I hear all the time what a cost difference building and renovation is, but I can't see how it works in practice.

    If I go on a webshop to buy dust masks for example, I am charged the full VAT. International companies like Conrad won't gave an option for less tax, but it would make sense to get it there if it is already 25% cheaper than a store here, all tax excluded.

    If I go to something like SACK, they give one price that includes whatever tax they choose it to be (then pocket the difference, we actually had it happen where we got an offer, we said it was above our budget, and they said "oh I spoke to my manager and just for you we can give you a 15% discount" within 10 minutes of the email. Sure...)

    If I go to a bouwmaterialen store or a groothandel for electrical, do I have to specifically tell them that I am doing a verbouw?

    I am not sure how this works in practice.

    Thanks guys!

    Does anyone else enjoy mediocre work coffee machine coffee?

    It's weird. I have been working from the office 5 days a week instead of the normal 2-3 days for a few months.

    Now I only get to have my nice V60 coffee on the weekends because my 1 hour to 1h15 commute time takes up too much time.

    I end up using the work coffee machine, which does grind whole beans for my coffee at work. It is very inconsistant. The same setting often gives either watery coffee or overextracted coffee depending on how it feels that minute.

    It has made me really enjoy and savor my weekend coffee much more than when I was having good coffee every day. Like the contrast made me realize how good it already was without chasing a better grinder/better water/better methods.

    Does anyone else have this sort of experience?

    Headless server hardware transcoding without X or Wayland?

    Hey lemmings,

    I have a headless server that works beautifully. B450 with 2700X and 32GB of micron 3200MHz RAM.

    I am currently running Debian 12 Bookworm on it. I am at kernel 6.1, but in preparation for 6.2 or 6.3 being backlogged, I want to buy an Arc A380 for transcoding since they are only 150€ here. Software was fine for a single video stream, but I bought a new house and will have 4 camera streams running. Plus I want to dabble in AV1 transcoding for media or storage of my camera streams

    Currently there is neither X nor Wayland installed since it is exclusively with SSH that I do all of my work on it. After I install the GPU, I was wondering if it is possible to not even install X or Wayland since I will literally never use a display on it?

    Would I still be able to do Jellyfin and Frigate transcoding without an X server? If I have to get one, does it matter if I choose X or Wayland for hardware transcoding?


    JustEnoughDucks JustEnoughDucks
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