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Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.
  • Third parties really don't matter. You have one vote which is against the guy who will do his part for Project 2025 (end democracy -- and Democrats -- and install a one-party autocratic state, who doesn't even have to pretend to care what you think). And you do that by voting for the other popular guy, the Democrat.

    If you vote for a third party or you don't vote, then you do nothing to stop the rise of autocracy. Obviously, a vote for the Republican is a vote to accelerate the one-party autocracy process. So those are your options.

    Third parties only act as spoilers in FPTP elections, and the campaign machines for both major parties regard and will regard them as such.

    Ross Perot ran for President as an independent as a third party candidate getting 18% of the vote and none of the EC, and is the record holder for the largest share by a third-party presidential candidate.

  • To those of you with nothing to hide: One day you might have. Because you don’t make the rules.
  • We Americans commit (more or less) three felonies a day. It used to be at least three felonies a day when violation of a website's TOS was a violation of the CFAA (which can land you 25 years). If you're a little girl, the DA is probably not going to prosecute, even if you were naughty and downloaded a song illegally.

    But here's the thing: Officials (especially sheriffs lately, and their deputies) are big in coveting your land and your wife and your other liquidatable assets. Heck, if you have some loose cash lying around, all of US law enforcement is already looking to find it, locate it and confiscate it via asset forfeiture and if you get in the way of their prize, well they're sheepdogs, and you're now a designated wolf.

    And so anything you do that might be even slightly illegal is useful to make a case before a judge why you should spend the next 10 / 25 / 75 years locked up in Rikers or Sing Sing. Even if it's a petty violation of the CFAA, or is so vague they have to invoke conspiracy or espionage laws, which are so intentionally broad and vague that everyone is already guilty of them.

    Typically, these kinds of laws are used when a company or industry wants to disappear someone into the justice system. The go to example is the Kim Dotcom raid, which happened January 18, 2012, conspicuously on the same day as the Wikipedia Blackout protesting against SOPA / PIPA (PS: They're still wanting to lock down the internet, which is why they want to kill Section 230).

    Kim Dotcom was hanging in his stately manor in New Zealand when US ICE agents raided his home with representatives of the MPAA and RIAA standing by. He was accused of a shotgun of US law violations, including conspiracy and CFAA violations. The gist of the volley of accusations was that he was enabling mass piracy of assets by big media companies, hence the dudes in suits from the trade orgs. His company MEGAupload hosted a lot of copyrighted content.

    Curiously -- and this informs why Dotcom is still in New Zealand -- MEGAupload had been cooperating with US law enforcement in their own efforts to stop pirates, and piracy rates actually climbed after the shutdown. Similarly, when Backpage was shut down for human trafficking charges (resulting in acquittal, later), human trafficking rates would climb as the victims were forced back to the streets.

    (But Then -- and this does get into speculation because we don't have docs, just a lot of evidence -- Dotcom had just secured a bunch of deals with hip hop artists and was going to use MEGAupload as a music distribution service that would get singles out for free and promote tours, and the RIAA really did not like this one bit which may be the actual cause of the Dotcom raid, but we can't absolutely say. The media industry really hates pirates even though they know they're not that much of a threat, but legitimate competition might be actual cause to send mercenaries in the color of US law enforcement to a foreign nation to raid the home of a rich dude.)

    What we can say is US law enforcement will make shit up to lock you away if someone with power thinks you have something it wants, and you might object to them taking it, and they have a long history of just searching people's histories (online and off) to find something for which to disappear them into the federal and state penal systems. After all, the US has more people (per capita or total) in prison than any other nation in the world, and so it's easy to get lost in there.

    So yeah, you absolutely have secrets to hide.

  • Progress 🙂
  • HAWT!

  • architecrule
  • I spent a lot of time in the boywife kitchen, but the abortion pantry just has snacks. I guess we sleep in the Sex Before Marriage Lounge? I'd swap the Gay Room and the Estrogen Lab. I surf Lemmy and do more science in the Gay Room, and my sweetheart hangs out in the Estrogen Lab.

    The bathroom is trans, yes. There's a second (cis) bathroom.

  • rule
  • It was the everyone has sex planet where tripping over a botanical hot tent was a capital crime, which the Enterprise crew thought was a tad extreme once a law was broken and Wesley had to die.

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • Is it your intention to appeal to law? Here in the states, extrajudicial detention and torture by state actors is legal. Does that make it right?

    Do you think the copyright term of life + 70 years is fair to the public? Do you know how we got here?

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • That's an extremely vague question, and presumes that any art is de facto intellectual property.

    It also presumes that anyone has access to the institution that defines and enforces intellectual property.

    Also, intellectual property isn't a real thing, but you don't want to read too many words, so you'll have to figure that out for yourself.

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • The notion of the latter informs the former. The public domain is intellectual property rights of the people. Restricting the public domain takes that away.

  • Removed
    What's the best possible justification for vandalizing a library?
  • on one hand, it's really hard to get the attention of the folks responsible for relief in Gaza / giving massacre weapons to the IDF, and so egging Van Goghs (protected from eggs) and spray-painting Stonehenge (with cornflour) helps when it makes news.

    But yes, some people will not consider destruction as a negative. Since Libraries in the US are a public service already in jeopardy from right-wing officials, I would lower it on my potential target list.

    I'm also a terrible cynic. I suspect the same apathy and inaction by our policymakers informs the apathy and inaction being taken regarding imminent great filters. As a species, were just not prepared to organize for international humanitarian crises even when they affect nations we like, and certainly won't when they start overwhelming responding forces.

    Your library got 12-Monkied.

  • 451 rule
  • Isn't there a cheetah bot that can burn a good clip. Dunno what its carrying capacity is, but I remember it could out run puny protestors.

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • Not in the US or the EU. If you make music in the States, then RCA or Sony owns your content, not you, and when they decide they've paid you enough (which is much less than they're getting) then they still own your stuff. Also, if you make an amazing film or TV series ( examples: Inception, Firefly ) and the moguls don't like it, they'll make sure it tanks or at least doesn't get aftermarket support, which is why Inception doesn't have any video games tie-ins, despite being a perfect setting for video games.

    Artists are empowered in their ability to produce art. If they have to worry about hunger and shelter, then they make less art, and art narrowly constrained to the whims of their masters. Artists are not empowered by the art they've already made, as that has to be sold to a patron or a marketing institution.

    No, we'd get more and better art by feeding and housing everyone (so no one has to earn a living ) and then making all works public domain in the first place.

    Intellectual property is a construct, and it's corruption even before it was embedded in the Constitution of the United States has only assured that old art does not get archived.

    I think yes, an artist needs to eat, which is why most artists (by far) have to wait tables and drive taxicabs and during all that time on the clock, not make art. The artists not making art far outnumber the artists that get to make art. And a small, minority subset of those are the ones who profit from art or even make a living from their art, a circumstance that is perpetually precarious.

    But I also think the public needs a body of culture, and as the Game of Thrones era showed us, culture and profit run at odds. The more expensive art is, the more it's confined to the wealthy, and the less it actually influences culture. Hence we should just feed, clothe and home artists along with everyone else, whether or not they produce good or bad art. And we'll get culture out of it.

    You can argue that a world of guaranteed meals and homes is not the world we live in, but then I can argue that piracy (and other renegade action) absolutely is part of the world we live in and will continue to thrive so long as global IP racketeering continues. Thieves and beggars, never shall we die.

  • Arizona toddler rescued after getting trapped in a Tesla with a dead battery | The Model Y’s 12-volt battery, which powers things like the doors and windows, died
  • Whenever essential functions (e.g. access) are powered, they're supposed to have manual overrides. I'm pretty sure this is a regulatory requirement even here in the States where we're stupid and regulatory agencies are mostly captured.

    So WTF happened, Tesla? Where's the manual override for when the battery fails?

  • Oh DO you now? 🙄
  • Yes. And to let them know you don't particularly resent their choice of using a non-standard browser.

  • Oh DO you now? 🙄
  • Yes but install a cute banner. We didn't test for compatibility with your browser. We're sorry! You may continue to use your browser, but you may get errors and see all the subliminal advertising to buy more of our fine prducts!

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • When it comes to capitalist macroeconomics, as I understand it, wealth disparity is one of the big decay factors the government is supposed to monitor and correct for. Mind you, I learned MacEc in the mid 1980s but even after theory shifted from national economies to globalist economics (the free(-er) trade movement of the 1990s) wealth distribution, and the bow of that graph was supposed to be kept shallow.

    There are a lot of ways to restore some balance, such as taxing rich people and investing in welfare programs and social safety nets. In the case of freelance musicians (and freelance investments, which allowed people of lower income classes to invest sooner) these are just paradigm changes that allowed more people to participate, with the expectation that more people would be moderately successful rather than a few people being ostentatiously successful. Fewer Bruce Springsteens, more John Coultons. This wasn't contrived by government though, so it's more of a happy accident.

    And yes, Marx in Das Kapital notes that the ownership class invariably captures government and regulation which ends efforts to keep wealth more evenly distributed so we have situations like now (or like the Great Depression, a century ago) where a few people own almost everything and aren't willing to let it go, even though the only thing they can do by hoarding their wealth is accumulate more wealth. And history has continued to bear this out, and to show that a well-regulated capitalist system is only temporary at best, which has driven me to believe we have to figure out something better.

    Post-scarcity communism would be ideal, but we haven't yet worked out how to get there from here, and really I'd be happy for anything that doesn't turn into a one-party plutocrat-controlled autocracy held together by fascism and a nationalist war effort.

    And sure, economics is a soft science so this is all just someone's opinion, though the someones in this case are multiple smart historical figures who actually thought about it a bit. I'm not an economist, so I rely on experts who are.

    PS: This is my attempt to either find common ground, or to lay plain what my position is and where it comes from. I'm not invested in you adopting it, but if you want me to consider a different one, I'll need cause to do so.

  • Gay Water Rule
  • I said what I said.

  • Tobacco-like warning label for social media sought by US surgeon general who asks Congress to act
  • Well, the California example is about too many PSA warning labels. So many things are known by the State of California to cause cancer that no-one takes heed of the labels anymore. Similarly Nancy Reagan's anti-drug campaign (and Tipper Gore's parental advisory music labels) only encouraged kids to do more drugs and listen to angrier music.

    So it's not that kids will smoke more (or much more) it's that the labels will be more easily ignored when the government fails to be sparing in their use.

    In an non-government example, when everything is a sin, then nothing is a sin.

  • They're Usually Shredded Alive Rule :(
  • And why not think about turtles? I ask. 🐢

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • That's rather dismissive. Also vague. Are you saying that the notion that wealth disparity is bad is just some guy's opinion, or that you're not supposed to be able to get rich being a movie star (or a private equity investor, or a hedge fund manager, or a California gold miner)?

    Usually when people are vague and terse, I assume they're losing interest in the conversation. It's okay to walk away.

  • LGBTQ+ uriel238
    My beautiful child...
    LGBTQ+ uriel238
    I knew it!
    LGBTQ+ uriel238
    ...and giving it to the Frost Giants
    LGBTQ+ uriel238
    The abs that shook the pillars of civilization

    Moldy Monday continues.

    LGBTQ+ uriel238
    The Summoning
    LGBTQ+ uriel238
    It ALL makes sense now.

    Moldy Month of June goes on.

    LGBTQ+ uriel238
    Oh Hell No.
    LGBTQ+ uriel238
    Pride Frogs

    Not OC.

    If I'm the one responsible for posting Pride memes for June, then every day will be moldy Monday.

    Oglaf: Wrath

    Oglaf from a couple Sundays ago. ( source ). Less about the issue of theism so much as theocratic rule, but applicable to past and present.

    Classic Rule-X erasure

    I think a couple years later, they posted one that included us. As a fellow GenX noted, this kind of erasure is totally on brand for us.

    Headline rules

    I think this was from before the generative AI boom, so they've a high bar to surmount.

    A rule boy

    But deep down isn't human flesh something we all want?

    Gaia's fine rule

    I like big rules, I cannot lie.

    uriel238 uriel238
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