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All Proton Drive apps are now open source
  • There are very few companies where I feel the subscription fee I'm paying is really, really, worth it.

    Proton is one of them.


  • New York City is the only city in America (or maybe the world) where people are expected to have a general understanding of the geography in casual conversation.
  • We did listen to Beastie Boys over here too you know.

    (So there are only five boroughs)

  • Trump praises Russia's military record in argument to stop funding Ukraine's fight
  • Trump doesn't know the difference between the Soviet Union and Russia.

    Because that's what Putin wants his minions to believe.

    Ukraine were largely the force that defeated the Nazis on the east front in WWII - not Russia. Both were however part of the Soviet Union at the time.

  • YouTube Premium is getting a big price hike internationally
  • They've figured out that it's impossible to have children today without paying for Youtube Premium Family ...

  • Trump Shows Signs of Strength in Sun Belt Battlegrounds, Polls Find
  • I'm sure New York Times made sure to poll few enough people to get what they wanted with their ... checks article ...

    The margin of error in each state is between four and five percentage points.

    So, Statistics 101, which surely no journalist has ever taken, says we can't say anything about anyone leading anyone else here.

    Ok then.

  • Telegram will disclose users' IP adresses and phone numbers to authorities, Durov says
  • Just clarifying for the ones who don't know: Element is a Matrix client.

  • Iceland: Police shoot 1st polar bear sighted in years
  • You're absolutely correct. Since we stopped allowing hunting* the number of polar bears has grown consistently.

    Historically, overhunting was the polar bears’ greatest threat. From the 1800s up through the 1960s, commercial and later sport hunters greatly reduced polar bear numbers. Populations rebounded in most places after the five polar bear nations signed the International Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears. The Agreement halted commercial hunting and significantly curtailed sport hunting.

    *) with caveats, as the article is really about

  • What is your favorite extinction event, and why?
  • The Oxygen catastrophe. Without it I wouldn't exist.

  • Iceland: Police shoot 1st polar bear sighted in years
  • ... and yet they survived the last interglacial, warmer than ours, with no sea ice in the arctic during summer.

  • Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it?
  • It's on my new VW ID.7 in Europe at least. Drove during dark for the first time a few weeks ago and it was pretty amazing seeing the matrix headlights "sculpt" the light around other cars.

    Distracting in the beginning, but you get used to it.

  • Iceland: Police shoot 1st polar bear sighted in years
  • Polar bears live on land.

  • Palworld maker vows to fight Nintendo lawsuit on behalf of fans and indie developers
  • All of the statements in the claim need to be fulfilled - so while that if looks correct it's only a very small part of the actions described. Example:

    in association with selecting, based on a selection operation,[...], wherein the boarding object is selected among a plurality of types of objects that the player character owns;

  • Palworld maker vows to fight Nintendo lawsuit on behalf of fans and indie developers
  • IANAL - but I've worked for Big Company and have gone through the patent process a few times. A patent isn't what's written in the supporting text and abstract. It's only the exact thing written out in the claims.

    First claim from the patent the abstract is from:

    1. A non-transitory computer-readable storage medium having stored therein a game program causing a computer of an information processing apparatus to provide execution comprising:

      controlling a player character in a virtual space based on a first operation input;

      in association with selecting, based on a selection operation, a boarding object that the player character can board and providing a boarding instruction, causing the player character to board the boarding object and bringing the player character into a state where the player character can move, wherein the boarding object is selected among a plurality of types of objects that the player character owns;

      in association with providing a second operation input when the player character is in the air, causing the player character to board an air boarding object and bringing the player character into a state where the player character can move in the air; and

      while the player character is aboard the air boarding object, moving the player character, aboard the air boarding object, in the air based on a third operation input.

    Exactly everything described above must be done in that exact same way for there to be an infringement.

  • Climate Crisis Is the Defining Issue of Our Time. Where Was It at the Debate?
  • the fate of our entire planet


    Climate change is real. We're currently causing changes that otherwise wouldn't have happened/wouldn't have happened as quickly.

    But neither are we going extinct nor is the planet in any danger.

    Let's keep to the science.

  • Trump says all we need to do is turn on a "giant faucet" to solve California drought
  • Southwestern USA had drought periods lasting hundreds of years in recent history. That's normal for the region. And we think we should pack a few tens of million people there and treating ground water as infinitely renewable.

    Solar power + desalination en masse or gtfo ...

  • Locked Removed
    I guess even Elon has his limit
  • Well I mean murdering someone breaks the very definition of libertarianism so you can be very sure they're just using that moniker because it fits whatever they're really trying to accomplish.

    the maximum freedom for each individual to follow his own ways, his own values, as long as he doesn't interfere with anybody else who's doing the same.

    But you're absolutely right that a lot of people who are today clearly cheering for fascists used to call themselves libertarians.

  • A study found that a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia would kill more than 5 billion people – just from starvation
  • Oh nobody's denying that there aren't academics who easily fall for Russian propaganda. I mean, even Carl Sagan fell for the one where all this started.

    That doesn't change that we now know better.

  • A study found that a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia would kill more than 5 billion people – just from starvation
  • Today's nuclear arsenals won't kill billions. Russia is behind that propaganda.

  • troed troed
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