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  • Time for my funny story!

    At my University, the CIS department had a bunch of really expensive SGI servers (Origin 2000's) together in a server room that was kept at some chilly temp, 50° or 60° or something (nothing crazy). One weekend the power went out, and while the CIS department had battery backup for the machines, facilities didn't have battery backup for the A/C. They said, afterward, that the temperature in the room climbed by 200°F within a dozen minutes, and all of the SGIs crashed. The hard drives in those were designed to be spun up exactly once - the machines, once powered up, were never powered down - and the abrupt shut down ruined all the disks. I don't know what it cost to replace them, but it was a minor financial scandal.

    I loved SGI at the time. SGI shipped that model in these giant, 8'x4'x4' crates, on which they printed "TERMINATOR - THIS SIDE UP ⬆️", which in the 90's was hilarious.

    A bonus, related power outage story: once a friend of our's was working on her graduate thesis; she was a graphics artist, so it was a CGI animation she'd build on a NeXTSTEP desktop. A few days before submission, some drunk ran his pickup truck into a power line pole in the middle of the night and killed the power in the off-campus housing where she lived and was currently working on her almost-complete program. The surge wiped her project - again, mid-90's, disk was expensive, tape was even more expensive, and few people did backups regularly. She was set back several months and had to submit a really early version of the film. That wasn't a funny story; it was a traumatic experience for her, and we all felt terrible about it.

    Those really were some wild-west days, though, and there was some seriously sexy, entirely unaffordable, hardware out there, before everything went beige. NeXTSTEP and SGI workstations were the pinnacle of style, but even Sun offerings had some pizzaz. It wasn't until Jobs came back to Apple that computers started getting style again.

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