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How to make a company not suck

I've been thinking about enshitification recently, and I'm also working on a startup with a friend that just received funding. I've been wondering how one might arrange a business such that it won't gradually trend towards shittier products in search of higher profit margins.

Obviously, it would be nice to redesign all of society so that this isn't a thing, but barring that, does anyone have any ideas for setting up a business in such a way that motivations are aligned with producing a good product?

Currently, we're trying to retain as much control as possible, but at some point we may go public, and if we do, I'm not sure how to keep us aimed at accomplishing our goals. We're building a platform that should solve or at least improve the replication crisis in scientific research, and we could lose control to investors that want board seats, or sell to someone like Google.

If we do either, I doubt the company will do what we want it to do in the long term.

Going public is the route that seems less likely to lead to this change in direction, but it seems like it could end in the same place over a long enough timeline.

Help me come up with some doctrine for a small society in my game.
  • Maybe he doesn't want them all dead, but he regularly abducts and dissects individuals who catch his attention. One is of specific interest, but has never been caught because the mongrelfolk are protecting it.

  • Help me come up with some doctrine for a small society in my game.
  • Make them live in terrible conditions, and look like monsters at first glance. This way your players will react to them as standard dungeons & dragons monsters, by which I mean kill them all. Afterwards, they find council chambers, crude medical facilities, nurseries, etc that imply that their society was surprisingly egalitarian and had a budding democratic government.

    Give just enough of a hint beforehand so that they could have resolved things peacefully if they had been paying attention.

    If harming your players emotionally is the goal.

  • Harry Potter and the Transgender Problem
  • But I've also seen some articles suggesting that there isn't an inherent physical strength advantage between men and women to begin with. Basically men typically start with more muscle but men and women typically build muscle similarly.

    Men have something like 20x more testosterone than women, and testosterone has a massive impact on strength and endurance.

  • Name & shame. :)
  • We're providing review assistance and some types of automated replication to publishers for a yearly rate, and planning to sell subscriptions to individual researchers for $50 /mo.

  • Name & shame. :)
  • I started a business with a friend to automatically identify things like this, fraud like what happened with Alzheimer's research, and mistakes like missing citations. If anyone is interested, has contacts or expertise in relevant domains or just wants to talk about it, hit me up.

  • BR? BR?
  • A long time ago, I used to play a game called Tibia. Veteran players of the time knew that if someone ran up to you yelling "BR? BR?", you either knew enough Portuguese to pretend you were Brazilian, or you ran, because they would kill you immediately if you weren't from Brazil.

    Thanks for the flashback OP.

  • In our post-AI era, is job security strictly mythical? Or How to believe in careers as a concept worth doing?
  • See what Hackworth said about the robots, also, there are multiple ongoing projects that hope to change the existing construction processes enough that android-style robots won't be necessary. 3d printing houses, for example.

    The jobs that will be safe longest are those that are both physical and unpredictable/non-standardizable.

  • RAID setup for Ubuntu media server

    I recently acquired two used blade servers and a short rack to put them in. I'm planning to use one or the other as the replacement for a media server that died on me a bit ago. The old media server was just a little refurb dell workstation, with a single SSD in it, but the servers have 6 and 8 bays, respectively.

    I would like to RAID them so that one drive dying doesn't lose any of my media, and I was leaning towards Ubuntu server as an OS. I'm not sure how to do that, and I'm kind of poking around for info and advice. Hit me with it.

    Political Memes blackstampede
    I'm just assuming this is true
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