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Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • I just tell them to google first thing to do after installing Fedora and say "follow the guide except 'fastest mirror' just ignore." Hasn't failed anyone yet, and since I didn't have anyone to help me it is what I did when I was new, except I've learned the fastest mirror part since then, so I pass along that knowledge.

    Actually I think I may try and write up a script that'll do all this for them, and make it even easier. I already have like half of it in my "new install" script but they don't need all my packages.

  • How Sweden's youth homes nurtured killers, creating Europe's gun crime capital
  • Coulda went with murder trains or something less racist, really. Pretty fucked up dude.

    Suuuree suuure which evil fascist dictator did it is really the point, ignore the "fascist" bit, that's in the past, and ignore the "current" bit too because that would be admitting you have a problem and you can't do that, you have to pretend you're perfect, because you have nothing going for you other than white aryan Europeen "supremacy."

    You're a reactionary, nationalistic, delusional, and seemingly racist person, seek help.

  • How Sweden's youth homes nurtured killers, creating Europe's gun crime capital
  • Whoops my bad, that was Mussolini, Italy is in the EU too though and so was Franco's Spain. I hear they still have a problem with fascists too, weird trend developing here. Btw fucking wild you'd say "animal trains," of course they also compared Jewish people to animals so I shouldn't be surprised, I guess that's why you're brushing the whole current nazi problem aside.

    And wait I thought we could only talk shit and pretend our countries are the best, which the US is and it's perfect, there are no problems. (That's you, that's what you sound like.)

  • How Sweden's youth homes nurtured killers, creating Europe's gun crime capital
  • Hmm the Germans don't keep the trains running on time anymore? Interesting, you'd think if they kept one thing from 1933-1945 it would have been that instead of the literal nazi police members they still have. Strange. Funny you guys also have one of the sex trafficking capitols of the world, Romania. Btw of how are the UK racists who insist that "they hate the 'gypsies' for their culture" which is exactly what the racists say over here about the "thugs" and their "rap music?"

    Foh lmao, we both have problems and you're just as delusional as the nationalistic dickheads I'm always bitching at over here, but you pick an area the size of one of our states to be nationalistic about which lets be real is fucking sad.

  • How Sweden's youth homes nurtured killers, creating Europe's gun crime capital
  • Oh I complain about the US a lot, as does everyone here on lemmy and everyone I know IRL, but europeens think they can feel superior for being little middle of the road countries the size of Michigan and forget we're the size of the whole ass EU meaning that's the correct comparison, which your "superiority" just doesn't cover. Sure, NL may be fine, just try to be a black guy in the wrong berlin neighborhood though, I've heard some interesting stories about the "totally not nazi" police there. I also hear France is becoming Nazis, and sweden has a lot of gun crime and the occasional grenade attack, we don't even have those in America lol, certainly sounds like we all have enough problems, but nope, you idiots have to pretend you're better because deep down you know you'll never be. Oh well.

  • How Sweden's youth homes nurtured killers, creating Europe's gun crime capital
  • Of course, plenty of good happens here too, it's just that it doesn't fit the "if it bleeds it leads" business model so you never hear about it. Some areas here are just as safe as some areas of europe, some areas of europe are just as unsafe as some areas here.

    This may surprise you to learn, but the US is comparable to the size of the entire EU, and as a result there are similar variances in safety between the two.

    Er, I mean, US GOOD EUROPE BAD. Did I fill my role correctly there after that silly nuance break?

  • ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for 06/26/2024

    List is up! Let's see here..

    Animal Pound #4 - Updated retelling of Animal Farm, it's fantastic.

    Rare Flavours #6 - This is the end of the road. This book has been fantastic, the art is great and so is the writing. I believe it was the same team that did The Many Deaths Of Laila Starr and I'll be following these two if they team up again. Ram V also wrote The One Hand which is a great series too.

    Blue Book 1947 #5 - I like cheesy alien stuff, sue me lol. It's about the history of UFOs in the US, aptly named. I already new most of it but they did teach me some new stuff too, and I like the B side stories in there. Last issue.

    Lester Of Lesser Gods #2 - Silly fun

    Operation Sunshine Already Dead #3 - LPOTL guys, basically vampire oceans 11, one issue after this, can't wait to see what they have next!

    William Of Newbury #2 (Of 4) - Cute raccoon monk fights demons, what's not to love? Also, there was a real guy by this name in the middle ages but I don't think he was a demon fighting monk.

    Sacrificers #9 - Man shit has been going down in this series.

    Universal Monsters Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives #3 - I'm a nerd lol. I think they're doing all the Universal Monsters which I may or may not pick up.

    w0rldtr33 #11 - Shit has been going down in this series too lol.

    Whoo! A lot of shit but a lot of shit I've been waiting on. What's on your lists?

    ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for 06/19/2024

    New list is up! Small week for me but that's alright!

    My Bad Escape From Peculiar Island #2 - It's dumb, I like dumb. I got this last week though, idk why it's on this list. Was surprised to see it last week since it wasn't on that list.

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin II Re-Evolution #2

    Man's Best #4 - I've been digging Space Homeward Bound, excited for this one.

    One Hand #5 - End of the series (maybe one more six fingers). Been good!

    What are y'all getting?

    Comic Book Storage

    I'm kinda new to collecting but as my collection grows I'm running into an issue, I need a decent way to store them.

    Currently I have two BCW plastic boxes and one of their cardboards, and at least enough comics in a stack to fill another box.

    What should I do? Should I stick with cardboard for price and use the plastic for the most valuable ones or larger runs like Ice Cream Man? Should I look into Legal size file cabinets? Some other comic furniture? I'm thinking it may be worth it.

    Taking recommendations or just "I do X," anything helps, thanks!

    ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for 06/12/2024

    This week's list is up! For me this week:

    Into The Unbeing Part One #1 - Cover looks cool, I'll probably grab this.

    Batman Gotham By Gaslight #1 (Facsimile Edition) - I like weird Batman, definitely getting this and:

    Batman Gotham By Gaslight The Kryptonian Age #1 - Because why not? 1890s Batman sounds coll

    Ain't No Grave #2 - The first one was pretty good, gonna continue this one

    Geiger #3 - I do like me some SuperFallout

    Remote Space #1 - Looks and sounds cool

    Rifters #1 - Brian Posehn's Time Cops

    Dick Tracy #2 - I dig it, usually avoid rehashed IPs but this one is ok.

    What're you pulling?

    ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for 06/05/2024

    Light week for me, thankfully, since I've had other things I needed. But still one I've been excited for!

    Minor Threats II The Fastest Way Down #3 - Minor Threats is great, Scott Hepburn's art is so detailed in strange ways that just give you a taste of the scenery, and Patton Oswalt's writing is fantastic. Can't wait for the next series already, Minor Threats: Barfly, following one of those aforementioned background elements: what appears to be a punk kid that got Goldblumed (see: The Fly.)

    Space Ghost #2 - It's no Coast to Coast but I liked issue #1, we'll see how long I stick with it.

    I Hate Fairyland #15 - I love I hate Fairyland, as confusing as that sentence sounds.

    What's on your lists?

    ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for 05/29/2024

    New list is up! Not much for me this week:

    Dawnrunner #3 - Mechs VS Eldritch Kaiju, and memories from the past. Great so far!

    Operation Sunshine Already Dead #2 - Love me some LPOTL guys.

    Grommets #1 - Honestly not what I'd usually go for, but it's Rick Remender and Brian Posehn, who apparently has been writing comics since his stand up career. I loved his stand up back in the day, so I have to pick this up.

    Six Fingers #4 - Love both this and the connecting The One Hand

    Universal Monsters Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives #2 - Classic monsters and Ram V

    w0rldtr33 #10 - This series is pretty fucking good. Honestly kinda rolled my eyes when I read the elevator pitch but checked it out and have no regrets.

    William Of Newbury #1 - Idk about this one but I'm at least gonna thumb through it, looks interesting.

    What's on your pull lists?

    ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for 05/22/2024

    Big week for me, but that's because of some back issues I'm grabbing. As for this week's releases:

    My Bad Escape From Peculiar Island #1 - Looks weird, I like weird

    Man's Best #3 - Loving Man's Best so far

    Blue Book 1947 #4 - Aliens are fun, we need more aliens, I want comics like Edd had from Ed, Edd, and Eddy!

    Bat-Man First Knight #3 - The Bat is alright, also gonna pick up a few bat back issues from the 80s while I'm there.

    White Boat #1 - Don't know much but the cover looks cool

    Blood Squad Seven #1 - Same as above

    Rook Exodus #2 - Not gonna lie I'm probably dropping this. It's neat and stuff but tbh the selling point is that it shares a universe with Geiger, and honestly I'm not sure how much I care. Probably dropping Redcoat too, same reason, though I do like that a bit more.

    What's on your lists this week?

    What is your favorite alcoholic cocktail?

    Or what has been your go to lately? I'm usually a whiskey and ginger kinda guy but I'm trying to branch out a little these days. What're you drinking?

    Currently sipping on a Paloma:

    • 1.5 oz Tequila (blanco)
    • .5oz lime juice
    • 4 oz Grapefruit soda (Jarritos today)
    • Pinch of salt
    Some questions for the AirVPN users (on linux)

    I'm running out of mullvad in 23hr, and I'm excited to have port forwarding back! Hit a small snag though: I have the acct and have Eddie running on my phone as I type this, however when it comes to my Fedora install I'm paralyzed by choice.

    Should I install:

    1. Eddie GUI,

    2. Eddie CLI,

    3. both those,

    4. or "Suite - based on our own AirVPN OpenVPN 3 library?"

    I'm pretty comfortable with CLI especially if there's docs (actually prefer it typically), so that isn't really my concern. I'd like wireguard though which I'm not sure if "suite" yet supports, and port forwarding is the most important (slsk) so that would sway my decision as well (if it's only working on Eddie gui or something, for instance.)

    My other main concern is I want the ability to auto connect to the VPN during the bootstrap, which "Suite" says it can do with bluetit, but idk if eddie CLI or GUI can do it. Would it be worth it to ditch wireguard until Suite supports it in favor of the bootstrap connection?

    Any info at all that y'all have on these clients would be much appreciated, thank you.

    Thinkpads RE: Repairability/upgradability

    I need to upgrade my laptop and one of the things I'm looking for is repairability/upgradability. I've been told thinkpads are good in this respect, how true is that? In terms of replacing batteries and memory, at least. I'm also looking at the frameworks, but those black friday deals are looking alright at lenovo.

    With that in mind, any particular series of thinkpad (L, S, whatever) I should look for? I'm hardline against nvidia but is there a reason to pick AMD over Intel (or vice versa)? They both are privacy nightmares, right? And there is no "good alternative?"

    Fedora install borked

    Hey guys my Fedora install has been giving me trouble lately, and now refuses to boot at all. For a while mullvad and firewalld refused to start on occasion so I just started manually checking at boot and starting them when need be, but now hostname.service fails and the other two fail, and the system gets hung up on some gnome doohicky and refuses to go past it to boot. Yesterday it wouldn't let me update because pipewire i686 (or is it i868? Anyway..) and gnu-utils (or something) i688668 (still can't remember the numbers) kept causing conflicts with the x86_64 versions, and the advice was to uninstall the non-x86_64 versions, but when I tried to uninstall it told me they weren't installed to begin with.

    Frankly I'm sick of it, so I'm gonna do a fresh install I guess. This brings us to my question. Currently just transferring my entire /home/ to a drive, then gonna transfer it to the new install. What, outside of that directory, should I also bring for ease of setting up the new system? And what should I specifically exclude, especially anything which would cause issues or conflicts that is in the /home/ dir? Finally, I had a bunch of what appeared to be bash related temporary garbage files, all I really need to bring from bash is .bashrc, right? The rest of those can get trashed? I should add, I'm likely just going to go with fedora again, though I am considering debian.

    Thanks for your help in advance. Didn't see my day being this but I guess it's what I'm doing.

    Naming Bash scripts Naming Bash scripts - Divisions by zero

    I have a couple bash scripts that I’ve written and been using but some need a rename, and once I came across an online list of shell scripts that you could compare against to make sure your name isn’t already “taken” by something that someone could have installed to minimize the chance of conflicts ...

    I'm crossposting this here

    A) So I can see if I know how to cross post lol

    B) To bring attention to the ! community here, as it it woefully small and could use some publicity, especially to those who can help more than the noobs seeking it out

    C) Hopefully get the answer I seek.

    ...did the crosspost work? (Ayy alright!)

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! ArcaneSlime
    Naming Bash scripts

    I have a couple bash scripts that I've written and been using but some need a rename, and once I came across an online list of shell scripts that you could compare against to make sure your name isn't already "taken" by something that someone could have installed to minimize the chance of conflicts with scripts/aliases. I can't for the life of me find that site right now and have no clue what I'd search to find it, would any of you happen to know such a site?

    IRC Clients

    Personally I used to use Pidgin, but since I moved my XMPP to Gajim because of OMEMO I have no need to stay tied to it necessarily. So I'm looking to expand my horizons, and I figured here's as good a place as any to start a discussion about Linux IRC clients.

    What do y'all use? Terminal, GUI, both?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from

    Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

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