Is this Toronto? This looks a lot like Toronto. If you're from Toronto you should know that there is a city by-law that states if a cute dog is tied to your bike and you take a picture of it and submit it to Lemmy that you then legally get to keep the dog. Just FYI.
I don't understand people that tie up their dogs like this. They're just asking for the dog to be taken. And I don't know about you, but I assume people who steal dogs don't steal them to re-home them. So why do people do this? Don't you love your dog? Wouldn't you want to prevent this entirely preventable situation if you love them? Of course, this particular photo has a whole other element of absent mindedness, so I guess they're just plain stupid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When life gives you especially cute doggos, you keep them good floofers. That dogs looking at you, asking with their eyes "you're seeing this right? This is all the time for me. If I take a nap I will dies."