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How do you cleanup post and comment history?
  • Admins can purge them (which deletes them from the local database), but I don't think users can. I'd guess the reason is that it breaks comment chains when a parent comment is physically deleted from the database.

    Eventually, deleted items go to "Permanently deleted" status, but all that does is change the title/text to "Permanently Deleted".

  • Does anyone use
  • I'm immediately suspicious of anything that says "earn crypto rewards" so that's a "no" from me.

    I just use Searx-NG as my meta search engine, and it's been pretty good.

    There's another self-hosted actual search engine (with its own dataset + crawler) but I forget its name off the top of my head. I've been looking into setting that up to experiment with.

  • Medical residents are starting to avoid states with abortion bans, data shows
  • Critically-thinking humans move out to better states leaving those who either don't think critically or who can't afford to leave. Less critical thinkers = more Republican votes and a more solid grip on power to make things worse.

    They're not out to attract critically-thinking people with these; they're trying to wear down and drive out their perceived enemies. Any deplorable who thinks "yep, this is what I want" and who decides to move there because of it is just a bonus.

    Edit: Because of the way the Senate is structured, regardless of population, each state gets two. So if, hypothetically, there's a mass exodus from these shithole states and population in better states explodes, they'll still be able to hold the Senate hostage. In the House, the number of reps per state is determined by the census every 10 years giving them a big window to control both chambers of Congress.

  • Biden Says Trump Will Not Accept 2024 Result: ‘I Promise You He Won’t’
  • “The guy is not a democrat with a small d,”

    But I am!

    (Sorry, there was a dick joke to be made, and I could not help myself)

    I get what he is saying, but the phrasing could have been better. This seems like something that could be flipped into a campaign slogan that hides the dark undertones of what it actually means.

  • What is the most downvoted post you've seen on Lemmy?
  • To be pedantic (which is the theme so far), the term"post" can also refer to a posting which would include comments.

    "I posted a comment to your post".

    That said, it's certainly not a hill I'm willing to die on lol.

  • Lemmy's major collective account cake days are coming up soon.
  • I've seen the reference a lot, but I don't understand it. At this point, I'm too afraid to ask. lol

  • Lemmy's major collective account cake days are coming up soon.
  • I totally forgot Ming-Na Wen was in that.

  • Academics and Lawmakers Slam an Industry-Funded Report by a Former US Energy Secretary Promoting Natural Gas and LNG
  • If you already look like a Bond villain, maybe don't tent your fingers in your photo-op.

  • Lemmy's major collective account cake days are coming up soon.
  • I was wondering that, actually. Many instances predate the Rexodus, but a lot of them sprung up around the same time as a result of that.

    Trying to think of some way to celebrate on my instance. Maybe a birthday hat on my site icon for the day? lol

  • Tesseract 1.3.0 "Defiant" Released 🎉🎉🎉
  • Thanks!

    Interesting about the broken Peertube federation. I'm following a few channels (mostly for testing purposes) and I did get new posts to them from PT's side and saw my votes reflected on each end. Haven't gone back and done any comparison's lately, though. That post says it hasn't worked in ~3 months. If it's a Lemmy issue, It's possible that it works for me since my instance is still on 0.18.5? If something changed with Peertube, then I may have just not noticed. Will check on that when I have some time as I'm now curious. (Update: Seems the ones I got were just from the initial fetch.)

    Regardless, yeah, like you said, they'll still embed when brought over manually.

  • Tesseract 1.3.0 "Defiant" Released 🎉🎉🎉
  • Thanks!

    Also, I've been watching The Good Place and completely read your comment in Jason's voice. Hope that's okay. 😆

  • Tesseract 1.3.0 "Defiant" Released 🎉🎉🎉

    cross-posted from:

    Finally releasing 1.3.0. I didn't quite rip it down to the studs, but it was damn close. Much of the UI has been re-written as well as a lot of the underpinning helper functions. There's a lot of changes, though most are just enhancements and polish to things that already existed in 1.2.9.

    Screenshot description: Logged into my Lemmy World account, browsing communities hosted at, and the community list is shown. Communities on I'm already subscribed to are indicated, and the check buttons allow instant subscription to those (even if LW doesn't yet know about them). Also shown is an instance selector dropdown featuring my home instance as well as instances set by the admin to appear there. At the bottom of that dropdown is a field where I can enter the domain of any Lemmy instance to browse.

    The full changelog is a beast, so I'll only post the highlights here:

    Highlights for 1.3.0

    API Compatibility

    1.3.0 "Defiant" remains fully compatible with both 0.18.x and 0.19.x. This will be the last version to support 0.18.x. Once development of 1.4.0 begins, the minimum supported API version will be 0.19.3.

    0.19.x Features Supported

    0.19 has had basic support (mostly auth) since 0.19.0 was released. In addition, 1.3.0 now offers a few more features that become available when connecting to an 0.19.x instance:

    • Scaled sort becomes available
    • Instance block becomes available
    • Instance blocks are managable through your Profile->Blocks page.
    • Cursor-based pagination is used if available but falls back to offset-based for 0.18.x


    • Whole UI has been polished. See the changelog for the full list of changes since 1.2.9
    • Removed markdown-it and all of its plugins as it was too cumbersome to extend to do some things I wanted to do and replaced it with svelte-plugin-marked. Wrote custom renderers to replicate the functionality of markdown-it-html5-embed and spoilers.
    • New community moderation capabilities (directly ban/unban users, localized modlog with quick actions)
    • Sidebar fonts are now more compact
    • Long community names are intelligently shortened where needed
    • You can now select one of several fonts to use for the UI. The default font is now Roboto.
    • New notification widget
    • Option to hide those obnoxious "anti AI" CC licenses people put on their posts/comments that they somehow think will prevent LLMs from training on their submissions. 🙄
    • Posts with URLs will now have an [Archive Link] next to them which will automatically search for that URL. Please stop commenting "Paywalled" when someone posts an article.
    • "Copy Lemmyverse Link" added to user profile menus
    • Can now change password without having to go through "forgot password" process (I swear I thought I already implemented this, but I guess it never got merged in. Oops)
    • Action bar for posts/comments is now reversible. Primarily intended for mobile when you want the vote buttons to be on the right-hand side.
    • Bugfixes: too many to list


    This deserves its own section since the search was completely revamped.

    • Search filters cleaned up and polished
    • Can now search from community or user pages which will automatically filter the search to just that community/user
    • Added a "More from {user}" option to the community menu on posts. This will search for posts/comments by that user in the current community.
    • #Hashtags are now automatically converted to search links

    Remote Instance Community Browser Revamp

    • Can now one-click subscribe to communities on remote instances
    • Your subscription status for communities is now reflected against remote instances
    • Got rid of modal to view community info. Each item is now a collapsible item; expand to see community details.
    • Admins can specify a list of instances that will pre-fill the instance selector for quick browsing. Users can enter any instance they want also.

    /instances Page

    Can now view federated instances (allowed, blocked, linked) through Tesseract. Additionally, you can filter by software (Lemmy, Kbin, etc) and keyword as well as hide dead instances.

    Each instance also has action buttons to view communities there (Lemmy only), visit the instance, view a Fediseer report for it. Dead instances are also indicated with a "thumbs-down" icon.

    Instances are considered "dead" if they haven't been pinged in > 3 days.


    • Peertube videos now embed seamlessly. You can already follow Peertube channels in Lemmy, and now they'll show as a feed of embeds.
    • Embeds now only render when they're in the viewport. Once an embed is out of the viewport, the iframe is destroyed and removed from the DOM. This saves a LOT of memory.
    • Can enable an option to show alt text as a caption on images in markdown (not post images, but images in the post body and coments).

    Feed & Posts

    • Added buttons on community avatars to quick subscribe/unsubscribe (ok, saw that Photon did that and implemented it almost exactly the same. Sue me).
    • "Explore" menu is now "Instances" menu. Instance-specific options are here such as Fediseer reports, block that instance (0.19+), and browse communities there.
    • Infinite scroll is now the default.

    Post Creation

    In addition to the polish and cleanup, the form to create posts has some new features:

    • Can now pull the metadata from the given URL to pre-populate the title and pull a thumbnail for previewing
    • Uploading images can now use the image proxy URL to reduce load on the API server (if media proxy/cache is enabled by admins and users enable it in their settings)
    • Can preview in both card and compact views


    Lots of tweaks and polish, now has quick action buttons that can be used to reverse a previous action or take additional actions. You can also easily turn a temp ban into a permaban without the intermediate step of unbanning first.

    Features That Did Not Make It Into 1.3.0

    There are only two planned features that didn't make the cut:

    Reimplement custom feeds

    Since this is the last 0.18.x release, and I'm having to support both cursor and offset-based pagination, I've decided to push the custom feed rewrite to 1.4.0 which is dropping 0.18.x support. That will make implementation easier and cleaner than having to support both methods.

    TOTP 2FA Setup

    Same as with the custom feeds, I want to do this cleanly. Since 0.18.5's TOTP setup is bonkers and can easily lead to accounts being locked out, I've decided to skip adding this until 0.19.x is the minimum-supported version. Tesseract supports logging in if your account has 2FA enabled, but you can't manage 2FA settings yet. I may add that in a 1.3.x release and just limit it to 0.19.x instances like I'm doing with the other 0.19 features as long as I can do it cleanly without impacting support for 0.18.x.


    My thanks to for pointing out a bug when working reports. Fixes have been pushed out.

    Get Tesseract

    • Changelog:
    • Docker Image (amd64 only):
    • Github:
    • Demo:

    Feel free to play around with the demo instance (it's unlocked and can log into any Lemmy instance), but ideally, you'd host it yourself or ask your instance admins to offer it as an alternate UI.

    1.3.0 "Defiant" Released 🎉🎉🎉

    Finally releasing 1.3.0. I didn't quite rip it down to the studs, but it was damn close. Much of the UI has been re-written as well as a lot of the underpinning helper functions. There's a lot of changes, though most are just enhancements and polish to things that already existed in 1.2.9.

    The full changelog is a beast, so I'll only post the highlights here:

    Highlights for 1.3.0

    API Compatibility

    1.3.0 "Defiant" remains fully compatible with both 0.18.x and 0.19.x. This will be the last version to support 0.18.x. Once development of 1.4.0 begins, the minimum supported API version will be 0.19.3.

    0.19.x Features Supported

    0.19 has had basic support (mostly auth) since 0.19.0 was released. In addition, 1.3.0 now offers a few more features that become available when connecting to an 0.19.x instance:

    • Scaled sort becomes available
    • Instance block becomes available
    • Instance blocks are managable through your Profile->Blocks page.
    • Cursor-based pagination is used if available but falls back to offset-based for 0.18.x


    • Whole UI has been polished. See the changelog for the full list of changes since 1.2.9
    • Removed markdown-it and all of its plugins as it was too cumbersome to extend to do some things I wanted to do and replaced it with svelte-plugin-marked. Wrote custom renderers to replicate the functionality of markdown-it-html5-embed and spoilers.
    • New community moderation capabilities (directly ban/unban users, localized modlog with quick actions)
    • Sidebar fonts are now more compact
    • Long community names are intelligently shortened where needed
    • You can now select one of several fonts to use for the UI. The default font is now Roboto.
    • New notification widget
    • Option to hide those obnoxious "anti AI" CC licenses people put on their posts/comments that they somehow think will prevent LLMs from training on their submissions. 🙄
    • Posts with URLs will now have an [Archive Link] next to them which will automatically search for that URL. Please stop commenting "Paywalled" when someone posts an article.
    • "Copy Lemmyverse Link" added to user profile menus
    • Can now change password without having to go through "forgot password" process (I swear I thought I already implemented this, but I guess it never got merged in. Oops)
    • Action bar for posts/comments is now reversible. Primarily intended for mobile when you want the vote buttons to be on the right-hand side.
    • Bugfixes: too many to list


    This deserves its own section since the search was completely revamped.

    • Search filters cleaned up and polished
    • Can now search from community or user pages which will automatically filter the search to just that community/user
    • Added a "More from {user}" option to the community menu on posts. This will search for posts by that user in the current community.
    • #Hashtags are now automatically converted to search links

    Remote Instance Community Browser Revamp

    • Can now one-click subscribe to communities on remote instances
    • Your subscription status for communities is now reflected against remote instances
    • Got rid of modal to view community info. Each item is now a collapsible item; expand to see community details.
    • Admins can specify a list of instances that will pre-fill the instance selector for quick browsing. Users can enter any instance they want also.

    /instances Page

    Can now view federated instances (allowed, blocked, linked) through Tesseract. Additionally, you can filter by software (Lemmy, Kbin, etc) and keyword as well as hide dead instances.

    Each instance also has action buttons to view communities there (Lemmy only), visit the instance, view a Fediseer report for it. Dead instances are also indicated with a "thumbs-down" icon.

    Instances are considered "dead" if they haven't been pinged in > 3 days.


    • Peertube videos now embed seamlessly. You can already follow Peertube channels in Lemmy, and now they'll show as a feed of embeds.
    • Embeds now only render when they're in the viewport. Once an embed is out of the viewport, the iframe is destroyed and removed from the DOM. This saves a LOT of memory.
    • Can enable an option to show alt text as a caption on images in markdown (not post images, but images in the post body and coments).

    Feed & Posts

    • Added buttons on community avatars to quick subscribe/unsubscribe (ok, saw that Photon did that and implemented it almost exactly the same. Sue me).
    • "Explore" menu is now "Instances" menu. Instance-specific options are here such as Fediseer reports, block that instance (0.19+), and browse communities there.
    • Infinite scroll is now the default.

    Post Creation

    In addition to the polish and cleanup, the form to create posts has some new features:

    • Can now pull the metadata from the given URL to pre-populate the title and pull a thumbnail for previewing
    • Uploading images can now use the image proxy URL to reduce load on the API server (if media proxy/cache is enabled by admins and users enable it in their settings)
    • Can preview in both card and compact views


    Lots of tweaks and polish, now has quick action buttons that can be used to reverse a previous action or take additional actions. You can also easily turn a temp ban into a permaban without the intermediate step of unbanning first.

    Features That Did Not Make It Into 1.3.0

    There are only two features that didn't make the cut:

    Reimplement custom feeds

    Since this is the last 0.18.x release, and I'm having to support both cursor and offset-based pagination, I've decided to push the custom feed rewrite to 1.4.0 which is dropping 0.18.x support. That will make implementation easier and cleaner than having to support both methods.

    TOTP 2FA Setup

    Same as with the custom feeds, I want to do this cleanly. Since 0.18.5's TOTP setup is bonkers and can easily lead to accounts being locked out, I've decided to skip adding this until 0.19.x is the minimum-supported version.

    Get Tesseract

    • Changelog:
    • Docker Image (amd64 only):
    • Github:
    • Demo:

    Feel free to play around with the demo instance (it's unlocked and can log into any Lemmy instance), but ideally, you'd host it yourself or ask your instance admins to offer it as an alternate UI.

    Don't be fooled
  • "I don't like Trump, but [mental gymnastics], bIDEn bAd!"

    - So many people I've blocked because that's suspiciously all they ever post

  • How Solar Panels Work
  • Turns out that, in college, I was a solar panel.

  • 40,000 AI-narrated audiobooks flood Audible, dividing authors and listeners
  • That sucks. Just know I'm doing my very tiny, infinitesimally small part to not support that practice.

  • 40,000 AI-narrated audiobooks flood Audible, dividing authors and listeners
  • They won't and they'll be 10% the quality. 👎

  • 40,000 AI-narrated audiobooks flood Audible, dividing authors and listeners 40,000 AI-narrated audiobooks flood Audible, dividing authors and listeners

    Since announcing a beta tool last year allowing self-published authors to generate AI "virtual voice" narrations for their ebooks, over 40,000 AI-narrated titles have flooded onto Audible,...

    40,000 AI-narrated audiobooks flood Audible, dividing authors and listeners

    I definitely do not want to support this practice, but there's no way to filter these out 😠.

    Chuck Todd: The race to build a better internet — before it's too late Chuck Todd: The race to build a better internet — before it's too late

    Analysis: A new book proposes a framework for the internet that would give consumers more control over their own personal data.

    Chuck Todd: The race to build a better internet — before it's too late
    Lithium-free sodium batteries exit the lab and enter US production Lithium-free sodium batteries exit the lab and enter US production

    Two years ago, sodium-ion battery pioneer Natron Energy was busy preparing its specially formulated sodium batteries for mass production. The company slipped a little past its 2023 kickoff plans, but it didn't fall too far behind as far as mass battery production goes. It officially commenced…

    Lithium-free sodium batteries exit the lab and enter US production

    It's so rare to actually see a new battery tech exit the lab and enter production. Always seems like there's 10,000 new up and coming breakthroughs in battery technology, but none ever leave the workbench.

    While Na-ion batteries don't have the energy density of Li-ion, they make up for it with many other factors such as more abundant source materials, increased safety, higher charge/discharge currents, and increased number of charge cycles.

    Slashdot summary:

    >Not only is sodium somewhere between 500 to 1,000 times more abundant than lithium on the planet we call Earth, sourcing it doesn't necessitate the same type of earth-scarring extraction. Even moving beyond the sodium vs lithium surname comparison, Natron says its sodium-ion batteries are made entirely from abundantly available commodity materials that also include aluminum, iron and manganese. Furthermore, the materials for Natron's sodium-ion chemistry can be procured through a reliable US-based domestic supply chain free from geopolitical disruption. The same cannot be said for common lithium-ion materials like cobalt and nickel.

    >Sodium-ion tech has received heightened interest in recent years as a more reliable, potentially cheaper energy storage medium. While its energy density lags behind lithium-ion, advantages such as faster cycling, longer lifespan and safer, non-flammable end use have made sodium-ion an attractive alternative, especially for stationary uses like data center and EV charger backup storage. [...] Natron says its batteries charge and discharge at rates 10 times faster than lithium-ion, a level of immediate charge/discharge capability that makes the batteries a prime contender for the ups and downs of backup power storage. Also helping in that use case is an estimated lifespan of 50,000 cycles.

    It's Friday at 5pm. You're all set to go home and relax then your monitoring dashboard goes like this....

    More of a sysadmin humor, but there's not really a community for that, and from what I've seen here, there's plenty of overlap.

    Note: This is just a drill, but it did happen last weekend.

    Political Memes Admiral Patrick
    I'm happy for y'all, but also extremely jealous.

    Any practical advice is welcome.

    Edit: After some research, the path seems to be basically this:

    1. Get state residents to contact their delegates asking them to draft and/or support a constitutional amendment that gives citizens power to submit ballot initiatives (that's what we do not currently have in our state constitution).
    2. The legislature has to pass it by 2/3 in order for it to appear on the ballot (governor does not need to sign it for it to appear on the ballot)
    3. A simple majority of voters (> 50%) would have to vote "yes" on the proposed amendment on election day.

    Sounds easy enough, but the last 4 ballot initiatives (all legislatively sponsored) were basically power grabs (thankfully none of them passed). Still, going to see if I can maybe get the ball rolling and channel my jealousy of other states into something productive.

    Rage Against the [Borg] Machine

    (Also an unnamed Son'a officer in Insurrection which I did not know)

    TIL George V Went Out Like John Belushi

    Have been on a QI binge lately, so I've been learning all sorts of random stuff. Here's today's:

    Stephen Fry: [Upon reading how Lord Dawson euthanized King George V] "Isn't that what a speed ball is? He's basically gone the same way as John Belushi"


    > By 20 January, George was close to death. His physicians, led by Lord Dawson of Penn, issued a bulletin with the words "The King's life is moving peacefully towards its close." Dawson's private diary, unearthed after his death and made public in 1986, reveals that George's last words, a mumbled "God damn you!", were addressed to his nurse, Catherine Black, when she gave him a sedative that night. Dawson, who supported the "gentle growth of euthanasia", admitted in the diary that he ended the King's life:

    >> At about 11 o'clock it was evident that the last stage might endure for many hours, unknown to the Patient but little comporting with that dignity and serenity which he so richly merited and which demanded a brief final scene. Hours of waiting just for the mechanical end when all that is really life has departed only exhausts the onlookers & keeps them so strained that they cannot avail themselves of the solace of thought, communion or prayer. I therefore decided to determine the end and injected (myself) morphia gr.3/4 [grains] and shortly afterwards cocaine gr.1 [grains] into the distended jugular vein ... In about 1/4 an hour – breathing quieter – appearance more placid – physical struggle gone

    > Dawson wrote that he acted to preserve the King's dignity, to prevent further strain on the family, and so that George's death at 11:55 pm could be announced in the morning edition of The Times newspaper rather than "less appropriate ... evening journals".

    New federal rule bars transgender school bathroom bans, but it likely isn't the final word New federal rule bars transgender school bathroom bans, but it likely isn't the final word

    The clash over bathroom policy and other elements of a federal regulation finalized last week could set the stage for another wave of legal battles over how transgender kids should be treated in the U.S.

    New federal rule bars transgender school bathroom bans, but it likely isn't the final word

    The clash over bathroom policy and other elements of a federal regulation finalized last week could set the stage for another wave of legal battles over how transgender kids should be treated in the U.S.

    'Catch and kill' will be described to jurors in Donald Trump's hush money trial as testimony resumes Tabloid publisher says he pledged to be Trump campaign's 'eyes and ears' during 2016 race

    A longtime tabloid publisher is expected to tell jurors about his efforts to help Donald Trump stifle unflattering stories during the 2016 campaign.

    Tabloid publisher says he pledged to be Trump campaign's 'eyes and ears' during 2016 race

    A longtime tabloid publisher is expected to tell jurors about his efforts to help Donald Trump stifle unflattering stories during the 2016 campaign.

    Local election workers fear threats to their safety as November nears. One group is trying to help Local election workers fear threats to their safety as November nears. One group is trying to help

    A top concern for local election workers in 2024 is their own safety. A group formed after the 2020 presidential election is helping them prepare for what could lie ahead and making sure they are connected to local law enforcement.

    Local election workers fear threats to their safety as November nears. One group is trying to help
    Fifty Years of the Personal Computer Operating System Fifty Years of the Personal Computer Operating System

    Fifty years ago, PC software pioneer Gary Kildall demonstrated CP/M, the first commercially successful personal computer operating system.

    Fifty Years of the Personal Computer Operating System
    Meta: I'm kind of disappointed with the lack of Blazin' Bev memes today 😆

    Woke up this morning expecting to see a wall full of them. We still have 4 hours left on the east coast if you can send me a template.

    ptz Admiral Patrick

    Ask me anything.

    Posts 167
    Comments 2.1K