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Been enjoying Rhythmbox, what are your thoughts?

I tried out most (if not all) of the music players on flathub, but I always end up going back to Rhythmbox. It's so simple, lightweight, got just enough features (for my use case) and blends well with GTK Desktops (I mostly use Gnome and Cinnamon) and it looks so clean in my Nord theme 😆

How has your experience with Rhythmbox? do y'all got any alternative you think everybody should give a try? I personally think Elisa is a close second!

  • I used it on Mint. I liked it. I use Strawberry now because it can bypass software decoding and output audio directly to my DAC.

  • I just went on a journey looking at different local music players.

    Just tried Rhythmbox. It's not terrible, but not great either. It looks very bare bones.

    Of the ones I've tried, I like Elisa the best. I spent a ton of time getting HQ artwork and quality metadata on my files and Elisa really shows that off. Rhythmbox barely shows any artwork. I just have two complaints about Elisa. First, Qt apps just don't feel right in Gnome for various reasons: fonts are often too thick, icon contrast is bad, and Qt theme is weird for non-Breze. It also has weird scrolling behavior: it has forced scrolling smoothing and acceleration.

    Runner up is Sayonara. It's Qt based, but actually feels decent in Gnome. Overall I like the UI more than Elisa, but unfortunately it doesn't handle showing my library as well. Artwork is duplicated (it shows albums multiple times if songs in them have different years) and some artwork is inexplicably missing.

    • Just felt the need to say our music libraries look very similar. You have great taste.

    • I really enjoyed Elisa too! It looks modern and does a great job at showing off metadata 😁

      But I still sticked with Rhythmbox because of: 1- it's GTK based, and I'm currently on Gnome (the reason why when using KDE, I stick with Elisa) 2- I kinda did not understand how managing playlist in Elisa works? Maybe I missed something, but Rhythmbox just seemed more simple and direct to the point with that.

      But yeah, I do agree with you that Rhythmbox really lacks in the "showing album covers off" space. But in my personal usage, I don't tend to be looking at the UI of the music player on the desktop anyway, since I usually just play music on the background while doing other stuff.

      On mobile (android) on the other hand, I'm enjoying Gramophone for not only showing larger covers, but also matching it's own Material You colors to the respective music you're playing, it's neat :p

  • @merci3 Just a very solid player. Linux music players come and go but Rhythmbox has always been there.

  • I just looked up the initial release, it was in August 2001. I don't remember the first time I used it, but it was probably 20 years ago. Still remains my favourite for the reasons you mentioned.

  • I've been sticking with music players that can output directly through alsa. I settled on strawberry cause it can do that and also has other features that i care about baked in ootb. Deadbeef can also output directly through alsa and i liked it for the most part, but what i didn't like was that things like mpris support wasn't baked in, so i would have to mess with plugins. I don't know if there are any other players that can output directly through alsa, those are the only two that i could find so far.