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The US regime just executed another innocent black man.
  • Separating arbiters from brutalizing and brutalizers from arbitration makes the flagrant injustice much more palatable to both parties.

    Fantastic one-line explanation, I don't think I've thought about this before but now that you've said it it feels like something obvious that I really should have understood already.

  • The US regime just executed another innocent black man.
  • This kind of thing makes me go into denial. I hate my country, but this absolutely cannot be real. It's horrible clickbait, or propaganda supporting my existing beliefs about how inhumane it is here.

    I struggle to imagine someone administering a needle for an innocent man to die, rather than quitting on the spot. I struggle to imagine someone certifying paperwork to appove this to happen. But I am entirely incapable of imagining the number of human cogs that would need to be similarly compliant for this to be followed through to completion. I am not interested in trying to imagine. This story is fiction because admitting otherwise will break what's left of my sanity.

    You can show me horrors and get me to admit and speak of them as reality, but you can't get me to believe them.

  • Error with recent deepin-icon-theme update, how should I address this?

    ``` :: Starting full system upgrade... resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages...

    Packages (1) deepin-icon-theme-2024.06.21-1

    Total Installed Size: 138.93 MiB Net Upgrade Size: 5.96 MiB

    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] Y (1/1) checking keys in keyring [########################] 100% (1/1) checking package integrity [########################] 100% (1/1) loading package files [########################] 100% (1/1) checking for file conflicts [########################] 100% error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) deepin-icon-theme: /usr/share/icons/bloom/icon-theme.cache exists in filesystem Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

    ``` Running a search for the error I didn't find one for deepin-icon-theme, but the same error for other packages in arch updates show up and the other ones I saw laid the blame on improper packaging. Given that this is the one from the arch repositories and not some AUR package, I'm nowhere near confident enough in myself to jump to the conclusion that this is someone else's fault, so I'm asking here.

    What is your favorite movie of all time?
  • The scene where he read the poem was really memorable for me. I found out afterwards it's a well-known poem irl, but I'll probably always associate it with that movie. Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.

  • What is your favorite movie of all time?
  • It's still Office Space.

  • I'm working on a screenplay for a remake of Castaway, but I'm considering not using a volleyball this time. Give me your best casting ideas for which inanimate object should play Wilson.
  • After a month of deliberation, I have settled on a beanbag chair. Thanks for the suggestions everyone, they were quite inspiring.

  • Linus Torvalds muses about maintainer gray hairs and the next 'King of Linux'
  • I have tracked down the missing word and returned it to its rightful place. Better late than never.

  • Linus Torvalds muses about maintainer gray hairs and the next 'King of Linux'
  • Man I've never really thought about how much having the wrong successor could fuck up the whole ecosystem.

  • What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • It makes no sense to pronounce "jpeg" as "jay-peg" because the 'P' in Joint Photographic Experts Group clearly makes a sound like the 'F' does in 'fell'. Saying it like "j-feg" is more correct.

  • What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • This is the exact reason why I always correctly pronounce the Joint Photographic Experts Group format as "jfeg".

  • What is your favorite sketch by "The Onion", aka "Onion News Network"?
  • It's unrealistic to expect people to judge your message on the merits of your argument if you're not taking the time to translate it into a language they speak.

    Not really interested in making an argument to whether it's fair to apply this caricature here, but that's definitely the message here.

  • What is your favorite sketch by "The Onion", aka "Onion News Network"?
  • Always been partial to Victim In Fatal Car Accident Tragically Not Glenn Beck

    "I heard screaming and I thought it was just someone doing an accurate impression of Glenn Beck talking normally, but then I saw the smoke."

  • What is your favourite open source software that you discovered in the past year, that you can no longer live without?
  • I remembee nuclear for the convincing testimonials shown on their website

  • Searching to find a barber after recently moving. I love this.
  • I just called in asking to schedule and he said "I don't do appointments buddy, have a good day" and immediately felt like an idiot. I called The Barber Who Tells Callers To Go Fuck Themselves and was completely caught off-guard when I was told to go fuck myself.

  • What are some of your ticks?
  • I have extremely bad news about the future.

  • What are some of your ticks?
  • I have a bunch of habits I don't like with how I respond to things said to me verbally.

    For the longest time I thought I had bad hearing, always asking people to repeat things. At some point in the past few years I actuality started introspecting and realized that most of the time I have answers prepared by the time they're done repeating themselves. My hearing is fine, but I have abnormally poor language processing.

    Often I react to things by intentionally misinterpreting in an innocuous way, things like that. I never really liked it but pretended it wasn't a thing. It's a subconsciously developed strategy for buying time. Also why I handle talking one-on-one much better than groups, once two people start talking to each other I get too far behind the conversation and keep thinking of the things I would have liked to have chimed in with thirty seconds ago.

  • What Linux distro surprised you the most?
  • I remember mint being billed as essentially just that like a full ten years ago. I'm actually surprised to hear mint hasn't been enshittified itself at this point, I just assumed that would have happened by now.

  • Reddit propagandists' take on recent news
  • I assumed the intended read here is that the mods are doing a plausible-deniability thing here where they're not outright lying. Meaning the content in the headline here was buried in a different article that was allowed, but the one that got through had a focus on a closely-related topic that could earn a more Israel-friendly headline. Since most people read the headlines and not the articles, this shapes the narrative with wiggle room for saying the takedown is justified.

    If there was another article allowed that was actually focused on the demands for an independent investigation, then yeah OP is bullshitting. Not going to say whether that's the case because I don't care enough to justify opening reddit to find out.

  • Is there an addon that will load the entire page ?
  • For anyone wondering, this extension is not FOSS.

  • Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • I had a few members tell me that I was part of the evil capitalist elite because I had a job.

    Definitely a joke, I'm having trouble imagining a person who could believe this in earnest, let alone enough to say it out loud. I'm even having trouble accepting that you can imagine that a person would say this with no sarcasm. No one actually believes that.

    edit: just realized that maybe you're trying to be funny and I'm slow on the uptake

  • Original concept for a regional ditto

    Hear me out: a "Wild West" ditto, which looks like a regular ditto but with a moustache and cowboy hat, and when it transforms it looks just like the target pokemon, except with a moustache and a cowboy hat added on.

    Unfortunately I have no artistic talent so cannot provide sketches at this moment, but I intend to start a gofundme to commission the concept art sooner or later.

    Relationship advice?

    I need some relationship advice. I suggested 125% but my wife won't budge from 10%. Is this normal? How did it go when you had this conversation with your romantic partner?

    Grainy photo of my cat sleeping sitting up

    Roto-Borola usually likes to hang out with me when I'm working at my desk. Earlier today my wife snapped this photo of him chilling by me. Every so often he sits like this, but I think this is the first time we've seen him nap in this position. I laughed a little and it woke him up, he looked at me and did a loud meow and then got up.

    What do you guys recommend for language learning from scratch?

    Hi all,

    I want to try to learn Spanish on my own, right now I barely know anything. Asking in the libre culture community because I know a common answer is duolingo but I don't want to install an app store other than f-droid.

    Tomorrow the only two remaining teams to not have scored first in a game go head-to-head

    Announcer for tonight's caps game said at the start of the game that New Jersey and Washington were the last two teams. Looks like both gave up the first goal tonight (with help from a coach's challenge on the Backstrom goal). Devils play in DC tomorrow at 7:30.

    A place for everything about math Christian
    My first paper as a recreational mathematician

    I was burned out on math for a very long while after failing out of my phd, just now starting to get back into it. This paper is not something a professional mathematician would take seriously, but I'm really happy with it still and wanted to share.

    christian Christian

    I think I speak for most people when I say that I’m a good representative of the general population.

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