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Dumb-phone suggestions?
  • When I say it runs Android, the implication is that it is full of smart phone features, which it is. The idea of a dumb phone is that it is impossible for the user to get the phone into a confusing state, and there are no states that the user might want to enter but can't figure out how. For example, if the phone can play music, the user will want to know how to activate the music playing feature, which means they will hassle you (you are the involuntary unpaid 24/7 tech support for this phone) to explain it to them, possibly multiple times per day.

    So it is an IMHO essential feature of a dumb phone that it NOT have a music player, or any other feature that is not constantly visible in the UI. Phones of the 1990s could do that, but the technology has since been lost. ;)

    Locked phone usually means you are stuck with that carrier's expensive plans. A very basic MVNO plan for an unlocked phone is $5 per month or less. I don't think Boost has anything like that.

    Added: Hmm, here is a $65 "NeoFlip" phone that might not be locked:

  • Dumb-phone suggestions?
  • Thanks, that's kind of interesting, though it is an Android (AOSP) phone with a physical keypad more or less. $60 isn't too bad but it appears locked to Boost Mobile. An unlocked Moto G Play 2023 is $100 cash at Best Buy so that's probably more attractive given a suitable dumbifying app.

  • Dumb-phone suggestions?
  • $210 lol and it's a semi smart phone that plays mp3s. The defining feature of a dumb phone IMHO is there's no app switching. Front panel is completely static. Keypad plus some preprogrammed speed dial buttons that never change.

  • Dumb-phone suggestions?
  • I looked for this and it sort of doesn't exist. I need it for a technologically challenged family member who gets hopelessly confused by smart phones. I have had the idea of writing an Android dumbify app that runs in kiosk mode (i.e. there is no way to exit it) that just disables everything except phone calls, and keeps the phone keypad permanently on the screen, like an old fashioned phone with physical buttons. It's on my infinite todo list.

    Once you say google maps you are back in smartphone territory so forget that.

    Fwiw had an older (4G) model Samsung Galaxy XCover for around $100 a couple of days ago, that might still be there. It's one of the few Android phones with a swappable battery.

  • Valve Engineer Mike Blumenkrantz Hoping To Accelerate Wayland Protocol Development
  • Can anyone explain why Wayland exists or who cares about it? X has been around forever, it sucks but it works and everything supports it. Alternatives like NeWS came around that were radically better, but were too soon or relied too much on corporate support, so they faded. The GNU project originally intended to write its own thing, but settled for using X. Now there's Wayland though, which seems like a slight improvement over X, but mostly kind of a lateral move.

    If you're going to replace X, why not do something a lot better? If not actual NeWS, then something that incorporates some of its ideas. I think Squeak was like that but I don't know much about it.

  • Keep Tier-One Applications Out of Virtual Environments
  • Most everything everywhere is virtual these days, even when the host hardware is single tenant. Companies running hosted applications on bare metal are rare. I run personal stuff that way because proxmox was too much hassle, but a more serious user would have just dealt with it.

  • What are the best fictional books you’ve ever read?
  • "Best" often is a literary work that can be slow to read and/or very long. You want stuff that is short and quick, which is fine, I read a lot of fanfiction for that purpose. But I'm going to recommend Pohl and Kornbluth's "The Space Merchants" and their other short novels from that era (1950s). Their cynicism is absolutely prescient. The Space Merchants is about a world run by advertising agencies. A quick read while hard hitting.

  • [Review] Skilhunt MiX-7 Gen 2: Nichia 519A, red, green, blue and UV – now with color mixing
  • 1AA is not a keychain light, it's a pocket utility light. In my case mostly for use around the house, so more lumens is useless. It would be about 2 or 3 hours of runtime.

    The famous Arc AAA was designed from the beginning to have 5 hours of runtime if that matters. That came in handy for me during a long power outage some years back.

  • PSA: Don't just eat peanut butter
  • A pound or two a week sounds kind of moderate? I mean it's a lot, but if you like peanut butter? I don't eat nearly that much of it on average, but when I buy a 1 pound jar I usually finish it off in much less than a week. It's just an occasional thing for me though.

    Are those oxalates only if the PB is getting spoiled or anything like that?

  • [Review] Skilhunt MiX-7 Gen 2: Nichia 519A, red, green, blue and UV – now with color mixing
  • Took a minute to realize that the second to bottom pic was two lights, rather than one very gimmicky looking one ;).

    If you talk to the Skilhunt guys, it would be great if they heard that some of us out here would really like an AA version of the E3A. 100 lumens like the E3A, 1 level, no lumenitis, no modes, no UI beyond on and off, minimal size, just the E3A again but bigger. The existing E2A gets all of this wrong.

  • Is Telegram really an encrypted messaging app? Is Telegram really an encrypted messaging app?

    This blog is reserved for more serious things, and ordinarily I wouldn’t spend time on questions like the above. But much as I’d like to spend my time writing about exciting topics, som…

    Is Telegram really an encrypted messaging app?

    Blog post by crypto professor Matthew Green, discussing what Telegram does (I wasn't familiar with it) and criticizing its cryptography. He says Telegram by default is not end-to-end encrypted. It does have an end-to-end "secret chat" feature, but it's a nuisance to activate and only works for two-person chats (not groups) where both people are online when the chat starts.

    It still isn't clear to me why Telegram's founder was arrested. Green expresses some concern over that but doesn't give any details that weren't in the headlines.

    Pi Pico 2 Extreme Teardown Pi Pico 2 Extreme Teardown

    Teardown and analysis of electronics. Integrated circuit design analysis.

    Pi Pico 2 Extreme Teardown

    This is a good blog post, with die photos of the new RP2350 chip and a brief description of what they show. There is a link to a 12 minute youtube video that is also very good, that discusses the die shots in more detail and also goes over the rest of the Pico 2 circuit board, including die shots of the QSPI flash chip and the voltage regulator chip.

    Raspberry Pi Pico 2, our new $5 microcontroller board, on sale now

    Basically more everything. 2x Cortex M33 cores with floating point, 520KB ram, more PIOs, bunch of secure boot stuff (I have mixed feelings about this), and can boot to a mode with risc-v cores instead of the M33s.

    Google Fiber is the only decent home ISP around here. What do I do?

    I get spammed by them all the time but have so far resisted and stayed with my crappy, slow, and expensive ADSL provider out of principle. But the ADSL provider just raised prices on me AGAIN and it's ridiculous.

    What do I do? Is Google Fiber as invasive as other Google stuff? What if I just use it to tunnel a VPN to a non-Google endpoint?

    This is sure annoying. It occurs to me that Comcrap might be available here as an alternative, but that must be as evil as Google. At least the ADSL company is reasonable about privacy, as such companies go.

    Thanks for any thoughts.

    Lemmy (etc.): allow sorting preference for search

    It's a pain that search results on lemmy show by default ordered by some useless relevance ranking. I can't think of a single time I didn't want newest first. I couldn't find a preference to request that. It would be great if there was one.

    The suggestion on c/support on was to make this kind of request on github, but it seems anti-FOSS to me to require a Microsoft account for a fediverse request, so I'm posting here and hoping for the best.

    Thanks for any consideration!

    automatically clean up tracking and other tags in posted urls

    Example (spam post containing an amazon affiliate link, post hopefully deleted by now but I assume mods/admins can see it):

    Also there are tons of links people post legitimately but have tracking parameters, gclid=this, fbclid=that, etc. Those can be cleaned up too.

    By editing out these parameters automatically when the link is posted, people's privacy can be protected and the incentive to post affiliate spam can be decreased.

    It could be a server config parameter and/or put into the posting UI: "your post contains [link] with flagged parameters, choose between a) post cleaned up version (shown), or b) post link without changes (may go into moderation queue depending on community settings)."

    Unhide read posts (bug)

    Voyager 2.3.1 on Android. I visit a community and select "hide read posts" and those posts disappear a they should. But there is no apparent way to undo this. The pulldown still has "hide read posts" instead of "unhide" them.

    LT1 Mini discontinued

    Sofirn confirmed by email that it is discontinued. No idea about other LT1 series models. A shame. I like the Mini and kind of wanted another one. Oh well.

    Keeping your data from Apple is harder than expected | Aalto University Keeping your data from Apple is harder than expected | Aalto University

    New study shows that the default apps collect data even when supposedly disabled, and this is hard to switch off

    Keeping your data from Apple is harder than expected | Aalto University

    New study shows that the default apps collect data even when supposedly disabled, and this is hard to switch off

    f-droid just requested permission to update other apps?

    Any idea why? I've been using it for months. I probably had to grant permission when I first installed it, but haven't had to again since then, until just now.

    Also, some of the time, when F-droid updates an app, the update just goes through. But other times I get a dialogue asking "do you want to update this app?". It seems random. Any idea?

    Phone is a Moto G5 Stylus 2023 and it recently got a security update from Motorola, but I think I've done some F-droid updates since then. However, this may be related.

    The other possibility is that something might have happened to F-droid's code signing credentials, e.g. someone messed with them? That thought is basically why I'm asking here.

    Vernor Vinge 1944-2024 Vernor Vinge (1944-2024) - File 770

    Vernor Vinge, author of many influential hard science fiction works, died March 20 at the age of 79. Vinge sold his first science-fiction story in 1964, "Apartness", which appeared in the June 1965 issue of New Worlds. In 1971, he received a PhD (Math) from UCSD, and the next year began teaching at ...

    He passed on March 20. One of the greatest "hard" science fiction writers, author of True Names, A Fire Upon The Deep, and other cyberspace classics. Link is to his death notice in the old school fanzine File 770. Moment of silence please. RIP.

    Sofirn LT1 Mini, are these reflash pads?

    And, any idea how to use them? 3 pins is perplexing.

    Moto jacks up G series prices, drops SD card in G Play 2024

    G Stylus 2023 - went from $119 to $199, no longer attractive since 5G stylus is still $249

    5G Power went from $179(?) to $299, lolwut? The 5G Stylus is a higher model and still $249

    G Play 2023 is still $99 and a good deal but quite limited with 32GB flash and Mediatek CPU

    G Play 2024 introduced at $149, a nice incremental upgrade to the 2023 model, has 64GB flash, but get this, they have dropped the SD slot.

    The last bit is disturbing since no other 2024 models are yet announced. I wonder if they will drop the SD slot in all of them. Not good.

    I got a 5G Stylus a couple months ago and still like it a lot. I had been thinking of getting one of the lower models for my brother since he doesn't care about 5G. The 2023 non-5G Stylus looked great at $119 but lame at $199. The 2023 and 2024 G Plays are both still of interest.

    trouble with google photos app and should I switch to something else?

    Phone is Moto G Stylus with Android 13. Whenever I launch the built in photos app, it now gives me a nag screen to download a version upgrade. When I click "upgrade", nothing happens. It's conceivable that I have network permission disabled for the app. I better check.

    1. Is this a familiar thing? How do I make it stop, either by installing the upgrade or by shutting off the nag screen?

    2. Is there a FOSS photo viewer that anyone recommends instead, that I can install from F-droid? I'm reasonably satisfied with the UI of the Google one. It allows sharing photos, moving them into subfolders, seeing the metadata, and some minor editing, all of which are useful. I don't care in the slightest about cloud sync or google drive so it's ok if the replacement app doesn't have those.


    Just got Moto update for November 1 2023 patches (Moto Stylus 5G 2023)

    Thanks Moto, just 2.5 months behind. I think they will do a major version update sometime, then 1 more security patch and that's it? That's what they did with my previous phone. It wasn't ideal but tbh it didn't bother me that much.

    All this is pure FYI.

    How to move contacts to new phone without Google account?

    I don't have a google account and don't want one and really prefer to not upload my contacts to someone else's server as a matter of principle. I have a personal nextcloud server so could use that if it helps, but it's not clear that it does.

    I tried exporting the old contacts as a .vcf file and importing the .vcf to the new phone, and that MOSTLY worked, but it seems to have lost the labels on the phone numbers. E.g. my entry for XYZ Bank had separate phone numbers for payments, credit card, and so on. Those got transferred to the new phone as home, mobile, work. I.e. .vcf doesn't seem to handle custom labels.

    Is there some kind of workaround? The vcf scheme seems like about the best, except for the issue of losing the contact labels.

    To complicate matters a bit, I've been using the new phone for a couple weeks now, so I have added or edited some contacts on it. That means if I do another transfer, I'd prefer to not wipe out the contacts database on the new phone, though if that is unavoidable I guess I can survive.

    Old phone is Android 7 and new phone is Android 13 if that matters. I haven't examined the .vcf file in an editor but I guess I should try that.

    Thanks for any advice.

    Opinions about Moto G play? Full HD display mobile | moto g play | motorola US - Motorola

    Enjoy a full HD display with moto g play, giving you the best Android camera and the best battery life.

    Full HD display mobile | moto g play | motorola US - Motorola

    It's cheap and it's the only one of the G family that supports Boost Mobile (don't know why the other ones don't). It would be for a family member who may need to replace an Android 8 phone. For stupid reason I have a couple of prepaid Boost cards, so being able to use them is a plus, but the phone's low up front price is also a big attraction. I have the G Stylus 5g and like it a lot, so am imagining the Play as a less fancy version. Is that reasonable? Thanks.

    Why are all phones smaller than 7"?

    Is it a rule imposed by the phone carriers, who want you to buy a different plan with no voice service if you have a tablet? It can't be the phone makers since the are so many. It can't be Android software licenses since Apple seems affected too. I'd be pretty interested in a tablet sized phone. But they seem to have maxed out in the current tall skinny format that is not really big enough for some things. Just wondering.

    Edit: aha, I managed to get rid of the stupid photo. Thanks for the help.

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