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I use my dad as a good barometer of what reactionary libs are thinking, even he now admits that Biden has dementia.
  • I think she's going to win

    Maybe, but we've seen this before. No one thought he'd win the first time but pollsters strongly undercounted his supporters, who didn't respond to polls to begin with. Liberal arrogance played its role too, of course, as it usually does.

  • Do anthropologists use the word 'clan' and 'tribe' interchangably or are they the same thing?
  • It's a valid and valuable question and for my part I actually regret grouping genetic with familial in my wording as a social family can be just as or more important than genetic family, something any of us but particularly those of us with shitty genetic family members can relate to.

    That being said I think anthropology as a field can be as valuable as it can be ethical, so essentially the information from it can only be valuable if it comes from no contact or unintrusive contact. I think the toughest question is how to make that contact unintrusive though.

  • Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • Do you have any idea how hard it is to sit on your ass until the end of the month and then carry all those checks to the bank and sign them all? Think of the poor landlords and their signing hands! 😢

  • "What is it with all these leftists who won't vote for Biden? If they could just stomach a little genocide then Biden would beat the orange fascist! But noooooooo, they won't even tolerate a little!"

    You know what thread I'm talking about.

    Edit: Sorry, I saw so many fellow bears there that I assumed everyone knew about it. Since there's been a few requests, here's the link.

    All these Palestinians who have died in full view of cameras and reporters are dying very anti-semitically.

    If they want to stop being such anti-semites, they will have to die in private where no one can see them, and not leave a body for cameras and reporters to see. Especially the children: they're the worst anti-semites by far.

    I’m sure that western media will handle this news in a completely rational, reasonable, and non-inflammatory way.

    I’m sure that western media will handle this news in a completely rational, reasonable, and non-inflammatory way.

    Does any music genre have a disproportionally high number of highly educated artists?

    Was reading about The Offspring due to this post here:

    As I read their Wikipedia page I noticed that Dexter Holland (lead singer) has a PhD in Molecular Biology. Then I remembered that Greg Gaffin (lead singer) of Bad Religion has a PhD in Zoology.

    Is this a trend in Punk Rock or am I noticing a freak coincidence? If not punk rock, is there any genre that stands out in its number of highly educated artists?

    Rick and Morty OprahsedCreature
    Who's the most compelling non-main character on the show to you?

    For me it's Planetina. While the whole episode was as chaotic as any episode, I felt that her arc through the episode was extremely deep for such a brief appearance, rife with symbolism and philosophy.

    I feel like /c/memes has taught us a valuable lesson today: Would it make sense to develop a feature to block a comm from our feed for a selectable unit of time (1 hour, 1 day, etc.)?

    Even if we're subscribed to them? Could a temp block exist in conjunction with a subscription? I love c/memes but holy shit no matter which sort I select by they've managed to overwhelm my feed.

    Hey Lemmy, what are your favorite ear worms?

    Wikipedia for reference:

    Hey Lemmy, what are some good public domain books?

    I tend to like the volunteer-read audiobooks on librivox and recently was curious about their Sherlock Holmes books (never read or listened to before), but I'm wondering what else is out there and popular in the community.

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