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Romance books with more relatable male protagonists
  • Kind of an odd suggestion, and I know this might not work if you’re someone who wants to place themselves in the story, but if you’re looking for healthier, better adjusted men in literature, try some queer or gay romance. Not sure exactly your desired age/reading level, but Red, White, and Royal Blue is cute, and while socio economic status makes the main character slightly less relatable, it’s still a nice read. There’s plenty of other excellent queer romance that has well written men. If you also enjoy fantasy and political intrigue, Priory of the Orange Tree has excellent world building and a few romance subplots I think are very sweet.

    EDIT: Somehow missed the “nerdier” part. Let me do some library diving and give more accurate suggestions

  • Syncthing ... where are the users?
  • Yeah, by my understanding this is by design. However, there’s nothing stopping you from running multiple instances for each user account on a computer, assuming you are running Linux and are using the Syncthing CLI. Probably can’t do that on windows though.

  • what's your fav recipe manager?
  • Yeah, I’d also generally prefer to use my front matter for my global tagging and sorting so I can keep my templating consistent. I’m not explicitly opposed to adding more, but in an ideal world I’d keep my front matter pretty trim.

    I’ll do some experiments of my own with data view and such to see if I can get some good functionality.

  • what's your fav recipe manager?
  • Could you elaborate on “move to obsidian”? I’m already storing some recipes in my vault, but I would be interested in further features like shopping list generation and other filtering options.

  • Where to buy this pill case??
  • Presumably you can spin it more the 360 degrees so the opening could be repositioned over already empty slots, but that doesn’t really count as “refillable” given how slow of a process that would be.

  • Where to buy this pill case??
  • Yes? I believe so, but I also take two different shaped pills, both twice a day. I’d be happy with a disk for each or a disk that only does 1 week and has an opening that provides pills in pairs. Or something similar.

    Give me a bit to go dig out my calipers and I’ll get you some dimensions!

  • Where to buy this pill case??

    For some reason I can only find stock images of this pill case. I have it on good authority it makes a satisfying clicking noise and my gay, neurodivergent ass wants one.

    Ideally not an Amazon link, I deleted my account a bit ago and I do not plan to make a new one.

    UPDATE: It would seems this is a prepackaged way E is sometimes distributed. Thanks to folks that pointed this out.

  • It’s the first one I encountered, so I’m not sure. The 2 times I’ve rebooted since I’ve gotten the simple hyprland glowing logo one. Kinda bummed I’m not getting the cute ones anymore :(

  • Prulegress

    Somehow this was a fitting first screen out of the terminal…

    What's your thoughts on Rustdesk?
  • As of now I ran moonlight on Windows, so I might not be able to help a ton. I just started my own Arch (by the way) install that I plan to revisit getting moonlight running on, but I’m not even at a desktop environment yet.

  • What's your thoughts on Rustdesk?
  • I’ve found using software meant for gaming often works better for this application. My personal choice is moonlight. I run it behind Tailscale so my connections never leave my devices. Even over cellular it’s snappy enough for non gaming tasks, and if I need to check on my dailies in a game or something similar, it handles that much better than any Remote Desktop product. I messed around with rust desk and could never get it quite working and didn’t feel comfortable using the public servers at the time. So I swapped to moonlight and it serves me well.

    Games on Whales is a containerized version of moonlight that I struggled to get working as well, but I thinks that’s because I’m a docker beginner.

  • By thrule Way
  • Loool, that’s hardware level. Comes with the monitor. I keep it on when drawing mostly and just general awareness of the middle of my screen is nice. In most games it honestly isn’t that great because it’s pretty big. Covers up the reticle’s of a lot of games.

  • By thrule Way

    I could have sworn I wasn’t wearing thigh highs a moment ago…huh continues typing

    Fixed a rule from a bit ago

    picture is of a Hatsune Miku edited to be sitting at a table from a Calvin and Hobs comic, with a sign on the front of the table reading "Hatsune Miku (creator of Minecraft) is very deserving of this meme format"

    [Plugin "Bounty"] Obsidian note inline ACSIIFlow

    I realize that the lines of text in a normal file have gaps between then, which almost instantly renders this impossible, but I’ll ask anyway. I’m looking for a way to get diagrams like ASCIIFlow in my notes. I’d even settle for a dedicated tab/filetype similar to canvas. My use case here is input with a stylus on a tablet and the original site struggles. Just doing weird things with highlighting random text, because the whole page is text. Canvas kind of does what I want, but there is a speed and elegance to ACSII flow, with the added ability to copy the result as text. I often use Obsidian to write documentation, and various system diagrams often come up. Being able to use characters rather than an image would be great.

    In case the “” in the title aren’t clear, I cannot actually offer any financial compensation for this, should a plugin actually be made.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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