Will Trump’s entire presidency be as damaging as his first month?
Will Trump’s entire presidency be as damaging as his first month?
From blowing up at Zelenskyy to fast-tracking Executive Orders, what can we learn from Trump’s recent behaviour?
Will Trump’s entire presidency be as damaging as his first month?
From blowing up at Zelenskyy to fast-tracking Executive Orders, what can we learn from Trump’s recent behaviour?
This is just the start. This is him just seeing what he can get away with
And turns out... he can get away with everything.
Sad. But true.
It's like watching a little bratty rich kid set fire to the drapes inside the living room ... and then having a bunch of adults in the room defending the kid and stopping anyone from doing anything about the fire in the living room, even denying that there is a fire in the living room.
All the while arguing with everyone else in the house about the fire that is spreading around the living room and will soon take over the house. Everyone fighting and shouting as the fire slowly goes from the drapes, to the couch, the TV, the bookshelf and smoke is now starting to go into the hallway and flames are starting to make their way to the next room.
The neighbours are standing on the sidewalk pointing and shouting "Hey! ... there's a fire in your house!" .... and everyone inside the burning house shouting back "No there isn't! .... (cough, cough, cough) ... go away! leave us alone!"
The curtains were woke, and some collateral damage is to be expected.
Everyone knows it was the drapes that tried to set fire to the child first.
What, you think he's going to ease up?
Yes this is pretty standard and we fall for it every time. Every elected party comes out and does the worst shit in their first couple months. After that they work on building a reputation. They front load all the worst and then spend the rest of the time kissing and making up.
It will be worse.
It feels like this is written for someone who hasn't actually lived through the last ten years and finds anything about this Trump administration to be surprising.
Trump is engaged in a political blitzkrieg and he is overwhelming all of the checks and balances. He is already taking control of the FEC so we can't be guaranteed fair elections, and the military. He has removed the people in the military whose job it is to determine whether an order is legal.
Anyone who can't read the writing on the wall is fucking willfully blind. His Presidency is poised to end our democracy. Full stop.
Even if Trump is defeated politically or in the courts or on the field of battle, even if he chokes on a hamburder tomorrow, this nation is crippled until we are able to rewrite the Constitution to prevent all of this—that being said, we voted for this. No constitution in the world can prevent an entire nation from shooting themselves in the foot.
So you can look at it one of two ways:
Whichever way feels most correct to say, it doesn't really matter because the end result will be the same.
Yes to what you said except we actually didn’t vote for this. Sure, way too many people voted for Trump but he only came out ahead because of voter purges and voter suppression tactics that republicans have been using for years. Also the concentrated propaganda from Fox, talk radio, and social media made sure that half of voters aren’t even aware of reality.
To be clear, this is different than the “stop the steal” lies that maga was telling in 2020. This is about systemic ways that republicans have an unfair advantage in elections.
Here’s one article about that, there are others.
Voter suppression doesn't absolve 90 million eligible people from not voting. Non voters suck and need called out for complicity.
Up to 48 times as damaging.
You sure he can keep it up for that long?
This is probably what many think and it’s pretty problematic. Old as he is, he can still fuck the country bareback until he’s dead. If you’re hoping he just tires himself out and things can go back to normal, uhh… There will be others.
Of course not! It'll keep getting worse and worse each month, forever, because there won't have to be any more elections!
Not forever, sooner or later he'll (hopefully) die.
Then a more effective fascist will step in to fill his shoes.
And then what? Captain Couchfucker, or the Mini-Barron?
Project 2025 is just the 2025 part of a bigger plan. Even now, they are just at the start of 2025 project : https://www.project2025.observer/
Yes. The Kremlin dictates U.S. policy.
It's entirely dependent upon the responses of federal agencies and bodies, business interests, the response of average citizens, and foreign response. All but the last's responses have so far seemed fairly limp so, all other things being equal, I would expect it to continue or get worse.
This is the prelude. He's seen he can get away with anything he wants. There's no stopping him now.
This is the prelude.
Shit's only just begun.
I mean... yeah, probably.
Yeah, probably. This is just getting started. He hasn’t even threatened to use the insurrection act this month.
I’m betting it’ll actually get invoked - definitely before his term’s out, but I’d honestly be surprised if we make it through the year before he goes for it. That, or in the lead up to the midterms if the polls look super sketchy for the GOP, or in response to them if it’s a not-Republican (because I’m honestly not sure the DNC will look like, or if it will even exist at that point) blowout.
Edit: or, just to be a cheeky little shitbag, he’ll invoke it on either March 14 (53 days after his inauguration - a number history nerds might remember from another democratic collapse), or on March 23 (which would be the the 92nd anniversary of the signing of the Enabling Act of 1933).
At least.
I quite sincerely believe that it's not even a question of if the US gets to the concentration camps and mass graves stage, but merely of when.
I wish I was exaggerating.
I quite sincerely believe that it’s not even a question of if the US gets to the concentration camps
Of course not. It'll be so much worse.
This is just the fucking around stage. He inherited relative stability, and like eating a large meal quickly we haven't quite caught up yet and had time to feel the impacts. The finding out stage is gonna be brutal. I expect we'll be dealing with unending, Trump-caused crises when it starts to hit.
Maybe the opener is a financial crisis? He doesn't seem to give a shit about the economy anymore.
At least.
Dear god, its only been a month 🫠
What can we learn from Trump's recent behavior?
Nothing that wasn't already well fucking known.
Only as long as people let him.
Presidencies are over. The guy is literally trying to normalize calling himself king as well as anything that supports the shift into a personality cult authoritarian state. It will take time and the loss of liberties will be the only thing that trickles down exponentially. This transition is also being performed by idiots who can't comprehend that there are other timers running out for our world, largely because they can't discern it from the bullshit they spew, and those who can but just think it's a good way to get ahead for when shit hits the fan.
This is it. This is it for the US. People still thinking that midterms aren't going to be screwed over to deny a fair election are fooling themselves. Even if anything where to topple Trump, it is a systemic problem and one where all the major institutions have already been corrupted from the top. There is no getting back from this. There is no getting back from having to share a democracy with a cult and with people still being so indoctrinated by faux patriotism, power, and wealth that they won't ever realistically consider seceding into like minded states - why, just imagine, how unpatriotic -gasp- .
The economy? Your social security? Your freedom? I don't know how low it will go, but since most Americans only seem to care for themselves, to them, at the very least, they should expect to be cast off into a separate "lower class" if they ever shift to the wrong political association from now on.
He will never acknowlege fault from his side so he'll need to find more and more enemies and institutions to attack and blame in an endless cycle...
Don't be surprised if at some point he'll demand previous presidents be arrested and interrogated for destroying the US economy and standing....
Exponentially. Guaranteed.
They can't tell this early in?
I find it embarrassing that Americans are so uninformed about their own history, that they don't understand what rich people think made America great in the past. They think it means their childhood, and not the so obviously named guilded age. Of course it's going to get worse, because they want to make this the same country that allowed robber Barrons to rise. We have a lot of regulations and agencies to dismantle before we get there.
In his last term, he fucked up shit for a couple of months and then went golfing until the next campaign grift started.
Buckle up, buttercup!
If Americans do nothing, we will find out. what 4 more years of Trump will be.
I mean why do anything, how bad could it be?
Maybe once spring comes? Protesting in the cold is kinda hard.
At least that's the excuse I tell for my american friends.
In addition to being cruel and stupid, much or most of what Musk and Trump are doing is illegal and/or unConstitutional. Yet no Republicans and only about three Democrats in Congress are willing to say so. This happy bipartisanship will doubtless continue after Trump drops the pretense, dissolves Congress, and cancels future elections.
If nothing stops him now, what would stop him then?
If a bull in a China shop breaks 99% of the China in an hour, then he can’t possibly break more than that during his second hour in the shop.
The bull will come to second floor and next door, it wont stop until it rampages thru the whole street, or you put something into its head.
Yes, but thank goodness Kamala didn't win, because she would have been just as bad.
No. Once the entire place is a heap of rubble, he won't be able to do any more damage. My estimate is six months to achieve that.