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What's something weird and mostly useless that you can do with your body?
  • You know how you can end up with crusties in your eyes in the morning? Well that gunk comes partly from your tear ducts and drys there. So sometimes when I blow them out I get some light white mucus as well as tears. When it's really full it will make tiny bubbles. Lol and it whistles a little so people in the same room can hear it.

    Also as a party gag. Lol

  • Someone stop the ride, I want to get off
  • I mean they literally have a publicly available plan... So as long as that's the plan then yes, I will vote for the party with the best chance of defeating them. If that were green, I'd vote green, if that were libertarian I'd begrudgingly vote libertarian. Currently it's democrats though.

    We have to push incumbents towards legislation that benefits 3rd party options to see any real headway in the 3rd party category. Until that's in place 3rd party can never succeed on a national level. Again, looking at statistics, it's just not possible until law favors multiple party conditions.

  • Someone stop the ride, I want to get off
  • I can't see them as equivalent outside of that singular position though. Both suck at not creating room for a 3rd party 100%. But Trump is following a plan and colluding with others in the GOP and DOJ to topple all democracy and install a dictatorship. If that comes to fruition there won't even be two parties. It will be one party. Well, one party and a group of people oppressed by the party.

  • Someone stop the ride, I want to get off
  • Do you realistically see any possibility of the green party gaining enough traction by November to actually be a competitive option and defeat both alternative parties? Do you think it can go from 0.26% of the popular vote and 0% of the electoral college vote to obtaining a majority of 51%?

    I applaud the commitment to a an ideal. But the ideal won't stop a fascist regime in the form of Trump from setting in. We who complain about voting for Biden can see that Biden isn't a good option. But he is the best chance of not getting Trump. So he begrudgingly gets a vote. I would love to live in a country that can have viable 3rd party options. But currently we aren't there. And there is too much that will have to change to make it possible to realistically be a voting option. Every journey starts with a single step and all but until we get things passed like ranked choice voting, the green party will never see a national victory.

  • Someone stop the ride, I want to get off
  • If we had ranked choice voting across the board I might actually vote for her or another. But seeing as we only have two practical options, that's not realistic to vote for her if we expect it to fend off the worse of two voting options. In other words, voting for her doesn't help avoid Trump. It in fact draws votes away from the Biden option since she's a green option which wouldn't realistically draw any votes from the right.

  • Man confesses to killing hospitalized wife because he couldn't afford to care for her, police say
  • That's not really a thing in most of the US. Best you can generally get is a "Do Not Resuscitate" order which is used in the event you die on your own and tells them not to do CPR or use an AED or anything else to revive you.

  • We can do all three things at once
  • One of many reasons is the issue of distribution at a distance. It's terribly inefficient to deliver power to distant locations because you get drops the further you go. Another reason would be strategic. You don't want to have too much infrastructure centralized on a single location in case of war.

  • Mormon God vs the US government
  • Nah, not harsh at all. I understand your perspective and agree that it's a bad look to stay in a place that does bad things. I greatly disagree with the church on many points and have been on the edge of leaving for a long time. My wife and I talk about various things on the near daily honestly including all the bullshit they have done to women. We both have our own wounds from the church.

    I see through the gaslighting. I'm under no illusions that the church has some fucked up past and present. Much like our own country though, which also has fucked up past and preseng, if people don't try to enact good, it won't come on its own and the assholes win. I'm not ready to throw everything away that is good when I can see the bad being removed, and it is happening. Despite the old guard clinging to their bullshit I see more and more of us pushing back against that and trying to correct the wrongs of the people that came before. Very few things in this world are all good or all bad. Especially anything with history to it. And if no one tells people they are in the wrong, then people will rarely question themselves if they are.

    And in that same vein, I appreciate your words. And I will honestly take them to heart and consider more thoughtfully if my time with the church needs to be done. Because you are right, how long can one be in any group without being an accessory to its actions?

  • What's a common occurrence in your hobby that you think shouldn't be?
  • This has been my struggle. I read the documentation before posting to linux groups. And even saying that you just get "wHaT r U sToOpId!? rTfM aGaIn!" Like just rereading it will magically reveal terms that I didn't understand the first 3 times. I gave up on trying to switch to linux.

    I think my last straw was I was talking about establishing an SFTP server in OpenBSD (I know, unix not linux, don't bother; same kinds of people in both) and I had a typo in my question and it was a very benign unimportant typo and some pedantic fuckwad had a mental fucking breakdown because he was now confused if I really wanted SFTP or FTP and how FTP was insecure blah blah...the whole thread was about setting up SFTP wtf would you think that changed in the middle because I forgot the S on SFTP in the middle of a discussion on setting up SFTP. Too many pedantics in the community and even when I like software I don't want to be associated/involved with that level of unempathetic autistic assholery.

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