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Read the indictment: NYC Mayor Eric Adams charged with bribery, fraud, foreign donations
  • The Feds have a history of not indicting until they're sure they have enough evidence to win. Either it took them a lot of searching or they found so much they had trouble getting it all in.

  • In a First, Young Men Are More Religious Than Young Women
  • Perhaps the women are tired of misogynistic religions telling them they're inferior.

  • The IDEs we had 30 years ago... and we lost
  • I was developing 30 years ago and I love what's available today. Nostalgia is fine, as far as it goes, but things change and sometimes for the better. This is one of those cases.

  • Delivery company sues Mike Lindell's MyPillow to put shipping debt to bed
  • He thinks he can get away with the same shit Trump pulls, but crazy as he is he's no Trump.

  • Pademelon
  • Heaven forbid an animal have emotions.

  • 'Closer than people think': Woolly mammoth 'de-extinction' is nearing reality — and we have no idea what happens next
  • The world they lived in is long gone along with the food they ate and the rest of their species. It seems almost cruel to bring them back.

  • "I built an arm wrestling chair." Sure you did
  • It’s just a chair. Next to a machine. That doesn’t arm wrestle.

  • Trump Actually Said He Would Appoint Elon Musk To Cabinet If Elected
  • Move over Joseph Goebbels, there's a new Propaganda Minister in town!

  • Americans are becoming less religious. None more than this group
  • The major Abrahamic religions tend to be misogynistic, though some are better than others. It's unsurprising that they're tired of it.

  • ‘His rhetoric has made Tesla toxic’: is Elon Musk driving away his target market?
  • He's still the same wannabe edgelord he's always been. Hard to believe his target market is bothered by that.

    Shareholders, on the other hand, might have issue with what he's doing and its effect on the stock price.

  • Mozilla adds stupid AI stuff with horrible T&C
  • Floorp

    Thanks, these look interesting. I've been using Firefox forever for my personal browsing (but Edge for work) and I'd prefer to stay with it if I can.

  • I'm terrified of the Netherlands now
  • I'm 6'4" (193 cm) and I felt totally average walking around Amsterdam. As opposed to being a mutant freak in Tokyo.

  • Neanderthals didn't truly go extinct, but were rather absorbed into the modern human population, DNA study suggests
  • I’ve got a bit of Neanderthal DNA, and a lot of folks of Eastern European descent do as well. My ancestors were swingers, I guess.

  • My dog rocks a bowtie.
  • Mr. Steal Your Girl.

  • Google dropping continuous scroll in search results

  • The Curious Case Of The Underselling Arena Tours
  • Support local music and musicians. Go to their shows. Buy their CDs and merch. Stop giving big corporations your dollars.

  • I can't understand why it never caught on...
  • It just needed a monkey with a tip cup.

  • Seems awfully dangerous
  • Literally the main reason I sold my motorcycle last year.

  • Pilot dies after Spitfire crash in Lincolnshire field
  • It's nice to see these old planes flying but at the same time maybe it's a bad idea to be flying 80+ year old aircraft. Surely, they've earned their retirement by now.

  • I want to be able to create new notes based on specific format

    i have a format for note-taking in meetings that I currently copy/paste to use in new notes. I would like to be able to create a new, empty, note based on that format so I can skip the copy/paste step. I have Templater but it seems far more complex than what I need. Any suggestions?

    Trying to get and use JSON from a URL

    Absolute JS newbie here. I am able to use fetch() to get JSON from a URL but I can't figure out how to do anything with that JSON outside of the fetch itself.

    Here's my code (API key and GPS redacted): fetch('') .then(result => result.json()) .then((out2) => { console.log('Fetch Output: ', out2); }).catch(err => console.error(err)); Any code that references out2 other than console.log() call gives an error that out2 is undefined. How do I get access to out2 anywhere else?

    TomMasz TomMasz
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    Comments 96