US Muslim leaders who supported Republican Donald Trump to protest against the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza and attacks on Lebanon have been deeply disappointed by his cabinet picks, they tell Reuters.
“Trump won because of us and we’re not happy with his Secretary of State pick and others,” says Rabiul Chowdhury, a Philadelphia investor who chaired the Abandon Harris campaign in Pennsylvania and co-founded Muslims for Trump. Muslim support for Trump helped him win Michigan and may have factored into other swing state wins, strategists believe.
I’m not saying go talk to the hardcore MAGA cultists mate. I’m saying seek to understand motivations and be open to dialogue if they can be convinced (ie. Former democrats voters). All I’m saying is coming with “stupid” right off the bat doesn’t help anyone.
I do insult 45 because no matter what I do or say I’m not going to convince him. I think the Muslims who voted for 45 again in my state, however, CAN be convinced
He'll yea those dirty Muslims and queers and commies and shit will never learn bc they're just so much more stupid than liberals, therefore why even bother appealing to them? Why bother trying to protect them?
This shit literally hurts democrats. This holier than thou shit inspires people who might have voted Democrat to not do that. Why are you an asshole to people who are so close to voting for you? It only makes people hate democrats. Maybe try actually arguing in good faith rather than assuming everyone who doesn't blindly VBNMW every election is stupid and evil?
Denying that you're guilty of that libshit doesn't make it any more tempting for anyone to vote democrat, and I say that as someone who voted for harris
So democrats should have done more to appeal to Muslim voters to make sure they don't vote for trump? Bc it sounds like you think it's Muslims fault not voting for their own eradication, rather than democrats fault for not promising to not eradicate them. And since you think they're stupid, it really sounds like you just don't think democrats should give any shits about Muslims, since they're just stupid trump supporters anyway
So democrats should have done more to appeal to Muslim voters to make sure they don’t vote for trump?
I'd say yeah. Fucking A.
Bc it sounds like you think it’s Muslims fault not voting for their own eradication, rather than democrats fault for not promising to not eradicate them.
Source, please.
And since you think they’re stupid, it really sounds like you just don’t think democrats should give any shits about Muslims, since they’re just stupid trump supporters anyway
I'm ChronosTriggerWarning, and I do not approve this message.
I'm gonna need some links of me saying this shit you're yelling at me for saying....
I'm of two minds: you've confused me for someone else's comment OR you've misunderstood, badly, something I've said.
This is how you view non-liberals. This is the libshit I'm talking about. Are you gonna tell me some bullshit about how you're actually only talking about specifically the Muslims that voted for trump? Bc if that's the case, then surely you support more outreach and more good faith attempts to get Muslims to support democrats, rather than just calling them stupid, right?
Wow. Cool. It's neither A, nor B. It's C: misconstrue. I guess Quixote was a prophetic nickname.
Now tell me what i think of liberals. And Christians. And Pacific Islanders. And black paraplegic Jewish Eskimo rodeo clowns... Because if you think that I'm lumping any demographic into that statement outside of stupid people, then you are exactly who I'm talking about.
There's a difference between ignorant and stupid. I prefer ignorance. It's just a lack of exposure to something, and it's easily cured. Stupid is stupid is stupid. It doesn't care about your race or gender or personal identity. Neither do i.
Are you a Muslim Trump voter? If not, then I'll wait for a Muslim Trump voter to call me out for the offense I've given.
Trump is already swaying these people. So if one wanted to "unsway" them, they would need to understand what it was that excited these voters about Trump and AOC to run a candidate that could respond to those things. And thus, hopefully, win with these voters in the next election.
You just look down on other people instead of trying to understand why they did what they did.
Strong anti-generalization assertion.
You are the reason I dislike liberals.
Ah shit, you opened with a cheesy generalization. Validating to see the"every accusation is a confession" thing holds.
But let's get into it.
one was bad but could be swayed
one was worse on all counts for all criteria, was only getting worse, can't be fixed and would tear down all the checks and balances that make government work
They picked the second option, overwhelmingly, despite the massive damage to the very fabric of the nation and the insanely worse prospects for them as a recognizable minority.
First off all, I didn’t vote for the orange turd. Let’s get that out of the way.
Second of all, there is PLENTY to criticize on the conservative side but I don’t want to see another fascist in office so I’m trying to improve the liberal side.
Muslims had a SIGNIFICANT impact on the results in my state. You are minimizing their core issue - getting democrats to actually support not killing Muslims in Gaza. Thats it
their core issue - getting democrats to actually support not killing Muslims in Gaza
And by choosing that as the core issue they chose to have even more death in Gaza. Even if they convinced the Democratic Party to now shift on this issue entirely, they completely lack the power to do anything about it because they lost the election and control zero branches of government. It's very difficult not to see this coming from an entire galaxy away.
And so the solution is to keep sending bombs to Israel and ignore them, since they're so stupid, right? Clearly their votes don't matter, so why even bother listening to them or appealing to them, right?
“It’s real simple… Trump and you care for the working class.”
Yep, real smart people there. Anybody who voted for both of them together is an idiot. They represent polar opposites of the political spectrum. She's basically the most progressive politician after Bernie, and he's the most regressive. She's thoughtful in the way she expresses herself, and he spews verbal diarrhea and lies as if he would instantly die if he said anything true.
Anybody who thinks Trump cares for the working class is fucking delusional. He's shown time after time that he doesn't care about anything that doesn't directly benefit him. He's a fucking monster and anyone who can't see that has to be stupid.
Anybody who thinks Trump cares for the working class is fucking delusional. He’s shown time after time that he doesn’t care about anything that doesn’t directly benefit him. He’s a fucking monster and anyone who can’t see that has to be stupid.
Yep. He had four years and the only thing he did was give away gigantic bags of goodies to the already obscenely wealthy. He didn't do anything for the working class.
You are focusing on Trump bad. Focus on “what can the Democratic Party do to be more appealing to voters?” The answer is be more like AOC - show you care about the working class.
I think many people already understood they vote with their feelings instead of their brain. They care more about how a candidate makes them feel than about their policies. They care more about "the vibe" than anything logical. And it's fucking us all. A candidate shouldn't have to stroke anyone's fee fees, people should use the meat in their skull prison to make a sound and reasonable choice.
But i guess this country is certainly too stupid to make basic reasonable choices when presented with options. So you have a point. Don't call them stupid or idiots because their feelings are more important to them than reason. Fucking cromagnon politics. Gonna be even more important when the DoE is ripped out.