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Trump told donors he will crush pro-Palestinian protests, deport demonstrators
  • Yet.

    It used to be that we couldn't just round up US citizens and put them in internment camps, until suddenly Executive Order 9066 changed the rules to say we could.

    Never rest in the comfort and safety of the status quo; evil can spring at any time.

  • Pure light being
  • It's vastly more that dog owners have a fetish for self-congratulation and constantly have to sniff their own farts over how special and perfect their "fur babies" are.

  • ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study
  • I see your point and I agree, except that that isn't what these headlines are saying. Granted, perhaps that's just the standard issue of sensationalism and clickbait rather than being specific to this issue, but the point remains that while the articles may be as you claim, the headlines are still presented instead as "A chainsaw can't even drive a simple nail into wood without issue and that's why you should be angry anytime you hear a chainsaw." I dunno. I'm just so exhausted.

  • ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study
  • Anyone else tired of these clickbait headlines and studies about LLM which center around fundamental misunderstandings of how LLMs work, or is it just me?

    "ChatGPT didn't get a single answer on my algebra exam correct!!" Well yes, because LLMs work on predictive generation, not traditional calculation, so of course they're not going to do math or anything else with non-language-based patterns properly. That's what a calculator is for.

    All of these articles are like complaining that a chainsaw is an inefficient tool for driving nails into wood. Yeah; because that's not the job this tool was made for.

    And it's so stupid because there are ton of legitimate criticisms about AI and the AI rollout to be had; we don't have to look for disingenuous cases of misuse for critique.

  • About once a day I suspect
  • Are the contributions of prior peoples rendered moot simply because their ancestral language is no longer being spoken?

    Why is a larger or longer empire inherently a better one? I don't care about conquests and empires, I care about cultures, peoples, and innovations.

    And frankly regarding religion, I don't think which delusion has the biggest fanbase is a valid indicator of anything more than popularity, tbh (especially when a good number of that "popularity" came at the end of a sword).

    All that being said, I have to admit I didn't expect my off-hand quip in response to the memeification of the Roman Empire was going to get me into a debate with the official Roman Tourism Board, so I do have to admit that I feel a bit unequipped in this conflict.

    edit: typo and expanding

  • About once a day I suspect
  • Only if you decide to rank accomplishment solely based on footprint.

    I'd argue there is vastly more to heritage and history than simply "but how much land did they conquer?"

  • And it went Gold
  • I've told the story before, but I worked a MarketPro Computer Show & Sale a million years ago and was stationed next to a booth selling mostly speakers and stereo equipment where the booth owner had brought his 10-ish year old son with him. This son preceded to play "Around the World," full-blast, through an enormous stack of display speakers, instantly filling the entire convention hall. Then he put the song on repeat. All day. No exaggeration, he did not play a single other song for the entirety of the 10 hour shift, just "Around the world, around the world... around the world, around the world.... around the world, around the world" endlessly.

    That kid is a legend of trolling.

  • USB tunneling
  • Boring pop culture opinions that nobody actually likes but which wear the cadence of interesting content so people unthinkingly clap along out of habit even though nobody is actually edified by it or sincerely enjoying it.

  • Why the sudden increase in removals?

    Not trying to start anything, and if this is the wrong place to post about it I apologize, I'm not sure where else to broach the topic, but as a user I've noticed an enormous increase is moderator action today and I'm curious if there was some catalyst that the userbase should be aware of. Prior to today, the modlog shows only a few mod actions most days, and previous entire months can fit within one screenview. Furthermore, most of those actions were locking posts or removing and reprimanding specific offending comments. Yet today there is an entire wave of moderator actions, including such vague notes as "Troll Post" on meme posts with significant engagement.

    I promise I'm not trying to start drama, I am just concerned as I love Lemmy and want to see it and the community thrive, and I am concerned about the same issues that plague Reddit could potentially find their way here.

    That said, I also understand this isn't a democracy, so if the reply is simply "that's how it is," I guess I'm going to just shrug and accept it.

    Vespair Shares: "You Are the Right One" by Sports (indie rock/ambient pop, 2015)

    Tell me what song that main guitar riff reminds you of

    Vespair Shares: "Cooler Than You" by Carly and Martina & Dresage (ambient pop, 2023)

    Dresage should be on your radar in general; they make great music

    Vespair Shares: "You Don't Deserve Me" by CassMae (pop, 2021, English & Hindi language)

    Regarding the video, the artist is visually-impaired

    Vespair Shares: "I'd Rather See Your Star Explode" by Slaves (post-hardcore/alternative, 2018)

    Jonny Craig is a complicated man, but that voice is nigh-legendary

    Vespair Shares: "We're All Eating Each Other" by Juliet Ivy (indie pop, 2024)

    I just heard this song for the first time yesterday. The slow-down effect is cool and the chorus is hilarious as fuck. Definitely worth the listen

    Vespair Shares: "Von Dutch" by Charli XCX (hyperpop/electro house, 2024)

    Holy shit that bassline is gritty as fuck

    Vespair Shares: "Pink G-String" by Scene Queen (bimbocore/hyperpop, 2022). Fair warning, you might hate this.

    You won't be wrong if you say this song sucks, but also that bridge is fucking hilarious. "Twerkle pit" randomly pops into my head all the damn time.

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