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Yard lookin' fine tho.
  • I still let it grow despite the weeds. But weeds is an understatement. As I said, it's thornbushes and they grow into impassible thicket. I have enough acres that I'm fine with it. But it's not something the average homeowner could allow to happen. It isn't child safe.

  • Yard lookin' fine tho.
  • Yes! The anti mow people don't understand that your yard doesn't turn into a wildflower meadow if you stop mowing.

    I spent hundreds of dollars on wildflower seeds and tiller rentals to get a wildflower meadow started.

    5 years later and it's just weeds. And not nice weeds- It's 1/2" long thornbush weeds- perfect for spreading tics onto the local deer population.

  • How to port any N64 game to the PC in record time
  • While I agree that ROM + emulator is best for preservation, you absolutely can fix the space invader bug because you have the C code which would let you add in delays. Just like there are many versions of Space Invaders for different consoles an none of them use emulation but play like the original. I'm a fan of si78c, a memory accurate reimplementation of the 1978 arcade game written in C.

    Of course Space Invaders wasn't written in C so this new tool doesn't apply.

    But the article does talk about how the decompiler sometimes introduces bugs and how they were manually fixed before compiling.

    So you were right but the problem you brought up has already been addressed. (And will continue to need to be addressed as more cross compiling bugs are found in each game.)

    I interpreted the word "legacy" the OP used as the fandom for old games rather than perfect preservation.

  • How to port any N64 game to the PC in record time
  • I followed this guide:

    It was tricky both because the website that retrogamecorps linked sometimes didn't work and there are many variations of the SM64 ROM that all play identically but the website that reads your ROM only works with one particular version. I downloaded several before I found one that worked.

  • Where are floppy disks today? Planes, trains, and all these other places
  • I miss Grammatik. It was so good at finding problems and I'm not sure if there's anything as good today 40 years later.

    What software today will analyze your paragraph and report:

    "Overstated and pretentious"

  • Parents overestimate sons’ maths skills more than daughters’, study finds
  • That seems wrong. I underestimate my son's skills and therefore made him practice more than my daughter who was always in GT math.

    If I had overestimated my son's math skills, he wouldn't be doing as well today.

  • Parents overestimate sons’ maths skills more than daughters’, study finds
  • That seems wrong. I underestimate my son's skills and therefore made him practice more than my daughter who was always in GT math.

    If I had overestimated my son's math skills, he wouldn't be doing as well today.

  • GameStop shares fall 20% after it files to sell additional stock, says first quarter sales dropped
  • I argued this premise years ago with the wsb crowd during the first run up and was down voted.

    GME won't go up and stay up because whenever the stock goes up, the Board/CEO will issue more stock to cash out the money that shareholders put into the stock. It will be shareholder funded executive bonuses.

  • Unforgivable
  • I did that as a kid on occasion and have done it as an adult to relive my childhood.

    Don't knock it until you try it. In the right proportions, the sugar of the jelly mixed with the fat of the peanut butter, creates PB&J flavored frosting.

    For example eating a stick of butter is gross or eating a cup of sugar is too much. But mix them together and you get frosting which when spread on cake is amazing.

  • We have to stop ignoring AI’s hallucination problem
  • It shouldn't even automatically fallback. If I am looking for an exact phrase and it doesn't exist, the result should be "nothing found", so that I can search somewhere else for the information. A prompt, "Nothing found. Look for related information?" Would be useful.

    But returning a list of related information when I need an exact result is worse than not having search at all.

  • How to port any N64 game to the PC in record time
  • I'm hoping this gets adapted to cross compiling for all the retro handhelds.

    I went through crazy hoops to get a native compiled Mario64 running on my Anbernic and the results were amazing compared to emulation.

    This could bring a large library of N64 to every low end handheld.

  • We have to stop ignoring AI’s hallucination problem
  • So if you type cats but the item is called pets get no results. Now the ai can find context based matches in the auto complete list.

    Google added context search to Gmail and it's infuriating. I'm looking for an exact phrase that I even put in quotes but Gmail returns a long list of emails that are vaguely related to the search word.

  • Deleted posts should create an auto reply to the creator.

    I replied to a post in a thread (about how my 15 year old burned DVDs were going bad and what I was doing to remedy it). The thread is still there but my post is gone. It wasn't an argument. It was a reply to someone asking for data backup options.

    Some auto generated explanation from Lemmy would be nice like : post deleted by owner. Or posted deleted by moderator.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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