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We're Gonna Need Smaller Handcuffs
  • Yeah, 2 is the main point. We're not mocking him for the size of his hands, we're mocking his insecurity about them. Nobody besides him actually cares how big his hands are, nor does anyone really care how big anyone else's hands are.

  • Is anyone playing Ark Survival Ascended?
  • There are quality of life changes, mainly in the building, but overall it's still the same game. Graphically though, it's far superior, especially in terms of lighting.

    I got the original really cheap so I didn't feel too bad paying for a new version. What does piss me off though is that while they promised "all existing DLC maps" from the original will be free, they're already releasing new paid DLC including dinos that are only available if you pay, in a still-early-access game before all the existing maps are released.

    So while I enjoy the game, I can't recommend it out of principle, especially to anyone who already owns Survival Evolved.

  • Is anyone playing Ark Survival Ascended?

    I've had the game running fine for months, but experience constant crashes if I have foliage and fluid interaction enabled. Has anyone been able to run the game with this on?

    Currently on Pop!OS running a 6700XT, and having the issue under both X and Wayland.

    What's up with all the ads here?
  • If you think that's unwelcoming, applications are even more so. Most people don't want to fill out an essay just to be allowed to participate.

    If I had to fill out an application, I wouldn't be here, and I'm sure a lot of others wouldn't be either.

    That's not to say that better methods shouldn't be implemented though.

  • Thanks, dad
  • Lots of people (awful people) have kids for their own ego rather than because they want to raise happy and healthy offspring. They don't care about the world their children will grow up in.

  • Linux and DOOM (1993)
  • I ran it perfectly on a 33MHz 486 with 4mb RAM for a long time. Even Doom II with some of its heavier maps ran fine.

    But the point was that the hardware requirements were low enough that it could be ported to just about any hardware. It ran on SNES which was like 4MHz

  • Linux and DOOM (1993)
  • The reason Doom got a reputation that it can run on anything is that it did run on just about anything.

    The original requirement was for a 386 CPU which ran between 12 and 40 MHz. The 386 was launched in 1985. That means that at the time the Doom was released, it could run on 8-year-old hardware.

  • There was an attempt
  • They typically can't. Scientists genetically engineered some squids to have transparent skin, and since their innards and blood are basically already transparent, this is the result.

    I don't know if these genetically modified squids can still change colors though.

  • [HELP] Updates stalling in desktop mode

    Is anybody else dealing with this? In game mode updates install normally, but if I go into desktop mode, updates stall and never finish downloading. And unfortunately you don't get to install desktop updates from game mode.

    My internet connection works fine on firefox, and is plenty fast, so it's not a connectivity issue. I'm not sure what's going on.

    What are some good co-op games that are playable on PC and Mac?

    A friend of mine was a gamer many years ago but hasn't been gaming in a while. They run a Mac and I run a PC. What are some good patient games we can play together?

    Klipper keeps deleting my Z offset instead of saving it

    Every time I use calibrate_probe, I get the message "The SAVE_CONFIG command will update the printer config file with the above and restart the printer."

    When I click Save Config, it restarts the firmware, and then I get the warning "Option 'z_offset' in section 'bltouch' must be specified."

    If I go check my printer.cfg, the [bltouch] section now has z_offset commented out with the old value and I have to remove the comment and copy in the new value.

    Am I missing something? What am I doing wrong?

    Need help with setting z-offset on Klipper for my S1 Pro

    I'm getting increasingly frustrated trying to get my printer calibrated. I've done a bed calibration using screws_tilt_calculate, and that's all nice and good. Got a bed mesh variance of 0.19mm which seems great.

    Now for the z-offset, it won't let me get the nozzle low enough. No matter how low I set the Z minimum, it won't let me get closer than about 0.5mm to the bed. I've tried setting the position_min in [stepper_z] anywhere from 0 to -9 and I get the same result every time.

    If I raise the bed, the probe adjust its height accordingly, so the result is the same.

    What can I do to fix this?

    Has anyone been playing Ark Survival Ascended on Linux? (solved my problems, I think)

    I picked it up and have been playing it. The first day, it seemed to run fine, but today I've been having a ton of trouble with it. I'm struggling to go 15 minutes without crashing, and when it does crash, Steam stops responding entirely until I reboot.

    Edit: I can't explain why, but after checking my logs, whenever my computer full-crashes, it's apparently caused by bluetooth, despite not having any connected bluetooth devices. I've disabled the bluetooth service, and now the game only crashes to desktop. Small wins, I guess.

    Another edit: I appear to have fixed my problem. I installed gamemode via apt, and added 'gamemoderun %command%' to the launch options in Steam. Haven't crashed since.

    What's the easiest way to model a print in place screw?

    I want to print a simple mechanism to adjust the distance between two pieces with a screw that can't come out of its socket on either end. What's the easiest way to model this?

    Installing a glass bed on an Ender 3 S1 Pro

    I just got a glass build plate for my S1 Pro, and I'm not sure of the best way to use it. The bed has two screws at the back that stick up a bit past the magnetic sheet and the PEI build plate has two notches to accommodate them, which helps line up the plate. The glass build plate doesn't have any notches, so it can't go flush all the way to the back.

    The glass plate is sized the same as the bed, but it can't fit on the bed without hanging off the front of it. Is this normal?

    Edit: So the screws on the bed are literally just for the alignment of the magnetic PEI plate. They can be taken out without issue. I tried looking up videos before I posted, and none of them have the same bed as mine, they all seem to have a full-surface magnetic sheet and a full-surface PEI plate.

    Finishing TPU

    I know that paint doesn't work well with TPU and that the typical way to color a piece is with dye. Does anyone have experience decorating prints that will see heavy use? Like if I wanted to use multiple colors, can dyes be brushed on similar to how one might hand paint a model? Is there a better way to do what I want?

    Is there a reason to use a dedicated switch with a home router?

    My work gave me a L2 switch because they were going to toss it out. Is there any reason for me to use that over the built-in switch from my ISP's router/modem?

    What's a good solution for a small NAS?

    I'm looking to offload all my media from my main PC and make it accessible to other devices in my house. It's likely to only be a few TB, probably 2 drives at most.

    I've been trying to find a low-power solution since it will be running all the time. I do have a PoE switch, so it would be a bonus if it can run off PoE but not a requirement. I've been checking out a lot of the SBC's that have become popular over the past couple years, but even the budget ones have gotten pretty expensive.

    What are some good options?

    Apps uninstalling themselves?

    I'm running Ubuntu, and every once in a while, I boot up my PC and some app is missing that was there previously. Last night I shut down my computer, and this morning Firefox was missing. I lost all my browsing history, cookies, bookmarks, extensions, etc.

    This has happened several times before. Does anyone know what's going on? I know I'm not personally removing any of these apps. Is there something I could be doing unknowingly to do this?

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