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/r/Transgender_Surgeries discuss the future of their sub, someone suggests Lemmy as an alternative
Suggestion on /r/bannedbooks to create a Lemmy backup community
PSA for instance admins: new joiners are not shown posts in all languages. Please pin posts about this potential issue, or find another way to explain it to them
About db0's recent success
So you want to join the fediverse?
/r/Transgender_Surgeries/ are discussing a backup after their temporary ban, does someone want to jump in and explain them how they could use Lemmy for this?
Are you seeing an increase of members registration in your respective instances the past few days?
Lemmy advertisement
A resource to help introduce people to the Fediverse
Global Swtich Day - Join The Fediverse
Nice infographic I found on Mastodon
Join Global Switch Day on February 1st 2025
Slidedeck about Meta's Rot & The Fediverse
Now's the time to start talking about Matrix+Fediverse
Most important features/fixes for Lemmy for new users?
Repotting Communities