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"Do you know how many spells are just recycled incantations?"
  • I've known a few people whose gender I would describe as lovecraftian.

  • Brain imaging shows parents have heightened neural responses to sons' gender nonconformity Brain imaging shows parents have heightened neural responses to sons' gender nonconformity

    Recent research shows that parents exhibit stronger neural responses to their own children, especially sons, violating gender norms compared to unknown children. This heightened reactivity is more pronounced among parents with traditional views on gender roles.

    Brain imaging shows parents have heightened neural responses to sons' gender nonconformity
    Georgia State University mistakenly sends 1,500 applicants acceptance letters
  • I bet they'd have a decent case against Georgia (IANAL)

  • Americans are choking on surging fast-food prices. "I can't justify the expense," one customer says
  • Fast food has been all in on drive thrus since the inception of drive thrus. Most places make about half of their money that way and for some it's far more.

  • Hmmm
  • Pretty sure India is mostly selling Russia's old arms back to them. The new stuff should probably be interpreted as an attempt to build a counterbalance to China in the region (as in deliberate, longstanding US defense policy).

  • Americans are choking on surging fast-food prices. "I can't justify the expense," one customer says
  • Fast food absolutely still pays well below a living wage in most of the US

  • Americans are choking on surging fast-food prices. "I can't justify the expense," one customer says
  • Surprised to hear this. Where im at Jimmy John's is the most expensive. I wonder if it's supply chain related.

  • New piefed feature , anyone can subscribe to any post or comment (piefed is a reddit and lemmy alternative)
  • Love to see unique features for piefed. So many different ways to tackle "threadiverse" as a project and I think we're all better off with some experimentation

  • @pixelfed: Loops is a new platform for sharing short videos, and it's open source + federated Using #ActivityPub
  • If anybody's interested in signing up for the rolling beta, here's the link

  • @pixelfed: Loops is a new platform for sharing short videos, and it's open source + federated Using #ActivityPub
  • If anybody's interested in signing up for the rolling beta, here's the link

  • @pixelfed: Loops is a new platform for sharing short videos, and it's open source + federated Using #ActivityPub
  • Seems like it's less a problem with pixelfed and more an issue with

  • Are there any innovative platforms in the Fediverse?
  • The major difference is that it's modular. So you can pick and choose which traditional social network features you want to use.

  • FROM (MGM+ 2024 Series) Season 3 - Official Tease
  • Big fan of this show. Went in with minimal expectations and found my new favorite show. Hope it doesn't go the way of lost

  • Locked
    The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men
  • Many people who have a problem with the name feminism are nonbinary people, who want equality but have been excluded from the movement by enbyphobic women, AKA TERFs.

    I assert that the quantity of nbs who hold this opinion is so small as to be negligable and that ceding a major right wing talking point for gender equity for nbs (a group in which I, and the majority of my social circle are a part of) is mostly just ceding a right wing talking point.

    Put another way, the idea that "feminism" is an insufficient term is tantamount to "all lives matter".

  • Locked
    The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men
  • Well this is a debate about prescriptivism vs descriptivism, right?

    No I don't think so.

    You're arguing we should stick to the "intended" meaning. But at what point does denying the evolution of language to become more transphobic deny the genuine harms suffered by trans people?

    I'm arguing that your particular claimed usage of feminism as a transphobic term (that is, the general inclusion of NBs as a class for whom feminism benefits is tantamount to gendering them female) simply doesn't hold up to scrutiny. This is distinct from the issue of women's spaces explicitly including NBs feels like misgendering (which is valid).

    The premise of this community is fundamentally dependent on the idea that being a beneficiary of feminism MUST be entirely seperate from being gendered female.

  • Locked
    The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men
  • It's not that there must be a class that suffers, it's that there is.

  • Locked
    The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men
  • Throwing out feminism because it does not essentialise trans and NB rights feels like very poor praxis. From the perspective of one individual assessing the views of another, I don't disagree with your metric, but I disagree with your application of the ideas to the broader movement. Particularly in so far as it grants to right wingers that feminism is a sexist term.

  • Locked
    The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men
  • The debate around terminology for spaces intended for women (and the tendency for folks to make nebulous assertions about the inclusion of NBs) seems to me to be an entirely separate issue.

    Fundamentally, I see what you're saying but I'd like to push back on the idea that the term "feminism" needs rethinking at this point in time.

    I'd even go so far as to say the parent comment where a rejection of the term feminism is portrayed as tantamount to "all lives matter" is more correct than the idea that "feminism" is a poor term because it feels like misgendering. This is a space centered around the idea that feminism is good for men because feminism is not a term that should leave you feeling gendered in it's primary usage.

  • Locked
    The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men
  • You're being downvoted, but even though most wouldn't express it explicitly, men consistently demonstrate a very similar danger response to other men as women.

  • Locked
    The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men
  • Swing and a miss, mate. Many people who have a problem with the name feminism are nonbinary people, who want equality but have been excluded from the movement by enbyphobic women, AKA TERFs.

    I'm not sure the mere existence of TERFs has led to any significant movement to rename feminism among the NB community.

  • The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men - Ms. Magazine

    Feminists, on the whole, don’t hate men. We hate sexism and sexist oppression. After all, men are harmed by patriarchy, too.

    The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men - Ms. Magazine
    The 'masculine mystique' – why men can't ditch the baggage of being a bloke The 'masculine mystique' – why men can't ditch the baggage of being a bloke

    Far from embracing the school run, most men are still trapped by rigid cultural notions of being strong, dominant and successful. Is it leading to an epidemic of unhappiness similar to the one felt by Betty Friedan’s 50s housewives?

    The 'masculine mystique' – why men can't ditch the baggage of being a bloke
    Want to make a fortune? Target bored young men who want to make a fortune. America's young men are blowing their money like never before

    Young guys are gambling on everything from sports to crypto — and companies have turned their appetite for risk into a lucrative new market.

    America's young men are blowing their money like never before
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    The Fear of Boys Online
    What is the Triad of Male Violence and how does violence manifest against oneself What is the Triad of Male Violence and how does violence manifest against oneself

    What is the meaning of the Triad of Male Violence? We will see how is the manifestation of the violence against oneself

    What is the Triad of Male Violence and how does violence manifest against oneself

    > "I’ve had many clients up and tell me that their friends, their family members, even their partners criticized them or mocked them for recognizing out loud that they were struggling. Of course we’re gonna be scared of being judged or seen as weak if we admit they’re struggling emotionally or mentally, if we know that’s happened before to others or even to us."

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    New Service to Follow Nebula Creators via Mastodon/ActivityPub

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