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A cool guide to Epicurean Paradox
  • You can’t have free will without the option to choose anything. If you can’t choose evil you don’t have free will it’s just a semblance of free will. If you’d prefer a semblance of free will that’s valid

  • Cannes: ‘Furiosa’ World Premiere Greeted With 7-Minute Standing Ovation
  • So <1min standing ovation I can get, just appreciating the time and effort. But when it gets to be 5+ min it gives me big celebrity cult worship vibes and to me that’s a negative to others maybe a positive I suppose

  • Who else wakes up and has to blow their nose or clear their airways every morning and why?
  • Okay cool, then yeah maybe the dry air. Dry, stale, dusty air fucks with my sinuses too, but idk if that’s my autoimmune or a normal thing people get. So I usually keep my house filter clean and run a fan and that seems to help me

  • Are social media sites evaluated way higher than they should be due to rampant bot usage?

    I feel like with rampant bot/AI posting the traffic into social media sites are being spoofed. And companies know this and allow it to happen because it will inflate the ad value and then the stock value. Is this true to an extent or is this taken into account?

    Philosophy of religion recommendations for a beginner-intermediate?

    Been on a theology kick for the past year and looking to read more into the philosophy because that’s the interesting part for me. I would say I’m not a beginner but not an intermediate. Would love some recommendations

    How do you streak runners manage on really bad weather days?

    I’m trying to get into streak running, but when I get hit with a day that has terrible weather (ice rain, smoke from Canada being on fire, etc) I am unsure what to do. And I don’t own a treadmill or have a gym membership. Do you just have very specific gear for those days or what? Any motivation tips and gear tips?

    Eco friendly runner tips!


    Foreword: I know being eco friendly isn’t for everyone whether it’s beliefs or pricing, but these are some tips regardless!

    1. Reusable bottles of course. This one is basically standard and I don’t think many people these days use disposable ones when working out. This will save money and the environment! I personally like and recommend the flip belt and flip belt bottles, they work for me. Farthest I’ve ran is 4 miles, might be different for higher mileage.

    2. Those rehydration drinks. Stuff like Gatorade in bottles try to avoid! Use the Gatorade powder or your preferred powder brand. Sometimes powders come in tiny plastic packets, try to find big bulk ones like Gatorade.

    3. I’m sure there’s eco friendly outfit brands share some if you know and like them!

    4. Any other tips for people looking to reduce their impact on the environment share them!

    As there is a foreword now there is a backward: I know the impact us individuals have is minimal compared to mega corps, but anything is better than nothing! Have a good day and I hope your runs continue to be injury free 😁

    Well that fuckin sucked…

    How bad are the damages and flooding where you are?

    Hello, I’m going to be getting a new computer soon and have thought about linux. Questions inside

    With the new computer and the newer Microsoft Windows updates they have really jam packed their OS with bloat and spyware. That being said I have no idea what I’m doing with Linux, need help with where to start.? What are some general tips? I understand there’s a lot of prebuilt Linux distributions or something what are some first timer friendly ones? Really any help is appreciated because the biggest barrier to entry is the perceived difficulty of actually doing it.

    How do the different servers work if they have different features? Eg. with a smaller server

    Example I think has more sorting features compared to other servers and different software I also assume. So how does that work when communicating with other servers that don’t have code as sophisticated or lack certain features?

    Idk y’all, I see a lot of angry posts about Reddit still because of being essentially forced out, however!

    I feel like lemmy is actually really amazing and has a lot of smart discussion happening instead of the constant circlejerking that happens on Reddit. I also feel the community here is a lot more hopeful/helpful! That’s all, thanks for reading 😄

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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