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Was Karl Marx an involuntary celibate or a voluntary celibate

Was he chastitymaxxing or was he just an incel groyperchan goon goblin?

Was Marx possessed by demons?

The late great Jordan Peterson (most important intellectual of our times), author of "12 rules for life, an antidote to chaos", recently made the astute observation that Karl Marx could've been possessed by a demon. Is this true?

Why do libs think they're so smart?

You've never touched a book outside of fucking kindergarten, yet you think you know more of communism than me, a fucking communist? Do you think im a baffoon?

Who is this guy?
  • Death incarnate

  • "dog" or "dawg"

    "dawg" just seems a bit too corny to me tbh

    Karl Marx ass and penis boils letter

    “I shan’t bore you by explaining [the] carbuncles on my posterior and near the penis, the final traces of which are now fading but which made it extremely painful for me to adopt a sitting and hence a writing posture. I am not taking arsenic because it dulls my mind too much and I need to keep my wits about me.”

    “The bourgeoisie will remember my carbuncles until their dying day,"

    — letter from Marx to Engels in 1867.

    Sex is hilarious
  • I'm a voluntary celibate

  • Ladies, is it masculine to use flashlights??
  • don't turn the lights off, problem fixed😎

  • lizard people

    These "EPIC" ingredients will literally give you cancer

    How do I shoplift stuff?

    Stuff has been getting REAAAAALY expensive lately in my europoor nation, like I could get a buncha snacks with 5€, but then we had to sanction Russia and fuck everything up and so now I can't get shit with that. So basically, how do I shoplift? There are like a bazillion cameras covering every aisle in my local shop and I'm confused as to how not to get caught stuffing my bag full of stuff?

    Skincare tip(s)
  • I use sandpaper to sand off the imperfections on my skin

  • I must be shadowbanned
  • The CIA is using brain rays to make people not upbear your awesome posts

  • Do you think JD Vance was a Hot Couch guy?
  • I bet he likes cockroaches tickling his balls

  • Word-A-Day Post: Famelic
  • When would you even use this?

  • I'm Joseph Robenette Biden Jr. AMA!
  • I don't have much time left.

  • Removed
  • mods are failing at KKKracKKKer control

  • I'm Joseph Robenette Biden Jr. AMA!
  • I expanded NATO

  • I'm Joseph Robenette Biden Jr. AMA!
  • Pampers Easy Ups, as they're a comfortable fit and have a few styles to choose from. My favourite flavour of ice crePampers, I like pampers easy ups

  • I'm Joseph Robenette Biden Jr. AMA!

    Hey everyone, it's me, Joseph Robenette Biden Junior here. I'm just a regular old guy who happens to be a proud member of the Democratic Party, staunch Irish-American Zionist and the President of the U.S.A. Ask me anything about my unvawering and valiant defense of Israel, my expansion of NATO, or even my favorite type of ice cream. I'll do my best to answer any question that comes my way! (Makes sure not to say anything naughty or I'll show you what "Dark Brandon" means.)

    Ebook or Physical?

    I literally cannot focus when I'm reading online for some reason + I love looking at my books on my bookshelf, it makes me feel smart

    Why is this being sold on *votegearoutlet*

    LIMITED EDITION and theres a SALE?!?!?!? I need this NOW

    borschtisgarbo borschtisgarbo

    He/Him, Marxist-Leninist

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    Comments 48