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Hot dog fried rice
  • I bet appearance is a 4, but taste is an 11/10

  • What do you mean upgrade?
  • Linux users when faced with the reality that all their shit is incompatible with reality.

  • What's the scary folk lore from your culture?
  • The Saci-Pererê is a Brazilian folklore about a one-legged man who lives in the forest, and loves to play tricks on people. He uses his cap* (autocorrect) to disappear and reappear elsewhere, sets animals loose, steals kid's toys, etc. Not scary but it's what came to mind.

  • Is this nostalgia or depression?
  • Ḑ̸̲̠̩͉͎̿ͅơ̶̮͈̏̐̈́̓̿̅́̈́̽ ̵̧͓́̃̂͒̀͝͝n̷͎̄͒o̵̜̻͇͒̀̇̀̋́͛̑͌͠t̸͔̣̆͋̉̿͂̽̔̑́͝ ̵̡̘̞̀̇̾̌̾͗͠ȍ̷̡͚͎̍̂̾̾̂̿͝͠b̵̤̹̜̅ḝ̶͕̪͗͊̋̐̂͛̚͠͝ͅỳ̵̯̻̞͈͍̔̐́̈́̈́̒̐͒͜͝

  • This is fine
  • I love the hidden references to Sisyphus' myth as well.

  • This is fine
  • Yes exactly, that's the one!

  • This is fine
  • Oh sorry, the scene is very similar to one in Triangle.

  • This is fine
  • I like this meme format, Triangle was a great movie.

  • 'The GDP gap between Europe and the United States is now 80%' [Paywall]
  • I'm already eating my popcorn as it happens.

  • **THE NUN II Discussion Megapost** 2023-09-08 ⛪😵
  • That confirms it 😂. Might be good for a b-movie night then

  • **THE NUN II Discussion Megapost** 2023-09-08 ⛪😵
  • Was the first one any good? Might watch these back to back for fun.. but I don't have high hopes that they'll live up to any horror movie standards beyond cheap scares.

  • Finally boarded the ship! And all it took was swallowing my pride.
  • Swallowing your pride...

    And giving up driver compatibility. And giving up Office. And giving up any kind of compatibility actually. And giving up Steam and Steam games.

  • Let's reboot c/traaa here maybe
  • "white tanned" is this an American thing?

  • Clima: A beautiful, minimal, and fast Android weather app
  • Your username combined with your utter idiocy makes for a pretty vile combo.

  • I'd saw off my leg for my grocery store to start carrying something besides shitty IPA's and Budweiser
  • Me Me Me Me Me

    So you don't give a shit that they only sell IPA as long as you're satisfied? Sounds like one hell of an ego trip to me.

  • Removed
    He survived sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts of America. Now he wants justice
  • Yup, location checks out. Ofc it's that misery-ridden hellhole.

  • Germany begins dismantling wind farm for coal
  • This should be all that's needed to invalidate the comment you're replying to, but it seems people are dumb.

  • How did the mansplainer die?
  • Accurate representation of wish fulfillment.

  • Biden says action needed against ‘hate-fueled violence’ after racist shooting in Florida
  • I don't see much action from a keyboard warrior like you.

  • Why do most US lawsuits settle instead of going to trial?

    It seems to me like this is just a bribe to shut up about the cause of the lawsuit. It doesn't lead to justice, and is not punitive enough in the case of large corporations.

    I find this disgusting and immoral, but maybe I'm getting something wrong..? I hope so.

    Please explain to me why this is, I'm getting irrationally angry at the fact that no one goes to trial for anything, including environmental hazards, rape, etc.

    Edit: Found a source that details all the good reasons to go to trial instead of settling. Personally, an admission of guilt and real consequences to a misdeed are incomparably more important than a slap on the wrist like a settlement.

    Edit 2: I see all the replies mentioning time and costs as the biggest reasons. And I get that, rationally. But sometimes people are irrational, I can't believe 90% of lawsuits settle... (actually it's 95% - )

    I'm thinking of buying the cheapest Nespresso machine

    Does anyone have it? The Essenza Mini. It's relatively cheap, so I'm just wondering if it's worth it. Please tell me your thoughts!

    P.S. If it's relevant at all, I'm in Europe. And looking at the cheapest one because... student life

    Someone shouldn't be able to have the @admin username

    It's confusing for new users, and this instance in particular has 7k users but no interactions. It's a bot army, with the top user being called @admin.

    Extremely shady and misleading.

    Why is the mod of conservative also the mod for LGBTQ ?

    Seems pervasive and insidious.

    I can't subscribe

    It says "subscribe pending". Would love to join but I can't.

    EDH / Commander - MTG: EDH / Commander -

    Welcome everyone. Be respectful and have fun!

    MTG: EDH / Commander -

    Just made a new EDH community on Everyone's welcome to join!

    EDH community?

    Is anyone interested in making an EDH community on Lemmy?

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