What do you mean upgrade?
What do you mean upgrade?
What do you mean upgrade?
Upgrade your user agent with this one weird trick!
Use this extension
See? This is why they need Browser Attestation... /s
Upgrade, ha?
OK, time to install TempleOS.
Upgrading my masochism that led me to using linux in the first place
Use lfs as your main. Takes like 6-8 hours to set up the base os.
Hey, at least it told you. When i was fiddling to get disney plus working on my own setup it just refused to play until i changed the reported OS to windows. Nothing else was changed. I really have no idea why they would go out of their way to block specific operating systems.
Same with Amazon Videos.
AFTER I PAID it told me my os does not support hd quality Playback.
With kodi and a plugin I got it working to run at 1080p
Saved it with OBS out of spite.
Changing the user agent unfortunately didn't work.
"We ain't supporting free shit!"
Do this:
The reason is DRM. Windows supports some baked in DRM that Linux doesn't.
They just whitelist few of the "supported", operating systems. The message says what your OS is because it blindly read that from the UA.
I have regularly watched Disney plus and Max on my Linux systems. But not all Linux systems are equal. Watching it on something like Debian would be pretty hard. Debian generally doesn't support much in the way of DRM as it goes against most of their philosophy. You can get a browser installed with support for the widevine DRM they require. But it's a lot of work on a system like that. However under Arch or Endeavor OS it was relatively simple.
However under Arch or Endeavor OS it was relatively simple
Yeah I was about to ask, since my buddy and I watch Star wars sometimes on his arch Linux machine I thought Disney+ just had native linux support
This must be a while back, because it works fine here.
A few months ago they had a bug that prevented playback on Linux. But that was resolved after a week or so.
Fuck Pearson. Absolute leeches on society.
Well said. Another day, praying that the textbook lobby dies a painful death
Have to go their testing centers for certifications. Place feels so damn sterile I wanna die, and the buzz of the fluorescent tubes is just..
Place feels like the Backrooms but with less yellow
Time to upgrade to another product.
Sadly, we get fuckin' stuckbwith certain publishers either through sweetheart deals with admin (so we professors don't get a choice) or through lack of available courseware/software/support elsewhere.
At my institution, we're lucky, because we get to pick basically whatever we want. We're pushing hard for free open-access stuff. Fuck contemporary publishers.
Pearson is stupid, but for homework you can get around it by changing your user agent. For proctoring you have to actually boot into windows though
I don't think you even need to do that, just click remind me later
Software gore? Actually more likely software cringe.
EDIT: I think this one is more fit !assholedesign@lemmy.world
You can install a useragent switcher extension for the browser
It's built in to every Chromium based browser in Developer Tools
Edit: changed "Toold" to "Tools"
Firefox lets you do it in settings as well
Or it used to, I cannot test at the moment
Ah alright. I didn't know that
Just change your user agent. Fuckers have no business knowing.
Yes, and at least there's no more ms activex bullshit to fail either (looks like S. Korea finally got rid of it 3 years ago too).
You need to update to Linux 2.
Linux Professionalโข
And here I was running Linux Pleb all along.
Bruh, we're on linux 6 now!
I could understand things not working if youโre still on kernel version 1 though :D
*Ubuntu Pro
I really hate these guys. The exam board is petty, the content is hard, and they do bullshit like this.
Downgrade, people. DOWNGRADE!
I'm going to guess it's because they wanted to account for older windows operating systems and they made that everything that isn't like windows 7+ mac and stuff it pops this message and the linux string is probably taken by the useragent.
sorry for bad English
English is all good, and honestly that's a good point. I tend to forget that the browser is what forwards the OS to the website, not the OS itself
Totally not paid my Microsoft to try and force people to use their bullshit
Try to*
Why do you think that?
Probably more that they want to support any major OSes, and Linux just doesn't have the market share they deem profitable enough.
Really now?
It's a web page. Webpages have shit to do with the operation system. Webpages however have been a classic Microsoft truck to force people on their shit software (hello ie6 hell!) so you can pretty much bet money on it that this is done at the request of a manager who got a good deal with Microsoft.
Means ascend to BSD
I thought it meant soar to Solaris
Discovered this with Pearson as well last year. Couldn't use my phone either because the mobile site is so terribly implemented
"key features" being their spyware bot that they only got working in Windows and Mac.
Can you pirate these courses?
My understanding is that with Pearson stuff the professors often setup the HW through it, so unfortunately this is often not possible.
I have a feeling they're not just FreeBSD enthusiasts being pedantic...
Don't tell me I won't be able to view my books on my pc
> changes user agent > site works just fine > mfw
Are they even lazy though? As far as I know that check and block has to be implemented. If they were lazy it would just work.
Uhm acthually Linux is not an ,emph, operating shystem it is a kernel
How dare they!
They mean an OS that is actually widely supported.
Linux users when faced with the reality that all their shit is incompatible with reality.
"Fuck, my life sucks, what can I do to cheer myself up?"
"I know, I'll go into a forum full of Linux users and tell them their OS sucks. I feel productive now. Next I'll find some Pokemon and Startrek fans and troll them too."
Lord knows Linux users never wander into windows threads and be smug.
Reality runs on Linux.
Would you like to opt in to personalized advertising, including webcam access, location data, banking information, and your personal photos?
Don't forget religion and sexual orientation (I'm looking at you Nisan)
-I'm referencing Luis rossmans video on cars btw
I mean it's what serves the back end of all these services in the first place.
If Linux suddenly ceased to exist the internet and most devices we use and even rely on including android phones would become totally useless.
I don't think you can say that something so key to our technological infrastructure is incompatible with reality.
There is simply those of us who for whatever reason (commonly privacy and a level of control no other operating system outside maybe the BSDs offers) choose to use it for our personal desktop computing needs as well.
shit doesn't work on linux Because the developers couldn't bother to make a linux version. Because "not enough people use it". And people don't use linux mainly because shit doesn't work on it.