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  • Oh, i know opeenstreetmap, but I didn't know it was like a Wikipedia for maps. That's lit. I think I've found a new hobby haha.

    So why is editing maps keeping you up so late. Do you have a passion for geography or just feel obligated to contribute?

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  • That's a lot of places you've been to. It doesn't matter whether they're in the same continent, Latin America is already diverse enough. Plus, it sounds like you had a good time, which is what matters. I hope to visit most of Latin America some day as well.

    Thank you! It's mostly knowledge directed towards one area though.

    Deep knowledge is impressive knowledge man. Pat yourself on the back

    Okay, final question. Is there anything more you hope to get out of life before you can say you've done it all?

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  • Wow, you're impressive. I've never interacted with someone with as much depth of knowledge as you. That being said i don't typically interact with people who could or should have depth of knowledge in one area anyways.

    So, it is the nature of a translator that they travel a lot. What are some of the most memorable places you've travelled to?

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  • Game of Thrones is based even though they ruined the last 2 seasons. Still haven't gotten the time to watch LoTR though.

    The fourth matrix? That's an unpopular choice. I've yet to meet someone who enjoyed that last movie. They should've left it at the 3rd one.

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  • Oh you're a translator, i guess that explains the fascination with languages. How did you get into it, and how long have you been doing it?

    Also, sorry for the amount of off-topic that I tend to go into, but I guess that it's more data to guess my age?)

    I was just gonna say, you go on a lot of tangents lmao, but yes it should all help when i deliver the coup de grace

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  • You make a good point about conlangs that's for sure. At some point, i was deep in the Toki Pona rabbit hole, but decided I'd rather spend that time learning Spanish or German, since I'd like to visit countries that use those languages some day.

    What do you do for a living?

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  • That's a lot of niche interests. Constructed languages particularly are quite the interesting... interest. I never bothered with it because i found no utility for them.

    How long have you been gardening?

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    You reply in the comments, and i try to guess your age based on a short conversation we have. That's it!

    How much money would it take for you to never listen to your favourite artist again?

    This involves consciously making an effort to listen to a song, and does not include accidentally hearing it.

    Backtracking leaves you in debt of the amount you would take

    Edit: word

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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