From random stack exchange nonsense: 750Hz-ish? Idk would be nice to run some actual fluid dynamics on, you'd probably run into issues with that pesky sound barrier...
But in all seriousness a paramotor is relatively cheap ($10-15k ish depending on how much you spend on a training program). I've only flown fixed-wing since I got financial aid for lessons (there are a TON of scholarships out there if you're serious about flying, there's a huge pilot shortage right now).
Just remember, kids! If you don't start from the flat ground it doesn't count as flying! So don't go jumping off the roof or the bridge, because even if you succeed we'll tell everyone you cheated.
I flew in third grade during recess just east of the swings while I was chasing a leaf. Only flew about 3 feet off the ground for maybe 10-12 feet and glided back down.