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Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • I got dragged to Málaga against my will (family stuff) and it was horrible. More pubs than tapas places to cater to the British crowds...

  • Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • Charleroi is super depressing indeed.

  • App development
  • Got caught in the manual blinking crossfire here... Damn you!

  • The moon
  • It's upside down, mate.

  • You're right, no human being stacks rocks like this.
  • My best guess is they mean ours are full of lead and micro plastics and propaganda.

  • Fly, you fools!
  • Yeah same here, also airports are the only place I allow myself to drink regardless of the time of day, so there's that.

  • A reminder to love nature
  • Your flag might spell "otherwise" but this piece of evidence below says something else!

  • US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan
  • Yeah I don't think we disagree at all! I'm just sharing the facts around the realities of it. Also I don't think most AC is replacing heating systems today, but rather are installed in addition to the existing heating system. When you remove your furnace and have only inverter pump for both heating and cooling indeed I think that's a big improvement, but I'm no expert.

  • US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan
  • Right, cities in general fucking suck at dealing with heat because they're concrete jungles with little greenery, and Paris in particular as pointed out in your article in parts due to the Zinc roofs. Doesn't change the fact few have AC (which also increases death risks during heatwaves) and that building techniques in general were made to more naturally keep houses cool, but yes that's more true with country houses and especially the more south you go. I didn't mean to imply cities didn't suffer from heat.

  • US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan
  • I'm just stating the facts. But as a European I have to say I'm pretty surprised by the attitudes in this thread. Almost no one I know has AC and we do just fine, seems folks are awfully protective of their AC. Obviously there are worse offenders in other industries but the source I gave you shows that by 2050 AC could be over 20% of GHG emissions, from 7% today which is still nothing to sneeze at.

    Here are some more facts (though the source kinda sucks, Quora):

    Indirect Environmental Impact: Even if the electricity powering your air conditioner comes from renewable sources like solar or wind power, there are still environmental impacts associated with the production and installation of the air conditioning unit itself. Manufacturing the units, transporting them, and disposing of them at the end of their life cycle all have environmental consequences.

    Energy Efficiency: The energy efficiency of the air conditioning unit is crucial. Even if the electricity comes from renewable sources, using an inefficient air conditioner will still consume more energy than necessary, putting strain on the grid and potentially increasing demand for non-renewable energy sources during peak times.

    Heat Island Effect: Air conditioning can contribute to the urban heat island effect, where cities are significantly warmer than rural areas due to human activities. This can have various environmental impacts, such as increased energy consumption, air pollution, and health risks.

    Refrigerants: Air conditioners use refrigerants that can be potent greenhouse gases if leaked into the atmosphere. Some older refrigerants like hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) have a high global warming potential. Using air conditioners with environmentally friendly refrigerants can help mitigate this impact.

    And here is some more information on what European countries are doing to reduce the use of them, even to the point of dictating how low you can set the temperature and banning it in shops that leave the door open.

  • US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan
  • Probably using portable ones where you put the pipe out of the window and seal around it.

  • US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan
  • Sure!

    "Cooling is a big contributor to global warming. Much of the existing cooling equipment uses hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants, which are potent greenhouse gases, and use a lot of energy, making them a double burden for climate change. Even with the phasedown of hydrofluorocarbons required by the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, business as usual means emissions from refrigeration and air conditioning are expected to double by 2030 and triple by 2050, rising from 7 per cent of global GHG emissions today. Right now, the more we cool, the more we heat the planet."


  • US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan
  • It's still bad for the environment, even if powered with green electricity.

  • US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan
  • AC is very unusual in France, maybe a bit more in the south but even there it's rare, the houses are just built with good natural insulation and temperature regulation, stone walls, concrete walls with air gaps, etc.

  • This is what freedom is about
  • We're looking at like 800 calories each here, easy.

  • my home rule
  • You mean more than usual?

  • I can't disagree.
  • Yes, but also don't turn them on until the last car that was passing you is slightly in front of you, too many people that turn them on while you're still a bit behind, potentially in their blind spot, which can make you think they didn't see you and maybe even swerve as a reflex.

  • I can't disagree.
  • Mine works like yours, it'll jottle me a bit but if I want the car to go there it goes there, I don't need special efforts to make it happen. It also has the auto-brake thing in case you're about to rear end someone and I've set it to high to see it working but even that I only managed to make it beep and flash but not actually brake yet, looks like it would only do it pretty late. I think most people complaining about this are having an "back in my days" moment tbh, but maybe there are indeed cars out there where the implementation is more invasive.

  • Anon has a typical everyday average British morning
  • It definitely reads like it was written by an American.

  • Anon has a typical everyday average British morning
  • Also publicly funded TV tends to be way better. They have somewhat more accountability so especially news, politics etc tends to be much better. For leisure programs that varies a bit more by country, but obviously the BBC has produced a lot of great stuff.

  • FOSS tools like Studio Binder for filmmaking

    Hey there, I'm looking at producing my first documentary and one of the tools people use for that is called Studio Binder. It's an all-in-one for making your scripts, shotlists, moodboards, location scouting, storyboards, production planning, collaborators management etc etc.

    Any of you know of similar tools that are FOSS? I think some VFX/animation pipelines also have similar needs.

    I already found storyboarder for making panels which seems amazing but I'm getting a bit lost in the jungle of options for the project management/scripting side of things. I'm considering Airtable for example but might be overkill for my needs.

    Ideally it's something tailored for filmmaking specifically but open to hearing about general purpose planners that can be adapted.

    [DISCUSSION] I'd like to share a branch of Hip-Hop/Trip-Hop that you may not know about if you don't know the French scene

    Hello! As a newly arrived Reddit refugee I thought I would try to contribute. I might start posting individual tracks if I sense interest but for now, let's start with a broader overview.

    There is a branch of hip hop very close to my heart, one that has a relaxed, elaborate ambience on boom bap beats with twists.

    I won't pretend I have historian level of knowledge but you can think of it as a continuation of artists like nightmares on wax, tricky, etc but also massive attack, portishead and that kind of more melodic trip hop. Some of it mixed with traditional rapping.

    This all mixes into the French melting pot and you get this back and forth between traditional hip hop with a rapper, and this abstract, melodic Trip-Hop scene. You'll also find influences from reggae, dub, punk, rock, jazz, Celtic, Arabic, oriental etc etc etc, since this is very much a world of samples, while some artists do compose everything themselves.

    Now of course all these things exist outside of France but I've explored a lot, I don't even live in France and I listen to many genres, and for me at least it's in the French artists from which I tend to find "that sound" that works for me.

    Now to get you started on the journey, some of the more mainstream artists to search for in your preferred streaming service. I keep it to things international people can listen to (e.g. no/limited French lyrics).

    • Chinese man (the masters, within this artist alone you can find many of the substyles I'm talking about I prefer the older albums by I hear youngsters enjoy the new stuff)

    • Degiheugi (more modern and his own unique twist, kinda tropical)

    • Chill Bump (these guys are more traditionally hip hop, the lyrics are in English, but you can still sense the influence)

    • Kognitif (this is very much the essence of what trip hop means to me)

    • Guts (here you'll find more ethnic influences, he also makes live musicians participate to his productions)

    • Scratch Bandit Crew (not a fan of the whole discography but the good tracks are really, really good)

    • Mounika (and finally, one of my all time favourites in his decidedly more chill and dark vibe, bordering on lo-fi at times).

    There are so many more great artists and if you did want to try one with French lyrics, then in the more traditionally hip hop category but embodying this branch, I suggest starting with "Dooz Kawa".

    I hope that I might make a few people curious with this and maybe even create a new passion or two for my beloved flavour of trip/hip hop.

    Share your own regional artists that you think upstage the usual international stars in their own way!

    Obi Obi
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