Nearest capital in Europe
Nearest capital in Europe
Nearest capital in Europe
As a finn, I approve these new borders.
Suur-Suomi !
North Macedonia
Voronoistan Union
I, for one, support the Republic of Great Ireland and Northern Britain
I think that these should not be straight lines regarding that the Earth is a sphere. Especially between Moscow and Helsinki.
it should also take into account transport feasability to at least some degree, like no one in their right mind would associate narvik with helsinki..
For railway, there is already some neat project for visualising the reach in a certain travel time from any city with a station.
For those who don’t know already, this is called a Voronoi diagram.
I think I'm too stupid to understand this. How are they straight lines and not at a diameter / in a circle from any given point? It seems... wrong.
On this map, you can see why Denmark's capital is Copenhagen. When Denmark controlled Scania and Schleswig-Holstein, it was much more centrally located than today. The borders of Denmark in this map correspond roughly to the borders before the Treaty of Roskilde.
What about Edin, bruh?
this i an amazingly informative rendering.
I somehow don't understand this fully but love it
How did u make this
I don't know how NaytaData made it, but if I were doing it, I would do something like this:
I would use a computer but the same steps would work with paper & pen.
If the OP is using GIS, it can be even easier.
Your first two steps are spot on, but then step three could simply be to add a large buffer for each capital and use some and/or/nor/xor (I'd have to look up to be certain) rules to have the buffer zones not overlap, but end where touching. Apply a color scheme and you're in business.
I’d much rather be ruled by my closest capital.
There's something funky going on north of valleta
Superb way to illustrate.
what if the uk colonised europe
Those borders don't even line up with longitude and latitude! What is this, amateur hour‽
Vaduz? Did they just choose two cities for capital-less Switzerland?
Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein.
No, that is the capital of Liechtenstein