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Looks like paradise
  • it astounds me that people don't do this, really

    like i tend to always pay attention to how nice a property looks when i'm travelling past it, and good god it looks so much more enjoyable when you have a bunch of shade and greenery around you!

    Properties without some sort of tree/hedge wall surrounding it out in the open just look absolutely miserable and trigger a long dormant part of my brain that fears being picked off by a giant bird.

  • Looks like paradise
  • looks like hell, actually

    utterly lonely and desolate, no one to help you if you get a health issue, no amenities anywhere nearby, nowhere to take a walk, etc etc etc

    actually more accurately it looks like purgatory, where you await your eternal judgement.

  • You can fit two cars there
  • you realize like 90% of australians live in 6 cities, right?

  • Ironing
  • man if your clothes look dragged through bushes i think you need to reconsider your washing and storage routine, my clothes just have minor creases and the fanciest part of my routine is rolling things up before stuffing them in a drawer.

  • Ironing
  • why do wrinkly clothes matter in the least? who gives a flying fuck about it?

    do you polish your shoes too? i personally don't want to feel like a ken doll

  • Ironing
  • you implying that's bad?

  • Ironing
  • as a swede i am legally obligated to vomit at the idea of school uniforms

  • Leg day, bros
  • this is why i respect web spinning spiders and jumping spiders (despite the name).

    web spinners just spin their webs and sit there, they're in their lane and flourishing.

    jumping spiders are smart enough to recognize that we are gods compared to them, and that we probably won't appreciate them making sudden fast movements.

  • Leg day, bros
  • it's the legs and speed that do it, normal centipedes are plenty freaky but the fact that the legs are stubbier makes them much more managable, they're more like seeing a wild rat.

  • Leg day, bros
  • it's wild because humans are supposed to have this sort of reaction programmed into us for snakes, but i'm absolutely fine with snakes and even find some of them quite cute!

    but anything with long thin legs? incinerate it in nuclear hellfire

  • no ragrets
  • based and gnomepilled

  • uwu
  • TWT

  • It's basic science
  • perhaps one day humanity will finally learn that people are different, and forcing everyone to do exactly the same things will never work out well for either party.

    and it's not just that it makes people miserable and maybe even actually harms them, it's also just an inefficient use of resources!

  • I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • i mean psilocybin (administered by a professional and in a safe environment) is actually documented to work for some people, so maybe hold out for that instead of drugs that may well be 50% drain cleaner depending on where you get it?

  • Just give me a minute
  • let me slip into something more comfortable, like your DMs

    sends a genuinely unnerving amount of unique possum images

  • Much respect for the people of Iraq, who put in a ridiculous amount of effort to deny the BIble.
  • and most people are allowed to vote, so the thoughts in their head can directly put people into government that want to kill you :)

    it's real easy to say that other people don't matter when you're not part of a marginalized group that's actively under threat in many western countries even.

  • The heart we can't neglect indeed
  • have you ever considered not being a dick about things? You're not the ultimate arbiter of what's difficult, other people experience things differently and for me the constant hashtags and the way these people write most certainly makes the dense sections difficult to parse.

    Do you just like, burst into flames when you encounter dyslexic people?

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • okay? i'm talking about the world though, so typical for people to just assume america is all that matters lmao

  • Swedneck Swedneck
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