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Do you have any smell you like/dislike even though most people don't?
  • I agree with you on gasoline. I also enjoy the smell of the blue liquid you put in your car and then spray on the windshield (I don't know what it's called).

  • Do you avoid discussing some topics online even if you have something you'd like to say about them?
  • I disagree. The thing about Lemmy is that if you don't like a specific instance, you can just block it. I spend most of my time in the danish instance and there we have plenty of debates and discussion. I think the beauty of Lemmy is that it no echochamber can reach beyond a specific instance. So yes, there may be extremist instances, but I just don't go there. I stay where the debates are sound and in good faith.

  • Favourite word and why?
  • Reasonable

  • What skill or talent took you longer than it should have to learn?
  • One day a couple years ago I decided to just learn it. I then tried to whistle for three months whenever I was alone and suddenly one day, it was whistling and not just wind-sounds.

  • What do you wear for work?
  • Beige Icelandic Sweater, brown jeans and fancy black shoes. I look dazzling :)

  • Es ist Freitag #Freitagsfliege 169
  • Frohes Freitag aus Dänemark und! Ich gehe bald nach einen Jobgespräch. WĂĽnschen mir bitte glĂĽck!

  • Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?
  • African-American guy

    Never thought about him this way, but true!

  • In your country, what "common" animals are tourists most excited to see?
  • I hate Canada Geese. I once stayed in a hotel in Manchester where they would squawk all through the night right outside the window.

  • Rimsort – An open source mod manager for Rimworld
  • Also FYI all your english comments here are posted with language set to dansk so I couldn’t find it even though I got the notifications (seems lemmy does not really tell you you are trying to visit a comment in language you don’t have enabled in settings).

    Thanks for pointing it out. I mostly use so it's just a habit. I've corrected the language of the comments.

  • Rimsort – An open source mod manager for Rimworld
  • Really? I wasn't aware. It doesn't matter for me though since I use MacOS.

  • Rimsort – An open source mod manager for Rimworld
  • Built in todds-support, and of course it's open-source unlike rimpy. It's also available for other platforms than windows.

  • Rimsort – An open source mod manager for Rimworld
  • Mods for the game may conflict if not loaded in the proper order. This modmanager can auto-sort based on information directly specified by the authors as well as from a community database that is likewise open-source. In this db people can submit their own findings on what order mods should be loaded in, and Rimsort can interpret this db while the vanilla mog manager can not. It is also a good bonus to be able to change your modlist before launching the game, as that can take a while with large modlists.

  • Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things
  • Thank you! I had to change "body" to ".main-container" to get it to work, but thank you nonetheless!

  • Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things
  • How does one make this edit permanent? I've been looking to delete the sidebar on fandom, but an adblocker like uBO is not enough, since I need to edit the backgrounds margin. I don't know anything about webdev, and would be grateful for help.

  • Can you live without YouTube ?
  • Which search engines produce better results than Google?

  • 🎵 Lemmyvision Song Playlists
  • Great work!

  • SpørgsmĂĄl og Svar Limfjorden
    Hvilke sprog kan i, ud over dansk?

    Jeg lægger ud! Jeg har mere eller mindre talt flydende engelsk siden 5.-6. klasse. På det tidspunkt gik jeg også til russisk på aftenskole, så jeg kan også en lille smule russisk. Jeg har altid godt kunne lide tysk, og det har resulteret i at jeg taler og skriver det ret godt efter otte års tysk i skolen og gymnasiet. Det er stadigvæk svært at forstå tysk tale, i hvert fald når det går hurtigt, men hvis jeg har undertekster går det godt.

    Jeg har stadig ambitioner om at lære russisk, men jeg skal lige finde en måde det kan passe ind i min hverdag igen. Derudover er jeg også interesseret i Esperanto, Fransk og Arabisk.

    Which movie characters piss you off the most?
  • Thomas Shelby from Peaky Blinders. He treats everyone around him like shit, he never communicates, and he alwayw feels like he is the victim. He is a full-blown narcissist.

  • NASA's Voyager 1 probe hasn't 'spoken' in 3 months and needs a 'miracle' to save it
  • It's just a piece of equipment, so it's not "wandering space" it doesn't have legs.🤓

  • Video game DLC now vs then
  • This is too true :c

  • Teknologi Limfjorden
    Hvad synes I om det danske tastatur i Tommeltast (Thumb-Key)?

    Tommeltast er en tastatur app til android som har et 3x3 gitter med flere bogstaver per tast. Det minder lidt om de gamle taster fra før touchskærme. Der var ikke noget dansk tastatur så jeg lavede et, men jeg har aldrig haft nogen sparringspartnere så jeg ved ikke om det er optimalt.

    Jeg tænkte at der her nok var større chance for at finde nogen der brugte/gerne ville teste tastaturet så derfor spørger jeg. Tommeltast er forøvrigt også opensource så man kan jo bare sende ændringer ind selv. Indtil videre har det dog kun været mig der har gjort det :P

    Man kan bĂĄde downloade fra F-droid og Playstore.

    (Hvis det her tæller som reklame/selvpromovering, undskylder jeg meget. Bare slet opslaget så.)

    Limfjorden Limfjorden
    Posts 3
    Comments 19