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  • All I want is a reliable alarm clock that isnt a fucking app or sony’s bizarre “dream machine” that can’t fucking keep time.

  • me and the rest of the ADHD gang keeping the alarm clock market on life support because a phone alarm is too easy to turn off in your sleep:

    • Plus keeping the phone far from bed is always a good idea.

    • I can't sleep with an alarm clock because my ADHD causes me to always want to look at the time if it's in immediate view

    • I keep my phone on the opposite side of the room so I can’t turn off the alarm without getting out of bed.

      • I used to have an alarm app that forced me to scan a barcode to turn it off (I used my shampoo bottle)

        guess who learned how to force power off their phone without waking up 🤪

        in the end I've found my ability to wake up has improved significantly after treating acid reflux (unsurprisingly it fucks up your sleep) and, to some extent, treating the ADHD

  • I never stopped having an alarm clock. It stopped being the alarm but remained the bedroom clock.

  • One tyrant rose up and overthrew another. Ordinary people like us were left to carry the cost.