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Just eat the cheese cube
  • First of the month, eat your cheese balls, pupper.

  • [Karl Jobst] I'm FINALLY Going To Trial Against Billy Mitchell
  • I am reminded of this quote by George Bernard Shaw:

    'I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.'

  • better grinder for pour over?
  • Capresso Infinity does a great job for pour over so long as you’re using a paper filter. As you note it makes too many fines to use with a mesh filter.

  • What is skibidi and why is this word everywhere? [Serious]
  • My tween will try to be edgy by saying “you’re so skibidi” to siblings.

  • Urban Heat Island Explorer
  • Is there a bug? When I click it takes me to some random city with heat data, but panning/zooming any other city is just grey.

    Makes me think you have coverage on many cities but the AJAX call to get new data isn’t working.

  • Micro LED monitors connect like puzzle pieces in HP multi-monitor concept
  • Printer is out of magenta, monitor is disabled.

  • Home entertainment with NAS?
  • American term for German car.

  • Inflation is higher than they would like you to believe.
  • Yes, measure the things people need, not gold.

  • Inflation is higher than they would like you to believe.
  • I’ll accept without evidence that real inflation feels a lot higher than 3.4%, but proposing short term shifts in the price of gold, or any other single commodity as a better metric is just nuts.

  • Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch
  • That thing’s a travesty of graphic design.

  • Toxic linux communities moment:
  • If I want to run games in Steam on NVidia GPU, with KDE and Wayland, what distribution would you recommend?

  • Christian lifeguard can't handle standing near a Pride flag, sues Los Angeles
  • I’m sick of Christians who work for the public suing because they don’t want to do their jobs.

    If you cannot serve the whole public, quit your job in public service.

  • Suspect killed his pregnant sister and dismembered her body because she was ‘no longer innocent’
  • No clear religious motive as she was already married.

  • Removed
  • R.I.P. Harambe

  • Libraries to aid me in strategy-game-like simulation of a society (non graphical)?
  • You need to be more specific about what you’re making if you expect useful advice.

    Start building something before you rail against the restrictions you haven’t hit.

  • Libraries to aid me in strategy-game-like simulation of a society (non graphical)?
  • You want a library or framework that lets you make models and you can do it all from scratch?

    Sounds like you’ve narrowed it down to just the 90% of languages that support OOP.

    Your request is so vague all I can say is get started with a language you already know well. If you could at least commit to making a game, you could skip ahead to using a preexisting game engine like Godot.

  • Temperatures in Pakistan cross 52 degrees Celsius — that’s more than 125°F
  • That’s a common misunderstanding.

    125°F means it is 25% hotter than 100% too hot.

  • Missionaries killed in Haiti by gang are state reps' daughter, son-in-law, nonprofit says
  • I must have missed the part where Jesus advocated genocide.

    I guess when he said “suffer little children” he meant drop bombs on them.

  • Sourdough batard with scalded khorasan
    • 100g whole khorasan flour
    • 200g boiling water
    • 100g whole khorasan flour
    • 500g bread flour
    • 340g warm water
    • 200g starter
    • 16g salt

    > Pour 200g boiling water on 100g khorasan flour, mix until fully hydrated, rest 15m > > Add another 100g khorasan, 500g bread flour, 340g warm water > > Mix with dough hook 3 minutes @ speed 2 > > Cover and rest for 1/2 to 3 hours to autolyse > > Mix with dough hook speed 2 for 8 minutes, develop gluten to windowpane > > Add 200g starter and 16g salt > > Mix with dough hook for 8 minutes @ speed 3 > > Final dough temperature should be 74F > > Cover and bulk ferment at room temp for 12 hours > > Divide and preshape dough, rest 15-30 minutes > > Shape dough, proof on counter 1-2 hours > > (Optional) Retard dough in fridge 6-48 hours > > Bake with steam @ 450F 38-50 minutes depending on loaf size

    Calvin Coolidge was America's Coolest President

    I mean it’s right there in his name. Also I did a book report on him in middle school. Actually he was an ineffective president who steered America right into the great depression, but he had a good one-liner.

    Bug: Bottom icon bar keeps disappearing (v1.14)

    Starting with version 1.14, the bottom icon tray keeps disappearing. It can still be clicked but won’t stay visible, I just get white space at the bottom.

    Using default theme and system dark mode settings (daytime). Phone is iPhone 14 ProMax with iOS 16.

    Jamón Serrano on homemade sourdough spelt bread

    Jamón Serrano on homemade sourdough spelt bread

    Sourdough bâtard with spelt

    Got a good ear on this sourdough bâtard with 25% bolted spelt flour.

    !Crumb shot

    Interview with an Emacs Enthusiast in 2023 [Colorized]

    Interview with an Emacs Enthusiast in 2023 [Colorized]

    You guys have no idea what you're missing out on with Emacs. It can even run vim!

    deegeese deegeese
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