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TIL that there are two types of earwax: wet and dry
  • Something (maybe Alexandrite") borked the link for me. If anyone else has the same issue, here you go:

    And yeah, that's nasty. I had to get my earwax flushed out once. It was unpleasant and super gross, and I've used the specialized peroxide solutions a couple of times in the years since. My wife has the dry wax gene, and finds wet wax both gross and confusing.

    The only thing I'll add is that having used a cheap camera earwax cleaner, the magnification makes every normal little waxbooger look like a Star Trek brain slug, so while still dramatic (don't get me wrong), the videos always look just a touch more dramatic than they really are.

  • Private mission to save the Hubble Space Telescope raises concerns, NASA emails show
  • Yup. I don't doubt he has a lot of confidence in his entire team, but NASA really come off as the adults in the room here. "Move fast and break things" only works if it's easy to fix or replace them or if no one would miss them. Hubble is a useful scientific instrument and would be ungodly expensive and involve not-insignificant danger to replace, so I can completely understand if they ultimately decide it's not worth risking 5-10 more years of data on the hope that his wanting to play-act Starfleet includes the boring preparation parts.

  • "I thought *you* did!"
  • If you have extended universe stuff, that's lovely. If you reference it, that's fine. If you rely on it, that's troubling. If I only learn about it because I had to google WTF was happening and whether I'd completely missed an episode, that's bad.

  • "I thought *you* did!"
  • LD pulls a bit of The Orville bait-and-switch where the humor never goes away, but there's clearly Star Trek bones under there and over the course of the first season it commits more to that than to being an anarchic romp. Frankly, while I enjoy both, I like LD a lot more than the Orville, which has some of the worst acting I've ever seen on network television, tends to resolve most (though not all) moral dilemmas by just aggressively picking a side, and cannot escape Seth MacFarlane's obsession with American pop culture, circa 1950-2000.

  • "I thought *you* did!"
  • It earns a lot of grace with me for its heart, and I also can't help but be entranced by the neverending meta-drama of the writers and producers trying to figure out what they want it to be and committing to absolutely nothing for more than a season.

  • Private mission to save the Hubble Space Telescope raises concerns, NASA emails show
  • So Hubble has 10 useful years left in its current orbit. I say let the private spaceflight tech bro give it a try… in nine years.

    The article goes into a lot of good detail about why it might not make sense to let a Friend of Musk pop on up with an undertrained crew and an under-specced spacecraft and try to bolt on some aftermarket hardware.

  • Oh no, I'm being converted...
  • ...people were upset it wasn’t followed up on in Rise of Skywalker.

    Fair warning, I am coming at this as a fan of TLJ who found it really worked for me after falling in love with Star Wars as a little kid in 1983, but one of the great sins of TROS is exactly that.

    Every movie before that had its retcons, sometimes pretty significant, but no movie simply rolled back the previous one or refused to engage with it like TROS did. I've been forced to accept that there is pretty significant contingent who didn't connect with TLJ like I did, but Disney and JJ took absolutely the wrong lesson from the backlash in how they responded. The fans who care that deeply view an installment they don't care for as an annoying relative, but one one to be addressed, rehabilitated if possible, explained if not. Dave Filoni built his entire career on this.

  • So....?
  • Frank Forde, the fifteenth prime minister of Australia.

    Not sure why the pose, though I wonder if the artist was maybe working from a photograph that would have hit the eye better as a moment in time. It's not a world apart from this 1949 portrait of Eleanor Roosevelt though, who must have been real fuckin' tired of holding that page just so if she was posing real-time.

  • Family photo
  • Oh, the mechanical keyboard hobby has a rabbit hole for damn near every preference you've ever idly entertained for even a moment. There's an antire category of boards "Alice or Arisu" that does a similar split, though only a few have any slope along the left-to-right axis.

    Then here on lemmy there's ! which is a little corner of the ergo community. They are NOT fucking around with their typing devices.

  • Florida teen says she was denied entry to prom for wearing a suit
  • "Mason Classical Academy"

    If folks don't know, in the charter school world, "Classical Academies" are often code for right wing indoctrination. The idea is that if you just focus on the "classics" of western education and their direct descendants, then HEY NOW! Suddenly Rudyard Kipling is your best insight into Indian literature, and Joseph Conrad into African. The American founding fathers were totally into Roman republicanism! The King James Bible is literally poetry! What is a Chinua Achebe anyway?!?!?!?!?!?

    It's an inherently conservative idea that a viable totality of useful knowledge is contained within books that are all part of the western canon circa 1937, so even if a few schools engage in it in good faith, a watered down version offered at the primary and secondary levels is just catnip for those who want to engage in a little brain washing at the public expense.

    Edit: This MCA is likely a little less explicitly creepy than some, but it's an E.D. Hirsch "Core Knowledge Foundation" school that is designed to hammer home a certain set of facts and cultural touchstones, rather than worrying about the emotional well being or broad-based thinking skills that a good modern curriculum will include. It's basically the old story of "old person sees kids don't know everything he was taught, lashes out at schools," if it were from a curmudgeonly English professor. It almost certainly draws the same type of parents and administrators that other Classical Academies do.

  • "I thought *you* did!"
  • Admit it... you LOOOOOVE whisper-lectures.

    Disco is not really a bad show. It's a bad show, a good show, a kind of decent not-star-trek show, and sometimes all of that in a single season. The whiplash is real.

  • Removed
    Billionaire hasn't heard of Streisand effect
  • This quote is from her father in '84, and it was in a televised interview. However, just two years ago she refused to denounce those comments, and pulled millions of dollars from support from Australian Netball's governing body because an indigenous player raised the issue.

  • My 4th grader picked a shirt based on her connection to me, with potentially humorous caveats...

    So, my 10yo and I have a pretty great relationship. She's smart and funny and curious and all the things I might have hoped I could raise a kid to be. That said, she idolizes her mom. As much as she is like me, Daddy is definitely the "boring" parent, because my job is stupider than my wife's and also much less demanding, so I do all the routine stuff. I don't want to play it up; like I said she and I get along extremely well, there's just more "companionable silence" than with mommy. I enjoy being the one doing the field trips, school pickup, doctor's appointments, etc. We get a lot of good time together, but frankly there's so much of it that we'd both be exhausted if I tried to make it all scintillating. So, Daddy is important, daddy is loved, but mommy is to be emulated.

    One of the most "Dad" things I do (though there are many, let me check my cargo shorts for the notes I took...) is slightly exaggerate the differences in my 90s exurban Florida upbringing and her 2020s suburban Texas upbringing. It being fuckin' Florida, I don't actually have to lie, but I do tend to pile on 20 years' worth of stories from me and my acquaintances to get a rise out of her. It works on Lemmy too! Mommy eggs it on, I think because she secretly sees it as a bonding thing for the two of them. They also bond over not liking boiled peanuts, but wrong as that is, my tolerance knows no bounds, and I love them anyway.

    So anyway, kiddo's clothing choices are generally based entirely on her interests or on things mommy got for her, and god bless 'em, it is probably for the best (c.f. the aforementioned cargo shorts). Today, though, they are are going on a field trip to the school district's outdoor learning center. It has been drilled into them that they will be outside, that there will be dirt, that there will be animals, and very specifically that the most common of those animals will be bugs. She doesn't really like the outdoors (the half-assed hayride at her little Texas cousin's other grandparents' place did not go well), and she hates bugs. They advised to wear loose but long-fitting clothes, closed shoes that can get dirty, and just generally to be prepared for a different type of day. I asked if she even wanted to go, but she loves school and her friends generally, and the promise of tame mammals was more than enough.

    Today, for the first time that I can recall, my assertive, self-assured, opinionated daughter turned down her many other options and, over her long-sleeve sun-shirt, she chose to wear one of two Florida Gators t-shirts she owns, and not even the cute one with the big orange heart, but the coarse, box-cut thing with an angry, fading mascot (shut up, !, I hear it) in a football uniform, the one even I wouldn't have bought for her, though I was pleased when her older cousins back in Florida give it to us as a hand-me-down. I am happy, but I am also down to exactly two theories:

    1. This is easily her most "disposable" shirt and she doesn't care at all if it gets ruined.

    2. She is more anxious than she's let on, and much like an eye bead or a crucifix, this choice of a totemic beast of her father's homeland is to invoke some sort of ancestral magic to protect her from the unknowable horrors of the unexplored. Y'know... a farm. 🤣

    Cost-effective convex keycaps? 1.75u and under

    So, I figured y'all would be the best people to ask. I make fairly traditional row-staggered hand-wires, but I like them to be stabilizer-free, due to my home tooling limitations and a realization that they work fine. They also avoid one of the biggest pet peeves across the various niches of keyboard people. What is the easiest and cheapest way to come by a handful of convex keycaps at 1.75u and under, to use as spacebars? I can make a lot of different combinations work, so "mix kits" in Cherry or MDA or XDA seem the most likely to be useful, but I'm not sure.

    With the sole exception of the Enter key (which at 1.75u will need to be labeled CapsLock or Control for most keycap sets), most keys can be sourced by being a little careful with which sets you get, even in sculpted profiles. Numpads require a bit of care too, as many don't have the two to occupy a "split plus", but they'll usually have something usable for that, as well as a shrunken Enter.

    I can find blank keycaps easy enough, and they work pretty well for XDA, but other profiles can get a little uncomfortable on the thumb, and only some benefit from being turned around.

    CAD wjrii
    Official Blog: Ondsel ES 2024.2 released: more assembly tools and UX/UI polish | Ondsel Ondsel ES 2024.2 released: more assembly tools and UX/UI polish | Ondsel

    We’ve just released Ondsel ES 2024.2 with new assembly tools, improved Sketcher and TechDraw workbenches, and built-in Sheet Metal workbench.

    Ondsel ES 2024.2 released: more assembly tools and UX/UI polish | Ondsel
    Meet the Rebel Alliance Taking On the Texas History Establishment Meet the Rebel Alliance Taking On the Texas History Establishment

    An ideological battle nearly destroyed the Texas State Historical Association. Now, many of the state’s prominent historians have started a rival group.

    Meet the Rebel Alliance Taking On the Texas History Establishment

    >Founded in March by a group of prominent Texas historians who broke off from the TSHA—some defecting entirely, some maintaining a dual allegiance—the organization is dedicated to promoting what it regards as a more pluralistic and inclusive approach to history. “No one in our society is to be excluded or denigrated because of their gender, religious preference, sexual orientation, race, or ethnicity,” the Alliance’s mission statement says. For anyone who has been paying attention to the internecine warfare roiling the TSHA in recent years, this declaration is a clear rebuke to TSHA executive director J.P. Bryan, a wealthy right-wing businessman who has complained that Texas historians were pushing a narrative “that demeans the Anglo efforts in settling the western part of the United States for the purpose of spreading freedoms for all.”

    Is there any reason at all for me to give a single shit about my team's roster until fall camp breaks?

    Please just figure out a way to pay kids for 3-5 year contracts. The portal, way more than NIL, is sucking all the joy out of this sport, but I can acknowledge that my interests as a fan only coincidentally and partially align with those of the players trading their services and health for my entertainment.

    What plot holes could be adequately explained away with a single shot or line of dialogue?

    "We've almost got some of their telecommunications cracked; the front end even runs on a laptop!" The Mac that sunk a thousand ships could have been merely clunky product placement, not a bafflingly stupid tech-on-film moment.

    "Senator Amidala is in a coma. Even if she recovers, she will never be the same and may not live long." But no.... George had to have his god-damned funeral scene, even if it demanded Simone Biles levels of mental gymnastics to save Carrie Fisher's most emotionally resonant moment from ROTJ, as well as one of the more intriguing OT lore dumps.

    Bonus points if a scene was scripted or filmed and got cut.

    CAD wjrii
    FreeCAD team making progress on toponaming WIP Wednesday 1 May 2024

    This week in FreeCAD development: Toponaming: most work porting RT's patches is now done except just one piece of code that was mysteriously overlooked. Both CalligaroV, chennes, and bgbsww contrib…

    WIP Wednesday 1 May 2024

    Maybe we get v1.0 this year.

    University of Houston plans to buck NFL, add alternate blue uniform for all sports UH plans to buck NFL, add alternate blue uniform for all sports

    Six months after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from the NFL, UH plans to defy the league and add an alternate blue uniform.

    UH plans to buck NFL, add alternate blue uniform for all sports

    cross-posted from:

    > >The University of Houston has informed the NFL that it will proceed with plans to add an alternate blue uniform. The about-face comes six months after the NFL’s merchandising and licensing division sent a cease-and-desist letter to UH, threatening legal action if the school did not halt what was described as UH’s “blatant copying” of the Houston Oilers-themed uniforms. > > Good. Fuck Bud Adams. If spectator sports have any value beyond mere economic activity, it's down to communities and their fans.

    University of Houston plans to buck NFL, add alternate blue uniform for all sports UH plans to buck NFL, add alternate blue uniform for all sports

    Six months after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from the NFL, UH plans to defy the league and add an alternate blue uniform.

    UH plans to buck NFL, add alternate blue uniform for all sports

    >The University of Houston has informed the NFL that it will proceed with plans to add an alternate blue uniform. The about-face comes six months after the NFL’s merchandising and licensing division sent a cease-and-desist letter to UH, threatening legal action if the school did not halt what was described as UH’s “blatant copying” of the Houston Oilers-themed uniforms.

    Good. Fuck Bud Adams. If spectator sports have any value beyond mere economic activity, it's down to communities and their fans.

    Trump may get another chance to be president. He's planning an aggressive second term.

    >Donald Trump has already been president once, and has been outspoken about the policies he would support and enact if elected again in November. > >He's promised mass deportations of millions of migrants and suggested the United States would not defend foreign allies from aggression in certain circumstances. He's vowed to eviscerate the federal bureaucracy and staff those career civil service roles with political loyalists, use law enforcement to target foes and painted a dire picture of America's future if he does not return to the White House. > >In two wide-ranging interviews with TIME Magazine published Tuesday, Trump expanded upon that vision for a second term, which would buck traditional conservative viewpoints about the role of government and expand the powers of the presidency that he would then wield against a wide range of groups in America.

    Threw together a Pixelfed post with all my hand-wired keyboard builds. wjrii (

    My KMK hand-wire builds. 1. "Plank+3" 50 key ortholinear. 2. Macropad from Thingiverse. 3. "Staggerwing" 56 key fixed-wire split ortho. 4. "RetroH" retro-inspired TKL-like, build 1/3. 5. RetroH build 2/3. 6. "N3 v1", No stabilizers, navigation arrows, Numpad. 7. RetroH build 3/3 8. "N3 v2" revised ...

    wjrii (

    9 builds over the past year, from a 12-key macropad that spits out all the swear words and nonsense an overindulged and nerdy 10 year old can come up with, to a no-stabilizers, 102-key rethinking of the 96%. A couple of them have custom DIY keycap legends.

    I'm no Joe Scotto, but what I lack in talent I make up in a stupidly high tolerance for large amounts of hand-wire soldering. I've been high on my own supply almost exclusively for the past 4-5 months.

    CAD wjrii
    Vote for a new FreeCAD logo Vote for a new FreeCAD logo

    There have been 46 submissions to the new FreeCAD logo contest. The user poll is closing on May 1 (this Wednesday). You can still pick your top 5 entries. The 5 winning submissions will then be sub…

    Vote for a new FreeCAD logo

    cross-posted from:

    > There have been 46 submissions to the new FreeCAD logo contest. The user poll is closing on May 1 (this Wednesday). You can still pick your top 5 entries. The 5 winning submissions will then be submitted to the maintainers team for the final voting.

    CAD wjrii
    History - FreeCAD Documentation

    Catia v5 was the original UI inspiration. Take from that what you will.

    Numpad? Or the right-hand half of an Ortho Split?

    Okay, it's a numpad. However, if you happen to have access to a gantry-mounted diode laser engraver, it should be able to cut through cheap and readily available 3mm Masonite without much trouble (my 5w Comgrow took two passes). A couple of coats of textured spray paint gives a surprisingly nice finish, and mounting the MCU on top left me with a 12mm thickness for the main body, not counting the MCU and before feet, switches, and keycaps. This numpad came in at about 30mm "desk to finger" with no additional efforts to keep it low profile. I'm not doing anything new here, just confirming that it doesn't have to be insanely difficult or expensive to do a DIY ortho-split.

    I don't have any RSI issues right now, nor am I particularly motivated to change how I type, but ergo mechs are one of my favorite parts of the hobby to follow, and I even made a pretty rough one once. As an aside, I gotta stop taking oversaturated iphone pictures in the office I share with a dander-factory of a cocaktiel. I look like 37% grosser than I really am.

    I laser-cut and hand-wired a numpad

    …to go with my hand-wired keyboard (or any keyboard). Numpad is “Masonite” hardboard I cut myself and painted with “textured” spray paint. I had the keyboard layout cut from aluminum by Xometry a few months back.

    Designed a print-in-place (Ender 3) mechanical keyboard for hand wiring

    **EDIT: In the interest of full disclosure, I had a filament break about 1/3 through, but that's okay because the partial PLA print was nowhere near strong enough along the layer lines. There are plenty of decent 3D printed keyboards out there that just need some assembly and post-processing, so if this one doesn't work within the constraints I've set, there's not much point to it. Learned some stuff for future designs, though, so we're all good. ** 😊

    cross-posted from:

    > It has to go vertical and diagonal, but it fits on my stock-sized Ender 3 clone, even with a brim. Key layout, dimensions, placement of chamfers and the angles on the underside were all designed with this goal in mind. 30-hour print, if Cura is to be trusted. Going to start with a partial print to make sure the layer lines can handle the stress of the keyswitches being friction fit. > > Z-banding is an aesthetic choice, right? ...right?

    CAD wjrii
    Designed a print-in-place (Ender 3) mechanical keyboard for hand wiring

    It has to go vertical and diagonal, but it fits on my stock-sized Ender 3 clone, even with a brim. Key layout, dimensions, placement of chamfers and the angles on the underside were all designed with this goal in mind. 30-hour print, if Cura is to be trusted. Going to start with a partial print to make sure the layer lines can handle the stress of the keyswitches being friction fit.

    Z-banding is an aesthetic choice, right? ...right?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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