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Analysts: PS5 Outsold Xbox Almost 5 To 1 This Past Quarter
  • That’s super fair and a trend I could agree with. I’m tentatively optimistic from rumors that the Switch 2 will be fully backward compatible and have a shared virtual store, which has been such a sore spot for me compared to how Xbox runs it. Fingers crossed for more competition though!

    Edit: also, thank you for the detailed response, I appreciated it!

  • Analysts: PS5 Outsold Xbox Almost 5 To 1 This Past Quarter
  • The Switch has sold over 140 million units, the third highest selling console of all time, and unlike most every other one out there was turning a profit on every unit instead of being a loss leader. Why would Nintendo think about going software only with those kind of numbers in their pocket?

  • Elon Musk goes ‘absolutely hard core’ in another round of Tesla layoffs
  • We had a 3 and even though Musk was already an asshole idiot, we ended up swapping it out for a Y instead of another EV because the network is leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else. If they screw this up + keep opening it up to other manufacturers (which they should, that’s a good thing) I don’t see anyone our next cars being a Tesla.

  • Trying corn for the first time this year! I'm pretty hyped
  • So I have 18 seedlings right now and was going to get another six, so I could have 12 in each mini-plot. Do you think it would be better to move the first plot around a bit and have two sets of 3x3?

  • Trying corn for the first time this year! I'm pretty hyped
  • Our house is pretty windy but it runs perpendicular to that fence behind the corn, so I’m really hoping that acts as enough of a wind break! If not then maybe next year I take over more of the front yard haha

  • Started putting together the Porphyrion and uuhhhh he's going to be a big boy

    I knew it was a larger model but didn't realize how much larger until I got one of the legs together.

    Zelda's having a tough day as you can see

    (She kicked the covers down for better pillow access)

    Trying to add text to the bottom of prints and the quality is inconsistent

    Hoping someone has an idea on this!

    I’ve been making little Disney trinkets for my wife to hand out when we go to Disneyland, and feedback has been positive enough that I thought I’d try a little Etsy store to make some filament money.

    Initially I added it into my base template in TinkerCAD but it kept coming out real bad, so I’ve been trying adding the text within Creality Print, and usually it looks pretty good but it can be wildly inconsistent. The top two are from a batch of five where I set one up and then duplicated it. The middle two are from a batch of eleven, all duplicated from the first five that looked nice, and then the bottom two are that same batch of five that I tried printing a second time and it turned out way worse.

    Any idea on why it varies so much and what I could do to resolve it?

    Any recommendations for refillable PLA filament?

    Does anyone have a brand of PLA they like that offers refillable spools? I'm digging Overture and Elegoo using cardboard spools but if I could get/print a refillable one and buy just the filament itself going forward that would be an even nicer solution.

    Squeaked my 9x9 in, it was a good year for games.

    It was down to the wire but got my 9x9 done for the year! It was an eclectic mix of games this year and there were some that I wish I'd played more often just didn't make the time.

    Quick thoughts on them all:

    1. The Crew - Really fun, starts out getting you in the groove and feeling smart about your team and your choices and then quickly ramps up. I'd like to be able to play it with the same people a bit more often as too many times there'd be one or more first timer and we'd start from mission one for them to get in the groove.
    2. Dungeon Rush - A super quick and fun reaction/slap game. Great to start or end an evening of board games.
    3. Frosthaven - Huge, complex, ridiculous in it's scope. Love this game so much and can't wait until our next session in a few days when we should have our first retirement.
    4. No Thanks - chill and great to play while hanging out at a bar. Some of the funniest on purpose or inadvertent hate drafting you can get.
    5. Sequence - My wife loves this one and I haven't really been a fan, but we've been playing it more 1v1 recently and I think it shines a lot more that way versus as a group game. Still not my favorite but it's grown on me a lot this year.
    6. Space Base - One of our favorite games, year after year. Still my top roll and collect card game.
    7. Taverns of Tiefenthal - A great follow up to another of our favorite games, Quacks of Quedlenberg, and one that was initially a "yeah, this is pretty fun" but really shines as you add more modules in. The expansion especially took it to the next level I feel.
    8. Ticket to Ride Legacy: Legends of the West - This was a very pleasant surprise for me. TTR has always been a 'eh it's fine' game for me but my wife loves all of them, and I love legacy games, so I jumped on this for her when it released. It's so much fun, full stop. Takes the TTR mechanics and does some really interesting stuff with them, and every game is adding something fun and new. Big recommend.
    9. Whirling Witchcraft - Another good quick game that has a great engine building while screwing your neighbor mechanic.

    Honorable mentions:

    1. Aoens End Legacy of Gravehold - Got seven plays in and it's hard but so fun. Hoping we can finish this one up in 2024.
    2. Twilight Imperium - by hours my most played game this year, but that's because the four games of it added up to more than 10 games of Frosthaven. So much planning to get a game of it going but nothing really hits like it for ridiculous scope.
    The new Dataslate is live!

    Only got a brief chance to look through stuff before heading to work, but just seeing the changes Deathguard got with Spread the Sickness getting a massive buff, and LoV got with Ruthless Efficiency have my hyped to dig into everything.

    Balance Datasheet here Points updated here and Rules Commentary updated here, as well

    Fix for 3-4 second freezing every minute or two

    Came across this fix for an issue apparently a decent number of people with especially the i5-6600K are having where the game will freeze for a few seconds every couple of minutes. Get an app called Battle Encoder Shirase, run it, target starfield.exe, and set your CPU limit to -8%. I tried it out and didn't get a single freeze for the hour I played after testing!

    Tales from Tech Support vladmech
    I don't know that I've ever face palmed harder from a user response than today
    Books vladmech
    So this just made my entire week

    We have a little free library out front and someone ding dong dashed this + a bag of books at our house this afternoon. Have to imagine it’s a teen who’s parent saw how many books were on the shelf and doesn’t realize I have a whole bookcase in the garage full of stuff to rotate in that I never have space for haha

    Frontline Gaming went from Lancers not up on their preorder page to being instantly sold out :(

    Wonder if they had a tiny allocation. Normally I'd just get from GW instead but at $200 a pop, 15% off plus another 15% off coupon makes it worth the wait.

    Save issues if you have cloud sync turned on

    After finally getting everyone online and characters built tonight, we played for way too long before trying to save and ran into a bug which apparently a decent number of people are having. Probably worth just turning off cloud sync for now as we just lost a couple hours of playtime (and learned which person in our group shouldn't be the host and in charge of frequent saving.)


    Let's gooooo

    Wish we could have preloaded but fingers crossed, Steam seems to be hanging on!

    A ton of First Born marine stuff is going to Legends

    Pretty wild. When they announced Primaris this is what I thought they were going to do, but then after two full editions of old/new marines living together I'd assumed they'd given up on that idea. So many classics are heading out...

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