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The American Justice System
  • You totally lost me with your arguement at "so he had to falsify some books".

    Generally I agree that not all crimes are equal and that what you have written good be a good interpretation of how Trump supporters may trivialize the matter.

  • Internet Archive is continuing to face DDoS attacks after several days, says “this attack has been sustained, impactful, targeted, adaptive, and importantly, mean”
  • Emphasis added. Storing files is not the problem. Nobody cared when they were just scanning and storing them. The problem arose when they started giving out copies. And worse, giving out copies without restriction - libaries “lend” ebooks by using DRM systems to try to ensure that only a specific number of copies are out “in circulation” at any given time, and so the big publishers have turned a blind eye to that.

    But libraries do not do that to limit access... (I think, unless there is some kind of copyright law making it necessary to restrict access). Don't they do do that because they have a limited number of book copies that they need to maintain to meet the book lending demands in their area? Seems to me like they are just trying ro maximise people's access to books given the constraints. Any digital library can obviously do this much faster.

  • UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech
  • It's not only that it discriminated against certain groups, but also that it in itself has a high enough error rate to make it unusable for any decision making. MAYBE to select people for screening, but we would be falling further down into a dystopian future.

    At the current performance, none if these AIs should be involved in anything this critical.

  • "Of course not - that might hurt my accelerationist dreams!"
  • Isn't the US Israel's main weapons and freebie supplier?

  • "Of course not - that might hurt my accelerationist dreams!"
  • I agree with everything you said but it is worth noting that those Dems who support Israel are few and may be easily offset by winning votes from other communities that are outraged by everything happening.

  • "Of course not - that might hurt my accelerationist dreams!"
  • Big thanks! It did answer my question and I also learned something new about this meme type.

  • "Of course not - that might hurt my accelerationist dreams!"
  • Could it be that threatning Biden with not voting may somehow force him to use his remaining office time to fight an ongoing genocide, by that winning the public opinion of young voters and being in office for another 4 years?

    That to me is the a logical course of action.

  • "Of course not - that might hurt my accelerationist dreams!"
  • Who is that gray person supposed to represent?

  • We have to stop ignoring AI’s hallucination problem
  • This is not at all what I said. If a machine was complex enough to reason, all power to it. But these LLMs cannot.

  • We have to stop ignoring AI’s hallucination problem
  • I fucking hate how OpenAi and other such companies claim their models "understand" language or are "fluent" in French. These are human attributes. Unless they made a synthetic brain, they can take these claims and shove them up their square tight corporate behinds.

  • South Carolina will soon ban gender-affirming & out trans kids to their parents
  • Yep!

    They have to have some Satan figure, a bunch of people who they can blame societal woes on. Even better if they are a minority so they have little power to resist as they deny them healthcare, councling, or emergency housing. Instead, they want these kids tamed and "forced straight", shifting freedom away from these kids to empower traditional family values of control.

    On top of that, winning the culture wars sounds cringe but is integral to maintaining their system.

  • South Carolina will soon ban gender-affirming & out trans kids to their parents
  • The sad part is that they arent... this is just how their brains are.

  • South Carolina will soon ban gender-affirming & out trans kids to their parents
  • These people cannot fix any issues that plague their communities, so instead they want to control and micromanage a bunch of teens.

    Classic shitty adult.

  • Robot dogs armed with AI-aimed rifles undergo US Marines Special Ops evaluation
  • Yep. That's exactly like every AI system employed by the IDF.

  • TIL Most Explosives used by Hamas Are Unexploded Israeli Bombs Dropped on Palestine
  • Calling people human shields because they are in their own home as a pretense to bomb them is a war crime.

    If a terrorist holds a baby, do you shoot the baby? Well, Israel would be ready to shoot a handful just to kill one person slightly affiliated with Hamas*.

  • Israel's pathetic style of PR
  • I thought about making them in cronological order for a few cases. I thibk it fits well with the assasination of Shireen Abu Aqleh.

  • Political Memes المنطقة عكف عفريت
    Israel's pathetic style of PR
    Secret document says Iran security forces molested and killed teen protester
  • She was a very brave teen. Fuck the Iranian regime.

  • This goes out to my homies on the .ml instances!
  • Yeah the intro to that Tankie video that person you linked to had posted.... jesus.

    I think your solution is reasonable and preferable to me tbh.

  • This goes out to my homies on the .ml instances!
  • I agree that some are good examples. I think some are exaggerated but I'll ignore those.

    The overwhelming majority of them are from hexbear finding their way to I honestly gotta check who is defederated from who. If we defederate from, we'd get rid of those but we would be losing a ton of content in communities where there are no insane extremists. What do you think what the best solution would be? I wonder if speaking to mods about it could help.

  • Anesthetics, crutches, dates. Inside Israel’s ghost list of items arbitrarily denied entry into Gaza Anesthetics, crutches, dates. Inside Israel’s ghost list of items arbitrarily denied entry into Gaza | CNN

    Humanitarian workers and government officials working to deliver urgently needed aid for Gaza as disease and near-famine grip large parts of the coastal enclave say a clear pattern has emerged of Israeli obstruction of the multi-billion-dollar humanitarian effort.

    Anesthetics, crutches, dates. Inside Israel’s ghost list of items arbitrarily denied entry into Gaza | CNN
    Anesthetics, crutches, dates. Inside Israel’s ghost list of items arbitrarily denied entry into Gaza Anesthetics, crutches, dates. Inside Israel’s ghost list of items arbitrarily denied entry into Gaza | CNN

    Humanitarian workers and government officials working to deliver urgently needed aid for Gaza as disease and near-famine grip large parts of the coastal enclave say a clear pattern has emerged of Israeli obstruction of the multi-billion-dollar humanitarian effort.

    Anesthetics, crutches, dates. Inside Israel’s ghost list of items arbitrarily denied entry into Gaza | CNN
    Anesthetics, crutches, dates. Inside Israel’s ghost list of items arbitrarily denied entry into Gaza Anesthetics, crutches, dates. Inside Israel’s ghost list of items arbitrarily denied entry into Gaza | CNN

    Humanitarian workers and government officials working to deliver urgently needed aid for Gaza as disease and near-famine grip large parts of the coastal enclave say a clear pattern has emerged of Israeli obstruction of the multi-billion-dollar humanitarian effort.

    Anesthetics, crutches, dates. Inside Israel’s ghost list of items arbitrarily denied entry into Gaza | CNN
    Exclusive: Israeli forces fired on food convoy in Gaza, UN documents and satellite analysis reveals Israeli forces fired on food convoy in Gaza, UN documents and satellite analysis reveals | CNN

    Israeli forces fired on a United Nations convoy carrying vital food supplies in central Gaza on February 5, before ultimately blocking the trucks from progressing to the northern part of the territory, where Palestinians are on the verge of famine, according to documents shared exclusively by the UN...

    Israeli forces fired on food convoy in Gaza, UN documents and satellite analysis reveals | CNN
    Exclusive: Israeli forces fired on food convoy in Gaza, UN documents and satellite analysis reveals Israeli forces fired on food convoy in Gaza, UN documents and satellite analysis reveals | CNN

    Israeli forces fired on a United Nations convoy carrying vital food supplies in central Gaza on February 5, before ultimately blocking the trucks from progressing to the northern part of the territory, where Palestinians are on the verge of famine, according to documents shared exclusively by the UN...

    Israeli forces fired on food convoy in Gaza, UN documents and satellite analysis reveals | CNN
    Political Memes المنطقة عكف عفريت
    Always in some form of denial...

    The news on CNN and reported the same way on every other self-respecting news agency:

    > US President Joe Biden said Israel's military operation to go after Hamas had been "over the top," as he highlighted the plight of Palestinians who have endured heavy bombardment and a lack of essential supplies.

    Times of Israel:

    > Biden calls Gaza response ‘over the top’; unclear if remarks aimed at Israel or Hamas

    > US president was apparently responding to question about hostage negotiations; also said ‘a lot of innocent people are dying, and it’s gotta stop’; White House does not clarify

    Israeli snipers shooting at ‘every moving object’ | Israeli snipers shoot dead 21 Palestinians as Khan Younis hospital attacked Israeli snipers shoot dead 21 Palestinians as Khan Younis hospital attacked

    Besieged Nasser Hospital a focus of Israeli fire with attack drones and snipers targeting the health facility.

    Israeli snipers shoot dead 21 Palestinians as Khan Younis hospital attacked

    No full article for this yet, but it's on the AlJazeera Live Updates Page

    In case the link doesn't work well on mobile, here is the news:

    > Israeli snipers shooting at ‘every moving object’

    > As we reported earlier, Israeli snipers killed at least 21 people in Khan Younis in the south of Gaza, where displaced Palestinians were gunned down trying to reach Nasser Hospital.

    > Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud, reporting from Rafah, says that Israeli snipers are surrounding the area of Nasser Hospital and “shooting at every moving object” as people are trying to reach it from the two densely populated residential neighbourhoods from the eastern and the western part of the hospital.

    > “The area around the hospital is very dangerous, and it has turned into a combat zone,” he said, noting that the hospital area is the only place right now in Khan Younis that has some water left.

    EDIT: link to full article is here:

    Political Memes المنطقة عكف عفريت
    "Noooo, us? No, we would NEVER do a genocide! Here, look at these testimonies from OUR experts! Ignore the UN, Amnesty, WHO, B'Tselem, Doctors Without Borders, and especially the PRCS"
    Political Memes المنطقة عكف عفريت
    And MediaBiasFactCheck lists The Times of Israel as "Highly Credible with High Factual Reporting"

    Also me: the passage screenshot made my Times of Israel is wrong (they don't seem to speak Arabic nor to fact check things) but here is a link to the real news:

    These books aren't out yet, but they would distribute them next semester

    There's no problem with adding the October 7th history to the books... BUT not sure how I feel about the omission problem were civilians taken hostage are referred to as "settlers" 😐 😐

    Political Memes المنطقة عكف عفريت
    Meanwhile, somewhere in Israel
    Political Memes المنطقة عكف عفريت
    IDF logic
    Political Memes المنطقة عكف عفريت
    When you want to commit ethnic cleansing but you're running out of money
    Israel minimizes civilian casualties more than anyone in history Israel minimizes civilian casualties more than anyone in history

    While some have argued Israel could have waited longer, used different munitions, or not conducted the war at all, these all fail to acknowledge the context of the hostages, rockets, and tunnels.

    Israel minimizes civilian casualties more than anyone in history