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YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads
  • It's excellent that alternatives and ad blockers do exist but we need regulatory action to hold companies accountable for things that are designed to worsen user experience to pressure people into paying. It's also a serious accessibility issue, to increasingly have everything be bright and loud and motion filled and unpausable all the time. This trend goes beyond YouTube and it sucks, we need to regulate this nonsense.

  • What's something that you like about your body as it has gotten older? Or about your life?

    For me I think it's gotta be eye crinkles. Nature's eyeliner.

    That and having enough self knowledge to make decisions that actually benefit me.

    What's your favorite pick-me-up?
  • I find that slowing down and just meandering through the things I have to do more slowly and comfortably, actually helps when I feel burned out. Maybe with some music. Feelings of urgency/tension in my body actually sap my energy way too quickly, before I can even get started. So I focus on managing stress preemptively.

    This is not applicable to everyone or every situation but it made a big difference for me.

  • A Georgia woman has died after an abortion ban delayed lifesaving care
  • Humans have a right to their thoughts and feelings including the weird ones. We have to protect that right. What they do not have a right to is control over anyone else on the basis of that. That is the problem here.

    The carceral side of the mental health system still exists and still hurts a lot of people, mostly poor and marginalized ones. People still die and get abused and lose their rights because of it. So it's not a thing to wish for the expansion of.

  • Fuck Google | Android 15 cracks down on sideloaded apps even harder to protect users
  • Calling these things crackdowns is something I hate. I hate the legitimization of companies as authorities over their consumers. Password sharing was never against the rules until it was. Sideloading is the same. Sell me your product or don't, but don't act like I owe you fealty for it. I hate this rhetoric and this push to normalize the idea that tech companies have any fucking right. You are just a business. Anti trust now for everything.

  • Website About Privacy Focused OS For Everyone

    Found a great site with info about privacy focused OSes written for non-technical readers. It lists basic things to know about several different mobile os options, and there are also pages that list what open source and privacy focused apps from F droid (the alternative to play store) are good to use.

    There is also, wonderfully, a page that specifically lists user friendly and nice looking ones. This site is a goldmine. Had to post as I was looking for this exact thing yesterday and I know I am not the only person on lemmy looking for alternatives.

    Young women are more liberal than they’ve been in decades, a Gallup analysis finds
  • No one's burying their head in the sand. They're reacting to the fact that it sounds here like you are resenting women for talking about their own oppression. It's not zero sum my friend. We know patriarchy hates men too. This specific article just wasn't really about that. There are other places on Lemmy that are talking more specifically about the issues you raise here, though.

  • How do I Graphene OS?

    **Wanted to update this post with a website I found that has info about this topic for regular people, in case anybody finds this later. ** Privacy Focused OS For Everyone It has info about the different os options as well as apps for phones using regular android.

    Pretend I am five and please be nice.

    Say I want to free my phone and tablet from samsung/google/skynet but I neeeeeed to be able to use my printer and external cd drives and their silly proprietary apps, as well as flash drives, cds, and normal apps without alternatives like bandcamp and libby and and all that. I also need to be able to use government websites and use my wifi and pay bills and just generally do everything that I do now on samsung's/motorola's software.

    (Most of these things were issues for me when I tried to use linux years ago which is why I'm listing them. I do not possess the technical ability to solve these problems on my own when they come up. I also do not possess any other devices to use if my main ones can't do these things anymore.)

    Is this realistic in 2024 for Graphene or any other free open source os? And if it is, how do I install it safely and properly?

    Are there any known issues with it like slowness or not being able to use the camera, etc? Most of the places with information about this stuff are not written in a langauge I speak.

    Edit: does anyone want to work on creating or collecting some simplified tutorials with me? I'm thinking of installing one of these on my phone and it it goes well I will probably write the details down. It might be good to have a place for other people who have done so, or want to, to do the same for their respective devices.

    How Republicans became the party of raunch How Republicans became the party of raunch

    The right thinks that hot girls can “kill woke.” What?

    How Republicans became the party of raunch

    >There’s a sexual ideology that holds all of these concepts together in a single place: the idea that you can celebrate Hawk Tuah girl and use her catchphrase to degrade a female politician; the idea that a starlet in a low-cut dress is yours to objectify, while contraception and sexual education are dangerous and probably immoral and should be restricted.

    >It harks back to the idea that was dominant in the Bush era, a moment when our culture was capable of prizing Girls Gone Wild and purity balls in equal measure, when pop stars like Britney Spears were expected to serve their audiences sex on a platter while avowing their virginity at the same time. It’s the ideology that unites Republican raunch and purity culture, that makes them two sides of the same coin: one based on the idea that women’s sexuality should exist in the service of men. The right once again championing this brand of bawdiness while working relentlessly to restrict women’s autonomy and denigrating the women they don’t like isn’t a departure. It’s a return to form.

    Mourning my health. I miss concerts.

    An incredible band that I love is releasing a new album. And I’m just sitting here thinking I might never get to see a live show again. My health fell apart a few years ago and there’s so much I just can’t participate in now and it’s so alienating and sad. I remember being drunk and dancing in crowds seemingly not that long ago, now I have to spend close to 80% of my time in bed just to have enough energy to do the basics like cook and shower and eat. It sucks. I miss being in rooms full of strangers and screaming and just living life in public at all, being around other humans. I don’t have anyone to help me do things, and every cool thing that happens in the world now is bittersweet because I can’t directly enjoy it. I’m like only able to have small bites of life and I am really really really really really really really sad about it. I might never get to see any band live again at all, and if I ever do through some incredible stroke of luck I still won’t be able to jump around or stand up or drink like I would want to. My enthusiasm is trapped in my body seemingly forever now. It’s just shit. Other things about life are good, great even, but this specific way of being in the world and being around like minded people feels like it’s gone forever.

    Teeth Whitening?

    I’m trying to get perspective on this particular beauty standard and how I want to approach it. Do people whiten their teeth where you live? Is it seen as expected to do so? Do you live in a city?

    I have healthy teeth that have nevertheless seen a lot of tea and coffee. I have generally thought of this as similar to wrinkles, i.e. a natural thing bodies do that I don’t want to pay money to fix since it isn’t broken. I still think this. But I have been feeling lately like there might be more actual social stigma to my teeth being discolored. I am wondering if this is at all real? Has whitening teeth become an expected thing for all adults to do now? I thought I’d ask how other people feel and think about this and what the general norm is in your social circle.

    Edit: thanks for the responses everybody.

    What was your favorite album when you were ten years old?

    I’m listening to Audioslave’s self titled. It’s still perfect. What’s yours?

    Third (!!) primary doctor in a row left their position.

    I don’t blame them at all, their working conditions are untenable and I wouldn’t want to work for Local Healthcare Monopoly either. But it feels like if you can even find any doctor at all in my area (and many people can’t) it’s just temporary and always in question. I really liked this person, too. They said they are going to reassign me to someone else when they can, but they don’t know when or who. I feel so stressed. It’s almost comical how much things have fallen apart in the past several years.

    Hey what’s the little eye icon doodad at the top of the feed?

    It toggles between an open eye icon and and crossed out eye. What’s it do?

    Edit: turns out it hides hidden posts.

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