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Nato’s failure to save Ukraine raises an existential question: what on earth is it for?
  • @trajekolus

    it's not nato's failure, ukraine was engineered to be a puppet state of the west to attack russia

  • We can dream right
  • @01010101011

    what was the movie?

  • The EPA Is Backing Down From Environmental Justice Cases Nationwide
  • @SmokeInFog

    their being pressured and bribed by business

    they may be desperate to do anything to beat Trump

  • US files war crime charges against Russians accused of torturing an American in the Ukraine invasion
  • @LaFinlandia

    funny that the US refused to ratify the ICC court in the Hague (the Rome Statute) so it's operatives could not be charged for war crimes

  • NHS hit by ‘severe drug shortages’ due to Brexit red tape
  • @Hossenfeffer

    typical communist behavior: go straight to the personal insults

    the commies have been given a script to do this if they face any criticism

  • NHS hit by ‘severe drug shortages’ due to Brexit red tape
  • @UKFilmNerd

    oh, wonderful

    here's an anti-brexit activist

    still beating that horse

    (hint: it's not drug shortages he cares about)

  • Sweden's leader turns to the military for help as gang violence escalates
  • @Unmapped

    and maybe you want to look at France and its "no-go zones" filled and controlled by (MOSLEM) immigrants

    or how about England, Denmark, Germany...same story

    European nations get middle eastern oil and cheap labor for their companies

    and this is the price

  • Sweden's leader turns to the military for help as gang violence escalates
  • @thisisawayoflife

    if you try reading Anders Breivik's manifesto you might change your mind

    but I suspect you are already committed to the ideology of Frankfort School of cultural marxism

  • Sweden's leader turns to the military for help as gang violence escalates
  • @zephyreks

    the eu is crypto communist
    their agenda has been for many years to destroy european (white) society by flooding europe with non white, esp moslem from the south

  • Sweden's leader turns to the military for help as gang violence escalates
  • @zephyreks

    this is what communist immigration policies get you

  • perfect_brains perfect brains

    photogolographer, art guy, it might seem crazy now, but if we stay connected we can steer through

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