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Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • There's some really cool stuff I wish I could talk about, with some amazing photos to go along, but it would basically dox me :(

  • Removed
    touched liquid explosive and kept all 10 fingers
  • you going to give us some more juicy details, or just going to keep implying you are doing something very interesting?

  • EVE Online's devs have always been bumbling, corrupt, greedy assholes. Some of this may not make sense to you, but hope enough does to see that here.
  • I don't really like Thor, and he's not being entirely truthful here, but CCP is full of shit. EVE has seen better days.

  • Paul Harrell died
  • RIP. He was definitely one of the good ones, giving good reliable advice without the politics that is found in a lot of other videos. He kept a lot of his personal life separate, and I respect that.

    I really appreciated his style, it wasn't the clickbait, memes, and impractical content that some of the larger guntubers have.

  • I resent growing up with technology. Wish I was forced into playing sports instead of being allowed to sit on the computer all day
  • There are adult amateur sports leagues for most sports in most cities, if you really wanted someone could do the forcing now

  • Title
  • The Rizzler is a guy (a kid, to be particular), but the riddler + rizz combination came first, he got the name from the meme

  • Company creates "solution" to address school "vaping incidents".
  • It doesn't seem like there's any enforcement method, just "social influence".

    In other words, they made a scoreboard.

  • Anyone around? Went back to reddit just for this community and can't stand the reddit app.
  • I mean, I understand the difficulty conceptually, I've even seen friends struggle with it, but "understanding" is a whole 'nother ball game. I've had more struggle in the other direction, perhaps that's why.

  • "Deploying" images rather than installing from the official ISO?
  • You could try using Hashicorp's Packer to generate images repeatably (usually more meant for cloud images though). Or NixOS (like others have mention), or Guix (like NixOS, but better in some ways, worse in others). You could make it an Ansible playbook, which would let you both make configured images, and just configure machines that already have an OS.

    I do something similar with archiso, fwiw, but that only works with Arch Linux.

    Would you want to change your distribution, or just keep Debian with some tools to automate?

  • Anyone around? Went back to reddit just for this community and can't stand the reddit app.
  • I know there's been a few people talking about weight loss stuff on the Hexbear megathreads, you'd surely be in good company.

  • Anyone around? Went back to reddit just for this community and can't stand the reddit app.
  • Is there anything in particular that makes keeping that weight loss difficult?

    It is indeed a shame that this community is inactive, but maybe c/fitness or c/self_improvement on Hexbear could be of help?

  • Trans megathread and c/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns not showing any posts?
  • Imagine the massive struggle session if the com really did get scrubbed, would be epic/terrible

  • [CW: Addiction, family separation] They followed doctors' orders. The state took their babies.
  • And people wonder why addicts refuse treatment. Child separation isn't the only issue, it can be a problematic process.

    Getting suboxone or methadone through less legal means is a lot better for most people, but can end up having some of the same issues as normal street drugs (contamination, fakes, especially for methadone).

  • Trans Megathread for the Week of 26/8-1/9

    The photo is a 1974 photo of Leslie Feinberg, from the FBI file on hir. I've written a piece on my interpretation of Transgender Warriors and Trans Liberation, but I don't think it's quite polished enough, so I'll post it later. Instead, I'll go over hir FBI file:

    The FBI thought Feinberg could be violating the Communist Control Act, advocating the overthrow of the government, and engaging in rebellion. Needless to say, a hero to all of us. Feinberg was a member of the Workers World Party (the party still exists, but more notably PSL split from it), which apparently wasn't openly advocating for the overthrow of the U.S, they just think it's inevitable.

    My favorite line? "captioned subject is believed to be a white female, who became male through some kind of sex change operation, and is possibly homosexual". Some interesting language choice, and it's an interesting snapshot into the evolution of Leslie's identity.

    The FBI found Leslie's place of birth and birthdate from public school records. It's a bit of an interesting look into all of the many places the FBI can get their information, along with how information like that was so much more patchwork before the digital age.

    "Interview of subject is not being recommended because of the questionable nature of his sexuality". Hmm, interesting.

    It's interesting how their investigation spanned multiple cities, from Kansas City to NYC to Bufffalo to Boston. It probably involved quite a few officers, though I'm sure it wasn't the main focus for all of them.

    There's some interesting mention about changes in Leslie's gender identity. Born a girl, for a time wearing a beard and mustache, then going back to "she". I'm sure we all know, Feinberg's gender didn't stop evolving there.

    "Subject reportedly contributes all extra money to WWP", Leslie definitely was dedicated to the cause. Leslie doesn't attend NYC WWP meetings, but the FBI doesn't mention why.

    The FBI isn't immune to typoes, Leslie did some "criminal terspass" that garnered some attention.They wasted some time checking if Leslie was in Boston, but verified where Leslie in NYC lived by pretending to be a part of the Voter Registration Commission.

    There's a whole 43 pages of documents, all just from 1974-75. There's plenty of interesting tidbits in there, so maybe check it out.

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    As a reminder, be sure to properly give content warnings and put sensitive subjects behind proper spoiler tags. It's for the mental health of not just your comrades, but yourself as well. ----------

    Here is a screenshot of where to find the spoiler button.


    grindr mutual aid

    wish I was better at making interesting titles

    If you see this, brush your teeth

    And floss too. If it's the evening, that's a perfect time to do it. If it's the morning, great time as well. Middle of the day? You've probably had food, brush them teeth. If you've recently (but not immediately after, wait a bit, drink some water) eaten, that's a perfect time to brush. Especially if you've recently had something sugary (avoid sugary stuff, also like I said not too recently).

    And if you can, and haven't recently, see a dentist.

    Your teeth are precious, and hard to replace. Lack of proper dental care can in many ways amount to a tax on the poor, where a lack of proper preventative care can turn mouths into an unaffordably fixable mess. Get people in your community to take care of their teeth too.

    There's really only a few situations where you shouldn't be brushing your teeth right now: you vomited recently (brushing after vomiting can degrade the protective coating on your teeth), or you brushed recently.

    Not having the equipment for it on you is only an excuse this once, carrying that stuff with you is a good idea. You eat and drink throughout the day, so you should brush and floss throughout the day. And who knows when you'll need to be presentable? You don't want to barrage your comrades, friends, partners, or "path to promotion" (your bosses) with bad breath.

    Iran finally retaliated! Netanyahu reportedly dead, in apparent assassination!

    It looks like they did a true tit-for-tat, blowing up a target with a missile (or a planted explosive). Reporting is early, so it's hard to tell, just like with the Ismael Haniyeh situation.

    The photo is from Tel Aviv (and off Facebook, lol), it seems to show the response. Haven't seen any photos of the explosion itself yet, but I'm sure those will be coming out shortly.

    It could have also been some other group, but that seems unlikely.

    The GDP per capita of Syria was three times higher than Ukraine before the Syrian Civil War

    I actually found this on r/Anarcho_Capitalism, where they were talking about how Assad didn't do the chemical attacks. Quite strange, honestly.

    Friendly Fire

    Link cuz I'm not a lib:

    Those darn Hexbears, hating on those poor innocent souls

    Born to free slaves

    Confederacy is a fuck

    鬼神 Kill em All 1859

    I am John Brown

    410,757,864,530 Dead Slave Owners

    Now where have I seen those funny axe things before?

    Yeah, I know they are ancient roman symbols that have been and are used in contexts unrelated to Fascism. More of an example of Fascists being unoriginal. Whatever.

    Proton's doing a fundraiser

    I was thinking "Oh, maybe I'll donate. They're donating to MSF and Tor? That's cool." And then I saw this part.

    oscardejarjayes oscardejarjayes [comrade/them]


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