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[Fil quotidien] Discussion du jour 06-08-2024
  • Bien le bonjour à vous !

  • Welcome cubers!
  • I began to take an interest in Roux… which sounds incredible.

    Nice! (it is incredible 😉)

    I think that cubing is such a great hobby: with 3x3x3 you have several methods to discover (cfop, roux, zz, petrus, heise…), several events (classic, one hand, (multi)blind, fmc). You can find something that suit you: good at learning algs? you can try zz. you suck at tps? roux can be pretty fast. You’re in for the "mathematical" challenge ? petrus/heise or fmc it is.

    Then you start 4x4x4, 2x2x2, 7x7x7 to make some fun patterns, 3x3x3 shape-mods, skewb, square-one, non-wca. It’s a bottomless pit, such an interesting bottomless pit…

  • [wrong delivery] WRM V10 instead of RS3M V5. What do you think?
  • I’m glad you finally found such a clear answer!

    (You are down a cube robot though… :p)

    Last time, I forgot to tell you about (which are apparently all made by Bas). There are a little bit more reviews than on

    A little bit late since you’ve found what you wanted, but that may be useful for a next time (or another person).

  • Mardi marrant - qu'est-ce qui vous a fait rire cette semaine?
  • J'ai convaincu Madame d'essayer les culottes menstruelles.

    À la réception, discussion avec Junior2 qui s'interroge sur la perte de sang et veux savoir si c'est comme pour lui quand il pète et que ça fait des traces. Il nous a tué.

  • [WR] 2x2x2 0.78 avg by Yiheng Wang (王艺衡)
  • And a full sub-1 solve!

  • [WR] 2x2x2 0.78 avg by Yiheng Wang (王艺衡)
  • That's highly probable! So much TPS…

  • [WR] FMC single 16 by Levi Gibson and Aedan Bryant (yes, it's a tie)
  • Yes. I think that there will be a lot more of "16s" WR before there are a 15. 16 moves is less than 3% of solutions, 15 is about 0.2%.

  • Monthly discussion thread (June 2024)
  • Orange-white FB – 34stm

    y' x2 //inspection
    B U F' u' r M2 B' //FB 7
    U' M B' R2 B U M //U' r' // SB 7/14
    B U2 B' U' B U2 B' U' R' // CMLL 9/23
    U2 M' U M U M2 U' B2 M B2 M2 // LSE 11/34


  • Monthly discussion thread (June 2024)
  • Graham Siggins has tried a 300 mbld

    288/300 in 11:03:44. I can’t imagine the exhaustion!

  • [game][sampling] 6 degrés de séparation (

    Base de données de samples, covers et remix, whoSampled permet aussi, à la manière de sixdegreesofwikipedia, de voir les connections entre deux artistes via des samples/covers/appartenance au même groupe/…

    [Mailday] QiYi M Pro, Sengso Master Pyraminx, Lanlan Rua

    I wanted to try a stronger magnetic cube (main is currently Tengyun v1). QiYi M Pro has a ~10$ ballcore UV, so it went onto the cart. The turning feeling is really close to my tengyun, so I like it.

    Master pyraminx isn’t too much of a hassle, pretty straightforward with pyraminx algs.

    I haven’t scrambled the rua yet, but it’s very stiff.

    34x34 Rubik's Cube [Matt Bahner]
  • The video is really nice! Love the stop motion.

  • My new cubes
  • What I do is : insert corners first, then edges. Corners are easy. For edges, I do an insert "beginner"-style (URU'R' U' F'UF). (Since it can breaks the adjacent side, I pair the edge with the corner on a higher layer, that is doing 1 turn on the face). Just experiment with it, I’m sure it will "click" at some point ;)

  • My new cubes
  • Nice!

    4x4x4 is the next logical step, but megaminx is actually easier: no new algorithm is needed (if you come from the "beginner method"). Figuring out all layers (except the last one) is pretty easy. Then I suggest you do some 3x3x3 algs to see what is affected. Anyway, that’s what I use too, no world record in sight either!

    4x4x4 parity is the real hassle. I use commutators to remember it, and it’s pretty inefficient too :p

    Where did you buy them?

  • Monthly discussion thread (May 2024)
  • It depends on what better means for you. What’s your goal?

    You can either check CFOP or Roux methods. Both are top-level cubing. CFOP is more algorithm oriented and might be closer to what you know, Roux is more "intuitive" with fewer algorithms.

  • Derrière les Paroles Derrière les paroles Streaming gratuit | TV5MONDEplus

    Laélia Véron, linguiste et stylisticienne, décrypte et décortique les paroles de chansons francophones du moment pour savoir ce qui se cache derrière ...

    Derrière les paroles Streaming gratuit | TV5MONDEplus

    >Laélia Véron, linguiste et stylisticienne, décrypte et décortique les paroles de chansons francophones du moment pour savoir ce qui se cache derrière les paroles.

    Avec également des commentaires des auteurs, sur leur processus de création.

    Carte interactive ferroviaire en temps réel. Carto GRAOU

    Cartographie ferroviaire Française SNCF — GRAOU

    D’après le site: > Cette carte est un projet strictement personnel. Elle est livrée sans garanties de fiabilité ou de mise à jour.

    On peut cliquer sur les trains pour voir leurs arrêts (puis cliquer sur le nom de la gare), voir les signaux, les pancartes, les passages à niveau, etc.

    Base de données coopérative des boites à livres de France

    Je cite la partie À propos du site :

    >Pourquoi un nouveau site sur les boîtes à livres ? > >Il existe en effet déjà plusieurs sites permettant de repérer des boîtes à livres en France (voir plus bas) mais aucun n'a à notre connaissance de politique claire quant à la gestion des données. Ce travail collectif d'identification de boîtes à livres risque de disparaitre avec la fermeture de ces sites. > >Pour éviter cela nous avons décidé ici de n'être qu'une vitrine à des données présentes dans OpenStreetMap (OSM). Ainsi si demain ce site venait à disparaître (le plus tard possible on l'espère), n'importe qui pourrait sur la base des données présentes dans OSM sous licence libre, refaire une nouvelle interface (ou réutiliser celle-ci dont le code source sera bientôt diffusé sous licence libre lui aussi).

    [WR] Square-1 3.41 single by Ryan Pilat Square-1 World Record Single: 3.41 Seconds

    "I always knew this was possible, but never expected it to actually happen..." again... This one was even more absurd than my last world record 9 months ago. 2 slices to U perm - 10 slice solution. Probably one of the most ridiculous scrambles to have ever been generated (thanks Dan). This scramb...

    Square-1 World Record Single: 3.41 Seconds

    >"I always knew this was possible, but never expected it to actually happen..." again...

    >This one was even more absurd than my last world record 9 months ago. 2 slices to U perm - 10 slice solution. Probably one of the most ridiculous scrambles to have ever been generated (thanks Dan).

    >This scramble had the potential to destroy this event, potential to stand for at least a decade, perhaps longer...

    >But no, I choked, and that's okay. I tried to 1look it but I wasn't mentally focused enough to do so. I knew the bottom layer would be solved after OBL but that's about it. My execution wasn't good, but I'm so relieved to have at least broken WR given the immense pressure of such an easy scramble.

    >Eventually someone will break the sub-3 barrier and beyond, given the right circumstances. This just leaves the door open for more people to have a shot at WR.

    >And of all people to be the first to have multiple sub-4s, I don't think anyone expected it to be me...

    Previous record was 3.69 by Max Siauw

    [WR] 2x2x2 0.92 avg by Zayn Khanani 0.92 2x2 World Record Average!

    Still doesn’t feel real.. After failing time and time again over the past few years, I finally broke the biggest mental barrier of my cubing career. These solves are far from perfect though, excited to see what the future holds :) 0.84 (2.69) (0.71) 1.04 0.88 = 0.92 World Record Average New-Cumber...

    0.92 2x2 World Record Average!

    Previous record was 1.01, by Zayn Khanani. A huge step!

    Explanation of inspection : (spoiler: that’s crazy)

    Monthly discussion thread (February 2024)
  • I’ve fucked up a pretty good scramble. I’ve got the wrong cmll and ended up doing a Y-perm. Still got a 21.17, but I could have gotten a PB…

    D' F' U2 R2 B2 U B2 R2 D L2 U' B R' U2 L2 U B U F'
    y' x' // inspection
    B R B' // FB (3) 1.07
    U2 R U r R U' r'// SB (7/10) 3.90
    M' U R' U' R U' R' U2 R U' F R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R F' //CMLL (27/37) 9.36
    M' U M U' M' U M U M' U2 M' U M2 U2 M U2 M //LSE (17/54) 6.84
  • [WR] clock 2.54 single by Neil Gour 2.54 Clock WORLD RECORD Single (Neil Gour)

    Reconstruction: Scramble: UR3- DR4- DL5- UL0+ U3+ R6+ D3+ L1+ ALL2- y2 U0+ R1- D2+ L2- ALL2- z2 UL // inspection UL1+ UR3- R5+ y2 UL1+ UR4+ U1+ dl2- ur3- 8 moves, 3.14TPS

    2.54 Clock WORLD RECORD Single (Neil Gour)

    Previous record: 2.61 from Tommy Cherry

    [WR] 5x5x5 32.60 single by Max Park
  • I always thought that top cubers were at another level. But Max is one higher.

  • [WR] 5x5x5 32.60 single by Max Park WR [32.60] 5x5 Single World Record

    5x5 Single WR at UCSD Winter 2023 Facebook: Instagram: Watch T...

    WR [32.60] 5x5 Single World Record

    Also got another WR with 35.94 avg during the same round:

    [WR] Megaminx 24.12 single by Leandro Martín López 24.12 Official World Record Megaminx Single - LML

    (ᕗᅌʊᅌ)ᕗ Río Cuarto al Cubo 2023 YJ team Agrupación Speedcubing Argentina: Instagram:

    24.12 Official World Record Megaminx Single - LML
    [WR] 3x3x3 OH 8.62 avg by Max Park WR [8.62] 3x3 OH avg World Record

    9.33 (10.62) 8.22 8.31 (7.19) Facebook: Instagram: Watch The ...

    WR [8.62] 3x3 OH avg World Record
    [WR] Square-1 3.69 Single by Max Siauw 3.69 World Record Square-1 Solve | Max Siauw

    Aaaand we add to my repertoire of embarrassing reactions after breaking a record :) The video speaks for itself, but I was just in utter disbelief. It took several minutes for me to process this properly. You can see me shaking my head repeatedly because this was an incredibly easy scramble (9 slice...

    3.69 World Record Square-1 Solve | Max Siauw
    Weekly discussion thread (04 December 2023)
  • 2 new WR :

    • 3x3x3OH avg from Max Park 8.62
    • Square-1 single from Max Siauw 3.69
  • New 38 cm 3x3 from QiYi
  • Thanks. Fixed it.

  • New 38 cm 3x3 from QiYi
  • Available at cubezz at US$269.99. Outch…

    Edit: link formatting correction

  • [WR] 2x2x2 0.43 single by Teodor Zajder WCA Live

    Platform for running WCA competitions and sharing live results with the world.

    Solve and reconstruction (4 moves) Invidious | Youtube

    Immigration : tolérance de la société, vote à l’extrême droite, le paradoxe français Immigration : tolérance de la société, vote à l’extrême droite, le paradoxe français

    Si, depuis trente ans, la société accepte de mieux en mieux les minorités raciales et religieuses, la scène politique glisse, elle, vers l’extrême droite. Une contradiction due à la montée spectaculaire de l’abstention des électeurs tolérants et à l’intense stratégie de polarisation sur l’immig...

    Immigration : tolérance de la société, vote à l’extrême droite, le paradoxe français

    >La part des personnes interrogées qui considèrent que les immigrés sont une source d’enrichissement culturel est passée de 44 % en 1992 à 76 % en 2022 ; celles qui soutiennent le droit de vote des étrangers est passée de 34 % en 1984 à 58 % en 2022 ; la part de celles qui considèrent qu’il y a trop d’immigrés en France a chuté de 69 % en 1988 à 53 % en 2022. « L’opinion sur les immigrés et les minorités s’est améliorée », résume la politiste Nonna Mayer.

    [CR] 3x3x3 3.78 single by Tymon Kolasiński WCA Live

    Platform for running WCA competitions and sharing live results with the world.

    European Record, WR4

    Invidious | Youtube

    [WR] 5x5x5 BLD 2:10.04 Single by Stanley Chapel 2:10.04 World Record 5BLD Single

    we are well and truly back I feel like my mindset and improvement trends are slowly shifting back to what they were in 2019, and I'm excited for what lies ahead Square-1 on a Madison Square 2023 Cube: Sponsored by MoYu and! Use discount...

    2:10.04 World Record 5BLD Single

    Memo: ~45s

    Exec: ~1min25

    [WR] Pyraminx 1.45 avg by Ezra Shere WCA Live

    Platform for running WCA competitions and sharing live results with the world.

    Final solve + reaction on youtube | invidious

    narusite Narusite



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