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  • The state of open source funding

  • Ah, the true path to socialism!
  • I have no idea what OP thinks of the economic system itself because from my understanding he is only criticizing the label. That's all I'm saying

  • Ah, the true path to socialism!
  • Not really, that's just my understanding of the meme

  • Ah, the true path to socialism!
  • How about keep the system, but stop trying to pretend it's not primarily capitalism

  • Ah, the true path to socialism!
  • I think it'd be better when adjusted for GDP.

    China gdp: $17.96 trillion

    China has 1 billionare / $25.73 billion GDP or 1 billionare / $18.22 GDP / capita

    US gpd: $27.94 trillion

    US has 1 billionare / $38.59 billion GDP or 1 billionare / $114.88 GDP / capita

  • Online Content Is Disappearing
  • Certain types of tweets tend to go away more often than others. More than 40% of tweets written in Turkish or Arabic are no longer visible on the site within three months of being posted.

    I've read this is a major problem in Facebook as well, they lack good moderation for these languages and especially the Arabic script and so just remove things heavy handedly to be safe.

  • Cyberpunk morrowind
    Meet the “digital parents” giving millions in China a vision of family love they never had Meet the “digital parents” giving millions in China a vision of family love they never had

    Creators Jiang Xiuping and Pan Huqian, a viral Douyin duo, act as fictional parents, providing solace to young adults and adolescents amidst economic inequalities and a scarcity of mental health support in China.

    Meet the “digital parents” giving millions in China a vision of family love they never had
    Anon catches his wife
  • I don't see why it would be fake, there's nothing unbelievable about it. I mean it is a greentext but there's no reason to, y'know

  • Country music
  • This is why I only listen to music from polynesian islands

  • Skill
  • It doesn't matter if you think CEO's can be replaced easily. It matters what company boards think and it isn't many people. Also who they are willing to replace. Most of the board members probably have a close relationship with the ceo. Not so the burger flipper.

  • Google is redesigning its search engine — and it’s AI all the way down
  • Then don't use it. The regular search is still good

  • What it's like to be a developer in 2024
  • Someone has to pay lemmy. If you don't, it's comparable to a free tier of a paid service. When I say "you" I don't mean every single person. There's no option to pay for google search that I'm aware of.

  • What it's like to be a developer in 2024
  • I give lemmy money. Not so for google

  • Qualcomm goes where Apple won't, readies official Linux support for Snapdragon X Elite | Tom's Hardware
  • wouldn't risk-v be worse in terms of standardisation? At least for advanced functionality

  • What it's like to be a developer in 2024
  • Maybe they are all the same company, making shitty free services to try to steer you to paying for better services.

    Do you expect free services with no catch? You either pay with money or with something else

  • Mothers of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA allege 'abuse'
  • The age of AI just started. They aren't just gonna shut down

  • Google is redesigning its search engine — and it’s AI all the way down
  • I don't, but its good to know what's happening over there

  • Google is redesigning its search engine — and it’s AI all the way down
  • I'm aware of a lot of the fake AI scandals, but it doesn't apply here. Google has good models and human workers cannot go through your results in real time

  • Google is redesigning its search engine — and it’s AI all the way down
  • Nothing fundamentally wrong with AI search. I've found Kagi's AI to be unobtrusive and helpful. That article is a bit of a nothingburger.

  • What's your most unpopular opinion about music ?
  • Lyrics ruin most music. This is one is weird because I actually love the sound of the human voice, but it most music its just ugly. Also most of the lyrics themselves suck. Usually vague, meaningless, hoping you'll interpret them as something deep. There's just so many songs that most lyrics have to be bad.

    Also drums ruin most music. They are harsh, dissonant, overly loud, overpower subtler instruments, and reduce complex, varying melodies to a simple beat. Even when I want simple heavy beats, I prefer electronic alternatives (no idea what they're called) so it's not so harsh

  • I made an app to install websites as desktop applications on Linux
  • Don't think so, websites themselves have to implement pwa's, you can't force it client side

  • Introducing GPT-4o

    We’re announcing GPT-4o, our new flagship model that can reason across audio, vision, and text in real time.

    CBT as a kink may be an evolutionary adaptation to protect men's most vulnerable (and evolutionarily useful) body part.

    I have no idea why it's out there, but I suppose abusing it a bit may help toughen it up enough to ensure you can still have children when an accident happens.

    Why people don't talk about Google Maps' privacy issues

    Title is editorialized because the original is, frankly, clickbait garbage

    Doesn't the need for a permit fundamentally contradict the US's ideals of free speech?

    I went to some palestine protests a while back, and was talking to my brother about the organizing, when revealed something I found pretty shocking, we (the protesters) had acquired a permit to hold the protest. Apparently this is standard policy across the US.

    More recently, my University is also having protests, and in their policy, they also require explicit approval for what they call "expressive activity". I'm pretty sure not having a permit has been used as an excuse to arrest students in some other campuses.

    My question is as the title, doesn't this fundamentally contradict the US's ideals of free speech? What kind of right needs an extra permit to exercise it?

    When I was talking to my brother, he also expressed a couple more points:

    1. The city will pretty much grant all permits, so it's more of a polite agreement in most cases
    2. If we can get a permit (which we did) why shouldn't we?

    I'm assuming this is because of legal reasons, they pretty much have to grant all permits.

    Except I think this makes it all worse. If the government grants almost all permits, then the few rare times it doesn't:

    1. The protest is instantly de-legitimized due to not having a permit
    2. There's little legal precedent for the protesters to challenge this

    And then of course there's the usual slippery slope argument. You're giving the government a tool they could expand later to oppress you further. Maybe they start with the groups most people don't like and go up from there.

    PeerTube 6.1 is out! PeerTube 6.1 is out! | JoinPeerTube

    We're pleased to announce the 6.1 release of PeerTube 🙂 In addition to the integration of account import/export and other great features that we'll d...

    PeerTube 6.1 is out! | JoinPeerTube
    State of Solus - April 2024 State of Solus - April 2024 | Solus

    April 18, 2024 marks exactly one year since Josh published the “New Voyage” post announcing the return of Solus in its current form. A good

    New (ish) community: c/generative for generative (non-AI) art. Generative Art - Lemmy

    A community for posting algorithmically generated art. Can be digital or physical. ## Rules - NO AI ART - give credit to artist - unless it’s yourself or unkown - Stay on topic - Behave yourself - No trolling, spamming etc. - Follow []’s code of conduct We also strongly recom...

    Generative Art - Lemmy


    Technically it's not new, but practically speaking it's had 2 posts ever, with the last being 8 months ago.

    You may also know it as "creative coding" or the like, but it's not limited to coding.

    The corporate boot licking of Google after firing the palestine protestors in insane

    Why are so many people ok with a world where you have no say in what your employer does, and they can do whatever they want to suit their bottom line?

    Though I wonder how much of this is actually corpophilia and how much is people hiding behind it because they don't want to say "I'm glad these people I disagree with got fired".

    Here are some threads to show what I'm talking about:


    r/conservative (though this one feels like cheating)




    hacker news

    washington post comments


    Reddit morrowind
    Reddit seem to have switched to the newer, even shittier UI by default.
    Gnome and Kde join the matrix foundation The Foundation (

    We are thrilled to welcome and who, like, have joined us as Associate Members 🚀 Associate Members are FOSS foundations, nonprofits, and other communities that share our values, such as: software freedom, open source, open standards,...

    Intel Vision 2024 Keynote (Highlights)
    Regarding The Hyprland & Vaxry Situation

    Just putting this here cause I found it a good overview of a pretty confusing situation I had no prior knowledge about

    The three faces of the fediverse

    Thought I'd try to follow biden from masto after hearing that recent news. This is what the search results yielded

    Community Requests. morrowind
    Requesting c/generative

    Mod's account seems to be deleted. I want to make it a community of generative (non-AI) art, similar to r/generative

    morrowind morrowind

    If you're here, there's still hope for the internet

    Don't let it fall

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    Comments 1.5K