multi-bounded-array: Similar to std.MultiArrayList() but backed by fixed size arrays with a runtime length
Roc to be rewritten in Zig
Zig64: Zig Nintendo 64 Demo
zig-robotics/zigros: Zig build for the entirel rcl and rclcpp stack
zlox: Zig implementation of Lox scripting language from Crafting Interpreters
zig-minhook: The Minimalistic x86/x64 API Hooking Library for Windows
Zig Comptime is Bonkers Good
eanstalkz: Zig client for Beanstalkd - simple and fast general purpose work queue
Ghostty: Reflecting on Reaching 1.0
discord.zig - A high-performance Discord library in Zig
commy: A small serial monitor for Mac, Linux and Windows
Safely handling C structs in Zig
zigtris: A minimal terminal Tetris written in Zig
algore: A collection of small modules implemented in the Zig programming language.
GitHub - DonIsaac/zlint: A linter for the Zig programming language
Ratakor/clog: A logging library
Erik's Blog - Building Nintendo 3DS Homebrew with Zig
llogick/zigscient: A Zig Language Server
osdialog-zig: Cross-platform utility module for Zig to open native dialogs for the filesystem, message boxes, color-picking.
ecez: A WIP ecs API for Zig!