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The US is thinking about letting Ukraine use its weapons to strike Russia, even if it enrages Putin: report
  • well the sync issues im talking about are quite specific use cases which you wouldnt encounter on the regular. See my post for reference. It's about searching specific communities on difference instances from another instance. Then, only the communities with very little traffic will not be synced. I've no idea what my instance's latest version is. Can a non-admin even check that?

  • how come there is no "appearance" button on the English wikipedia?
  • using the browser zoom makes the layout narrower again, as if it's actively trying to reverse the wide layout by the button in the bottom right. It makes the page very weird looking. Just far from ideal.

    EDIT: it's also very inconvenient since my browser saves the zoom level per website (not between en.wikipedia and nl.wikipedia) so the zoom would always be off when going from one article to one in the other language.

  • how come there is no "appearance" button on the English wikipedia?

    The "appearance" button seen on Dutch wikipedia is able to change the SIZE of the font (text) and the width of the article. This is extremely nice to have, but it's not there on any English article...

    when google bought datasets from reddit
  • you'll see opinions here on lemmy that generative AI can make novel creations that indicate true creativity...

    Yeah I'm not jumping that bandwagon yet, but I think no one is able to determine either side of that. It makes terrific art, so it's not out the realm of impossibility. The only sensible stance we can take right now, is none, and just wait and see whether AI art can hold up in the long run.

    Taking any serious stance right now a priori would be illogical. I don't understand the fuss people make it out to be. Yes, artists will suffer financially and will therefore limit their time investment and advancements in art, but sacrificing or halting the development of AI for them is also not a possibility. So yes, artists are fucked right now, but there is nothing we can do about that right now. Hopefully, some UBI, but that's not here now.

    But yes, companies deceiving and not warning about the hallucinations of AI, is bad. But it's not their fault people believe stupid shit because they have always believed and will always believe stupid shit.

  • Removed
    when google bought datasets from reddit
  • what are you whining about? Hallucination is inherently part of LLM as of today. Anything out of this should not be trusted with certainty. But employing it will have more benefits than just shadowing it for everyone. Take it as an unfinished project, so ignore the results if you like. Seriously, it's physically possible to actually ignore the generative results.

    "Absolutely sued" my ass

  • Why are only SOME communities inaccessible on

    I can access c/world on without problem:

    But I cannot access c/whatstheword:

    It seems unlikely that this specific and innocent community is blocked on either instance.

    What's going on here?

    Should I use Windows built-in shrink feature to move partition space to another partition?

    I have dual boot Win10 and Linux (manjaro), and I want to shrink my NTFS C:\ partition to free up space in my ext4 root partition on the same physical drive.

    I keep reading online that NTFS partitioning is best handled by Windows itself. However, Windows cannot partition ext4, so I thought I'd use a live GParted session for the ext4 extending part only.

    So why not shrink my C:\ partition IN WINDOWS, obtain my unallocated space, then boot into live GParted, and use the unallocated space to extend my ext4 root.

    This, or do everything from GParted in one go? What has the best chance of success?

    I could also install GParted on my running Linux distro, and do the extending from there. But I feel like GParted live would somehow be... better?

    Am I completely fucked or is this fixable?

    I don't care what's it gonna take. I just want a connection. I guess I can connect the VCC to another voltage source, but I have the same thing happened to TX on another circuit board, although that one can "flip" (it is still attached marginally... at one end).

    Board: T Deck Lilygo.

    automatically signed out after some time

    This site logs me out every few [hours/days] after leaving the site. It's as if the cookies get deleted, but they're not.

    Is this intentional? Do other people also experience this?

    Login screen not registering a second identical character in a row

    I am on Manjaro GNOME 45.4 (x11) and after some recent update, I am unable to type for example: aa, or 77, or ANY two identical characters in a row, so it only registers the first: a, 7, etc.

    If I press the right arrow key, I am able to type another (identical) character, after which I'd have to repeat it again and again if I want all consecutive characters: e.g. aaaa.

    Note: this only happens at the login screen, not lock screen or anywhere else.

    Is this on purpose? Some security feature? This has to be the dumbest security feature I can image, especially since it doesn't tell you that it's skipping the character (which is not obvious if you type fast), and it also does let you HAVE a password of identical consecutive characters.

    I only found this forum post about it:

    how to view a post from another instance, in this instance?

    It seems I am unable to view this post

    on this instance, even though is not deferated.

    How is this possible? I tried injecting the /post/10613192 into the URL: but this page does not exist

    Manjaro GNOME immediately logs out after logging in (via GUI)

    EDIT: I kinda solved it by installing Wayland (with Nvidia card, Ouch!) to replace Xorg. Not sure if this is gonna last though. Perhaps Manjaro is the one I'm gonna throw out FIRST if anything happens from now on. ---------

    What should be the first line of defense? Timeshift?

    This happened after I installed AUR package masterpdfeditor and 2 applications from github (some hashing algorithm programs, I think they were "Dilithium" and "Latice-based-cryptography-main", one of them was provided by NIST.)

    If using GUI: I login, black screen for few seconds, then back at login screen.

    If going to ctrl+alt+f2, login successful, then startx, see picture provided (higher quality).

    I tried adding a new user, but result is the same.

    I have a live usb to do the Timeshift. (I can also chroot if necessary... But I'm not extremely professional)

    is it possible with Streamio to stream to WAN?

    What else is the "remote HTTPS connection"? Is it possible to stream my stream OUTWARDS to WAN? (With port forwading) So I can just give friends a link to stream from my stream? Easy peasy? Would be super handy

    Under what SPECIFIC feature (in e.g. Firefox and Chrome) is this automatic obfuscation implemented when printing a PDF? And how to remove it from the file?

    I think some banks utilize some feature built in PDF Readers to PREVENT printing of "SENSITIVE" information in a PDF, by blocking parts with black bars.

    The issue does not appear when printing using other software, like Adobe Reader or Microsoft Edge, to print the PDF. But it DOES occur with Firefox and Chrome. So it's not a driver issue.

    Is this a form of DRM? I want to know how it works whatever is causing it, and be able to REMOVE it from the PDF itself completely.

    Why does Firefox obey this "DRM" crap, while Edge has the balls to ignore it?

    And to make things even more complicated, I am able to print the PDF fine on another computer, using the exact same OS, browser, and printer. So it appears to be a specific setting or version of .e.g Firefox?

    If only I had NAME for this, then I'd be able to search for it online.

    Under what SPECIFIC feature (in e.g. Firefox and Chrome) is this automatic obfuscation implemented when printing a PDF? And how to remove it from the file?

    My only conclusion is is that some banks use some feature built in PDF Readers to prevent the printing of a PDF, by covering parts with black bars.

    The issue does not appear when using other software like Adobe Reader or Microsoft Edge, to print the PDF.

    Is this a form of DRM? I want to know how it works whatever is causing it, and be able to remove it from the PDF itself completely.

    Why does Firefox obey this DRM crap, while Edge has the balls to ignore it?

    What site can scan sites for trackers?

    I once knew a site that could detect and list ALL the used trackers and cross-site cookies and other stuff of any site.

    You just had to input the site name and it scanned it for you.

    Now I can't find it. No site can actually list the trackers for me to examine.

    help me port this simple extension to GNOME 45

    For reference:

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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