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NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • You're also accusing Marcie of being a malicious infiltrator, while spewing nonsense.

    Why did accuse me of defending a pedo defender before I was even aware of or commented on the original post or this dunk_tank post? Again, look at the timestamps. Does that sound good-faith behavior to you? I was already getting piled on by several people, who presumably took her at her word, before I even knew anything was happening. The only reason I got involved at all is because my inbox blew up out of nowhere this morning.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • Defense against being charged of a precime, if one looks at the timestamps, which no LIB is going to do.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • Admins, are you seeing these removals, or has c/the_dunk_tank gone rogue?

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • I have no interest in defending and did not defend the position that the images weren’t “technically CSAM”. Show me where I said that. I didn’t say anything about what CSAM is or isn’t, and I rejected his legal arguments.

    Show me what I actually did wrong. Show me my own words, and what is wrong with them.

    If I said anything wrong, it was the preamble to my bullet points: “I didn’t see him defending pedophilia.” Which, you’re welcome to argue was in my own ignorance and failure to closely read everything in that sprawling conservation, I did not see. The bullet points themselves I think still stand, despite having been censored.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • Read my new buried wall of text you lazy LIBs:

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • I didn’t actually apologize for anything. What specifically am I supposed to be apologizing for?

    If you look at the timestamps, you will see that I was being accused of defending a pedophile & pedophilia before I even knew about the ! post or this one. I think has been fast & loose with the facts, and not by accident.

    This has been a pile-on by people who took accusations as truth without investigation, and I’m ready to receive their apologies.

    What I actually did do, three months ago, was tell week-old new user that I wasn’t going to let a newbie crybully me into permabanning someone. I think she’s still butthurt about that, which is understandable & on its own forgivable, given that (TAJ) is unquestionably a misogynist (which invariably also means a transmisiac) who has gotten several temp bans and tongue lashings from admins. In fact last month I (and (and ripped him a new asshole, and I gave him an ultimatum. Here are my two of my comments from that convo:

    I was under the impression that you were going to stay out of gender discussions altogether. Am I mistaken? Normally people with modlog rap sheets this long have gotten site bans. We’ve really gone out of our way, and I’m starting to feel we’re being taken advantage of. You already got your ’grad account banned and you got this one banned from hexbear. If you can’t stop it I will.

    I think you’re pissed off at bourgeois feminist theory and bourgeois race theory, which are deserving of criticism, especially since they’re used as class weapons against non-whites both within the imperial core and the periphery. But you don’t get to use these bourgeois theories as an excuse to dismiss the proletarian ones, or as an excuse for bigotry. For example, just because a liberal Critical Race Theory was created and promoted to subsume/recuperate the original socialist theory doesn’t mean we can ignore the original.

    Unfortunately ProleWiki doesn’t have much in this area as yet.

    Much more often than not, “not all men” is used as a cudgel, similarly to how “not all whites” is, and the same goes for “men are oppressed” / “whites are oppressed.” How bad they are in comparison I don’t care to argue; it’s enough to say that they’re also bad. They are not false statements in themselves (as proletarian theories show), but they’re usually either misapplied or applied in bad faith.

    Outside of gender topics, I personally have very much appreciated your contributions to the site in my comparatively short time here so far. Thank you. We have desperately few Global South voices here, never mind leftist ones, so that is a treasure, and I want this to be a welcoming space for such voices, so we can be exposed to more & more of them.

    But this must also be a welcoming space for women. Because we’re intentionally not belligerent toward intellectually honest, good-faith liberals, creeping bourgeoisified feminism & CRT will sometimes surface contradictions between these two goals, which in my mind shouldn’t otherwise contradict. I don’t mean to imply that I’m an expert in this area, but I don’t think you’re equipped to resolve those contradictions, and I’m not sure you’re trying to. Whether or not they come from manosphere/MGTOW brainworms, your takes sound like they are, and we can’t have that.

    And what I later actually defended TAJ against in this post was accusations of being an actual pedophile, for which I was censored.

    If people want to ban one (or two) admins because it isn’t run the same way as hexbear, just ban us all, or defederate. But that’s a whole separate trial from a pedophilia witch hunt.

    Edit to add a link to last month’s tongue-lashing that I quoted above:

  • Why are so many books utterly and totally lacking in physical descriptions of characters?
  • Usually I’m not interested in what made-up people make-believe look like unless it somehow drives the plot or develops the characters’ relationships.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • who-must-go

  • Law enforcement is spying on thousands of Americans’ mail, records show
  • :shocked-shocked-well-not-that-shocked:

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • Theory: By virtue of trans people being oft-accused of pedophilia by transmisiacs, they are hyper-aware of it, hypersensitive to it, and well-educated on it, at least compared to a crusty old cishet like me.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • But nutomic (an admin) and davel (an admin and hexbear user) has been defending him in the comments.
    They should go too, wtf

    Why I Left the Left.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • I didn’t see him defending pedophilia. I saw him:

    • Being anti-AI, because he saw this kind of problem—AI-generated CSAM—coming a mile away.
    • Believing that AI-generated CSAM does not harm children, which sounds like a shit take to me.
    • Believing that AI-generated CSAM is exclusively a libel/slander issue, which also sounds like a shit take to me given the above. I don’t know anything about English common law or Indian (where Anonymouse lives) law on this topic, and I know close to nothing about US/Canadian/European law on it.
    • Believing that CSAM (AI-generated or otherwise) is often used as an easy attack on political opponents, because it’s a third rail. c/the_dunk_tank seems to be lending evidence to this today.

    I think the Lemmyverse is the first place I ever even heard of the term “Child Sexual Abuse Material,” which AFAIK until recently was called child/kiddie porn. I haven’t been in a position to have to pay attention until now.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • I said that I suspected you might be a Global North chauvinist, because brand new users who claim to be communists often turn out to be just that.

    The guy is a misogynist; of that I have no doubt and have called him out on it publicly before. His weird take on AI-generated CSAM is a new one for me, though.

  • I increasingly feel like in the west everyone is ideologically "locked in"
  • Some people are learning from the Gaza genocide right now who previously were either too young or too indoctrinated to have learned from the War on Terror like I did.

  • NSFW Removed
    beautiful things are happening on the platform formerly known as Twitter [CW: hazardous libertarian particle radiation]
  • we need a total and complete shutdown of oligarch sperm entering these uteri until we can figure out what’s going on

  • Is it possible to love and hate someone at the same time?
  • Sure you can. Take my wife, please!

  • Locked
    The cringe is so visceral it makes me wanna throw up
  • Hannah Arendt defined it while on the CIA’s payroll.

  • Dr. Chandra, will I dream?
  • Another cumbag discovered ✍
  • I’d never heard of David Draiman or his band before.

    David Michael Draiman was born to Jewish parents in the Brooklyn borough of New York City on March 13, 1973. His father, YJ, had worked as a real estate developer and small-business owner before he was arrested for embezzlement and sent to prison when Draiman was 12 years old. YJ would later become a candidate in the races for Mayor of Los Angeles in 2013, 2017, and 2022.

    After high school, he spent a year studying at the Yeshivas Neveh Zion in Kiryat Ye'arim on the outskirts of Jerusalem.

    In 2019, he described former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters and other activists seeking to boycott Israel for alleged human rights abuses as "Nazi comrades".[21]

  • agitprop davel [he/him]
    Marvel-brained analogy: Capitalists as Skeksis

    I’m not sure how salient the Dark Crystal franchise is to the public consciousness, though Netflix did a series five years ago.

    Skeksis are like capitalists in that, while they may fight amongst themselves & backstab each other, their primary & common cause is Gelfling subjugation, through deceit if possible or naked violence if necessary.

    “Shen Yun To Turn 10 Iconic Bay Area Landmarks into Giant Billboards” (Sorry I’m a day late) Shen Yun To Turn 10 Iconic Bay Area Landmarks into Giant Billboards

    April 1, 2024 – San Francisco is about to get a green makeover on many of its most iconic and historical landmarks.  The theater company Shen Yun has bought out the facades and air rights on several San Francisco bridges, buildings, and even on some of its most popular residents.

    Shen Yun To Turn 10 Iconic Bay Area Landmarks into Giant Billboards

    Beldon for scale:


    Effort posts are messages in bottles.

    “I’m pretty sure the Tiananmen square massacre was a bigger crime. Not to mention their genocide of the Uighur people, their oppression of Hong Kong, their attempts to steal Taiwan’s sovereignty.”

    My !obama-medal response to this weapons-grade gish gallop:

    --- >Tiananmen square massacre


    >their genocide of the Uighur people

    This bullshit never ends, does it?


    >their oppression of Hong Kong

    Hong Kong was the product of the UK’s century of Chinese oppression, and their 99 year lease on oppressing Hong Kong ended in 1997.


    >steal Taiwan’s sovereignty

    Taiwan is only considered sovereign by eleven countries, most of which are micronations like the Holy See, the Marshall Islands, and Tuvalu:


    >was a bigger crime

    MetaFilter liberalism: An infintile disorder MetaFilter | Community Weblog

    MetaFilter is a community weblog that anyone can contribute a link or comment to.

    When I was still somewhat liberal I was active on MetaFilter. The community was groundbreaking in the realm of well-moderated social media networks. For years now they’ve even been paying the moderators for their labor. But over the last several years I less & less could stomach how !LIB the community is. About a year ago I had enough when a prominent poster said they fucking hate nazis and tankies more than neoliberals. They subscribe to Uyghur genocide propaganda without question. Standard imperial core lib shit.

    This you, hexbears? David Gerard ( it is sorta hilarious that the rationalist crew running bsky spent ten years reading Scott Alexander warn them of the evils of feminists and SJWs and non-race-scientists and...

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    China is using the world's largest known online disinformation operation to harass Americans, a CNN review finds | CNN
    U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel

    Government documents pointing to the expansion of a classified U.S. base offer rare hints about a little noted U.S. military presence in Israel.

    U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel

    >Two months before Hamas attacked Israel, the Pentagon awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to build U.S. troop facilities for a secret base it maintains deep within Israel’s Negev desert, just 20 miles from Gaza. Code-named “Site 512,” the longstanding U.S. base is a radar facility that monitors the skies for missile attacks on Israel. > >On October 7, however, when thousands of Hamas rockets were launched, Site 512 saw nothing — because it is focused on Iran, more than 700 miles away. > >The U.S. Army is quietly moving ahead with construction at Site 512, a classified base perched atop Mt. Har Qeren in the Negev, to include what government records describe as a “life support facility”: military speak for barracks-like structures for personnel. > >Though President Joe Biden and the White House insist that there are no plans to send U.S. troops to Israel amid its war on Hamas, a secret U.S. military presence in Israel already exists. And the government contracts and budget documents show it is evidently growing.

    davel davel [he/him]
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