April 1, 2024 – San Francisco is about to get a green makeover on many of its most iconic and historical landmarks. The theater company Shen Yun has bought out the facades and air rights on several San Francisco bridges, buildings, and even on some of its most popular residents.
Any of y'all seen the Epoch Times billboards that just say "#1 TRUSTED NEWS EPOCH TIMES" and then just have a picture of a white guy's face? I have no idea who that white guy is.
It's all over the Western countries in general. They have TV ads that are incessant propaganda ("cHinA bEfOrE gOmMuLiSm") and their cultists are always heckling people in my town's square. I'm surprised more people don't assault them for being annoying
I've been grabbing up all the Vision Times they stock in local boxes and using it for sheet mulching. It's all over Portland. I wonder if they get federal money.
The Shen Yun stuff is everywhere, it's terrible. At least most people seem to tune it out, people really only mention it to complain about that ads and I don't know anyone who has ever gone to one of their performances. On the other hand, their ads are probably working if they are willing to put this much money into them.
It’s unfortunate the brainwashed North Koreans don’t get experience the freedom of seeing billboard advertisements plastered on their historical landmarks