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Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day?
  • I suppose I'm in a similar situation with ppl in Vermont you don't really get to socialize with people and the few people you come across are never black. Infact I recall actually learning about fried chicken and watermelon being racist from the backlash from the school you just mentioned.

  • Your memes suck , please stop.
  • As an American I'm just questioning why we should care about this conflict. At least with Ukraine there's a lot of nations that want to invade America basically testing their new toys. That might be used against us in the future. But Palestine v humas are two small nations I've never heard of fighting in a part of the world that has been in constant chaos for as long as I've been alive. So it's kinda hard for me to ask what's new. Especially when I as a sitizen struggle to afford a home eat own a car or get a decent paying job. All the while taxes are getting higher and higher with each month. Yet somehow my government that struggles to keep me alive is somehow well off enough to send more money I can even comprehend to conflicts in a shit hole part of the world. Couldn't even be bothered enough to consider sending a dime of that money towards helping Africans feed themselves or get them drinkable water. No just gonna blow all that cash on guns.

  • Up is an illusion in space
  • Id also propose that the ships are built with up and down with the additional factor of navigation. Humans typically spend their entire lives in gravity so it's probably easier for humans to navigate a massive ship when it is built like it's in gravity so the crew onboard can focus on their jobs instead of figuring out what direction is the engine room. Additionally we always see that every ship in the show also has artificial gravity onboard. Making a amorphously designed ship even more confusing to navigate/traverse.

  • I can't disagree.
  • Considering I see some people mentioning stuff like swerving to avoid obstacles or temporary construction lanes not to mention curvey roads so I propose what about automatic turn signals that activate when it detects the driver trying to turn without signaling

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas

    When you look at you will see that the furthest a compact ev can go is 149 miles while the furthest a ice compact car can go is 594 miles You can read cnbcs article on how the grid is already pretty spread thinn with us already increasing our power demand by almost 3,000% in the last decade without even considering ev charging

    According to motor trend DC charging is the fastest way to charge your EV and it still takes just under two hours Couldn't find a source that studied how long a ice takes to recharge but considering how ices are currently extremely common you can easily test that yourself and probably already know it's so quick you don't even think about it

    According to car and driver those lithium ion batteries you mentioned while yes they can last a decade most cars typically stay on the road for give or take 30-35 years and lithium ion batteries are inherently expensive and prone to thermal cascading ie catching fire also full charge and depletion wears the battery down over time According to the average cost of ev battery replacement costs anywhere from 5,000$ to 15,000$ So what point was made up

  • Trying to buy right size bicycle wheel online
  • I've experienced this sort of thing with my car. it's a old 50s car that had a engine swap and a few mods before I got it. so one one hand everything is universal but on the other hand I don't know what is stock. I only know what sizes are currently under the hood. which wouldn't be a problem if the guys at AutoZone or O'Reilly's knew what the different sizes ment. Before I finally figured out what car my engine came from. id just measure the part I need. come in and tell them the part I need, and they would just sit confused until they just asked me what car is this part going into. sometimes the part happens to be stock bel air size, but sometimes they weren't and the guy would have to bring the used part to the back. until they found something the right size. Hell even when I ordered online id have to wonder if I'm going to be fighting the "guarantee to fit your car thing." because I don't know if stock will work. Here at least you can navigate if you managed to find a conversation calculator. My measurement standards don't matter no matter what unit I use.

  • Only 191 days until Christmas
  • Sometimes I wonder if even Mariah carry is sick of all I want for Christmas is you playing on loop at every store everywhere

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • I work as a car photographer in a dealership. We sell cars online so whenever we get a new car or someone trades in their car I take pictures of all the features the car has. However when there's few cars for me to photo I'm also responsible for checking what cars are dirty. My only complaint is that I don't really care about Toyotas and I work for a Toyota dealership

  • Too many posers
  • Eh as a classic car owner I do like having my car noisy and obnoxious but on the other hand I also like being able to have a conversation with my passenger while on the highway at the same time I've also been to concerts that are so loud that I can feel my bones vibrating to the point that even I a loud car owner feels like I'm about to pass out from having every part of me shaken so violently so I guess there must be some connection between edm concert fans and car guys that lead to people having stupid loud exhausts

  • Steve, what are you doing
  • When me and my folks were deciding wether to get a kill trap or have a heart trap to trap coons and thank goodness we picked the have a heart trap as our cat Vlad got trapped the very first night then the next we caught the neighbors cat then the 3rd night we finally caught a raccoon

  • This is my reason for joining "Fuck Cars"
  • I have a similar comparison between my 2000 bmw z3 and 56 Chevy bel air with a 74 Chevelle engine and I have tested my z3 mpg and got 29mpg and knowing my z3 tank and bel air tank are the same size and every week of daily driving my z3 has about a quarter of a tank left and my bel air typically has half a quarter left so I guesstimate my bel air gets about 20 or 25 mpg but because I work at a dealership I get to see the mpg of every brand new car that comes in and I've seen 4runners tundras and Silverados that roll onto the lot rated at as low as 15mpg how the fuck is my car from the 50s more eco friendly than a considerable number of new cars on the road today if my car had a overdrive I could probably understand but I have a 3 speed automatic that it came out the factory with I should be needing to have at least a modern engine and transmission to make my bel air comparable but no just having a early 70s motor is enough to get better mileage then new 2024 trucks

  • The end of an era?
  • Can I at least keep my pants on or is the nudity required to make this work

  • Men’s mental health matters too ❤️
  • To everyone who believes men's feeling don't matter the only thing I can say is if my feelings don't matter then why should yours

  • YouTube is experimenting with server-side ads
  • Considering I remember some project in the past tried something like that in the past and found that because you can't control when people log off you can't guarantee files will transfer in one piece not to mention how expensive it was having everyone's computer constantly using Internet and computing stuff. For that reason I think the main problem here is that we are trying to centralize video sharing onto one platform. I instead propose we encourage people to make their own platforms. Like if you want to watch idk PewDiePie you go to and encourage people to explore the Internet instead of just sitting on one site. I suppose as a step in the right direction I propose that we get people to make online data bases using laptops/desktops that have nothing but xzamp and the videos you wish to upload to the web. Then we all collectively promote a sort of aggregation site that promotes everyones videos that way the aggregation site only has to store a bunch of hyperlinks and handle all the traffic while you the content creator just have to handle the traffic your content generates now the only challenge is making this idea profitable because if content creators can't profit few if any will make content and if the aggregation platform can't break eaven then we are back to square one of no one knowing where to look for content.

  • Responsible guidance is a choice
  • What does that do I haven't heard this trick

  • People will find anything to be upset about
  • Or humanoid robots period

  • Ant smell
  • Now I had the opposite thought because I thought it was normal for people and I was the only one who couldn't lol

  • Ant smell
  • Huh didn't know other people couldn't smell ants but for me I find i have to get close and sniff them to get a cent I also get the same cent from dead spiders and I wouldn't call it offensive but it is quite distinct so it gets a huh out of me every time I catch the cent

  • Felt Age Culture
  • Holy meep

  • The Crossoverrrr
  • It's like a action movie but instead of knowing the good guy is going to win you know the good guy is going to die

  • Where are some good places I can buy metric tape measures

    I live in amarica and noticed that every tape measures I find are imperial only. Hell even on Amazon I can't find a metric tape measure and you'd think they must exist considering us amaricans are the only people using imperial.

    Animemes credit crazy
    When a car guy gets esakaied
    Help all of my games seem to number my controller buttons

    It seems that steam is the only application that understands what my buttons are supposed to be called is anyone else having this issue is this a driver issue

    Question Motorola users has your screens cracked for no reason whatever

    I’ve just came from using a Google pixel that’s lasted me for 5 years before the battery died and since then I’ve gotten a Motorola edge one year in and the screen cracked in half while it was sitting on a table as I was watching YouTube then I got a Motorola edge and while I was at work I put my phone in my pocket for a second and there’s a crack on the edge of my screen do I just have really rotten luck or are Motorola’s prone to braking

    creditCrazy credit crazy
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