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Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • I was hoping you could expand, what factions are they up against? The Clintonites? I don't think there are any who don't follow Obama as well, he did serve two whole terms, and Hilary's credibility was, even if they say otherwise, damaged badly by her loss. I don't think there are any PUMAs left. The so-called "progressives" or the squad? Pfft, hardly able to stop anything, let alone kickbacks.

  • Deleted
    Shitposting won't help the economy, Javi
  • "second time as farce" buddy you had no fucking idea

  • How i see the election panning out. What would you change?
  • yeah I think Trump will in all likelihood be the first repub since dubya to clinch Nevada. As others have noted, NM is wrong lol. Michigan I think Biden will be able to scrape by, despite the loss of the Arab vote. Trump I think will be able to win back Arizona and Georgia, thereby winning the election. So it will 265 to 272, which I think would be the closest election since 1850 something

  • why did this tickle me so much
  • I've played the first 20 mins so far but I enjoyed them. It is basically battle for bikini bottom with a few extra abilities. You can only play as spongebob tho, no character swapping this time.

  • why did this tickle me so much

    Playing spongebob the cosmic shake (yes yes low-rent licensed game, look life sucks and I'm getting dopamine any way I can) and I don't know why Manta Fe just had me burst out laughing.

    Am I going insane?

    Which fighting game tournament do you think probably smells the worst?
  • tekken and street fighter feel like they have the most barefoot fighters so probs them lol

  • Bad Bad Hats - Bad Bad Hats (indie pop/rock) Bad Bad Hats

    Bad Bad Hats · Album · 2024 · 10 songs.

    Bad Bad Hats

    discovered this band when spotify recommended me one of the songs from their previous effort walkman, which is now one of my favorite albums. Recently they released their new self-titled album, which is I think is basically a sequel to walkman.

    Why are younger generations embracing the retro game revival?
  • Absolutely loved playing the recent Tomb Raider remastered pack because of this. No HUD, no map, you're just plopped into a level and you figure it out from there. Such a breath of fresh air in comparison to the overstimulating, bloated modern games

  • Olivia Rodrigo dubbed 'high priestess of child sacrifice' by anti-abortion crowd for free Plan B at concert
  • I mean I don't think it was entirely her decision. She was probably forced to stop by higher ups

  • Comment I left on david french's recent column
  • Here's the drivel:

    "Amid the constant drumbeat of sensational news stories — the scandals, the legal rulings, the wild political gambits — it’s sometimes easy to overlook the deeper trends that are shaping American life. For example, are you aware how much the constant threat of violence, principally from MAGA sources, is now warping American politics? If you wonder why so few people in red America seem to stand up directly against the MAGA movement, are you aware of the price they might pay if they did?

    Late last month, I listened to a fascinating NPR interview with the journalists Michael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman regarding their new book, “Find Me the Votes,” about Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election. They report that Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis had trouble finding lawyers willing to help prosecute her case against Trump. Even a former Georgia governor turned her down, saying, “Hypothetically speaking, do you want to have a bodyguard follow you around for the rest of your life?”

    He wasn’t exaggerating. Willis received an assassination threat so specific that one evening she had to leave her office incognito while a body double wearing a bulletproof vest courageously pretended to be her and offered a target for any possible incoming fire.

    Don’t think for a moment that this is unusual today. Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing Trump’s federal Jan. 6 trial, has been swatted, as has the special counsel Jack Smith. For those unfamiliar, swatting is a terrifying act of intimidation in which someone calls law enforcement and falsely claims a violent crime is in process at the target’s address. This sends heavily armed police to a person’s home with the expectation of a violent confrontation. A swatting incident claimed the life of a Kansas man in 2017.

    The Colorado Supreme Court likewise endured terrible threats after it ruled that Trump was disqualified from the ballot. There is deep concern for the safety of the witnesses and jurors in Trump’s various trials.

    Mitt Romney faces so many threats that he spends $5,000 per day on security to protect his family. After Jan. 6, the former Republican congressman Peter Meijer said that at least one colleague voted not to certify the election out of fear for the safety of their family. Threats against members of Congress are pervasive, and there has been a shocking surge since Trump took office. Last year, Capitol Police opened more than 8,000 threat assessments, an eightfold increase since 2016.

    Nor is the challenge confined to national politics. In 2021, Reuters published a horrifying and comprehensive report detailing the persistent threats against local election workers. In 2022, it followed up with another report detailing threats against local school boards. In my own Tennessee community, doctors and nurses who advocated wearing masks in schools were targets of screaming, threatening right-wing activists, who told one man, “We know who you are” and “We will find you.”

    My own family has experienced terrifying nights and terrifying days over the last several years. We’ve faced death threats, a bomb scare, a clumsy swatting attempt and doxxing by white nationalists. People have shown up at our home. A man even came to my kids’ school. I’ve interacted with the F.B.I., the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security and local law enforcement. While the explicit threats come and go, the sense of menace never quite leaves. We’re always looking over our shoulders.

    And no, threats of ideological violence do not come exclusively from the right. We saw too much destruction accompanying the George Floyd protests to believe that. We’ve seen left-wing attacks and threats against Republicans and conservatives. The surge in antisemitic incidents since Oct. 7 is a sobering reminder that hatred lives on the right and the left alike.

    But the tsunami of MAGA threats is different. The intimidation is systemic and ubiquitous, an acknowledged tactic in the playbook of the Trump right that flows all the way down from the violent fantasies of Donald Trump himself. It is rare to encounter a public-facing Trump critic who hasn’t faced threats and intimidation.

    The threats drive decent men and women from public office. They isolate and frighten dissenters. When my family first began to face threats, the most dispiriting responses came from Christian acquaintances who concluded I was a traitor for turning on a movement whose members had expressed an explicit desire to kill my family.

    But I don’t want to be too bleak. So let me end with a point of light. In the summer of 2021, I received a quite direct threat after I’d written a series of pieces opposing bans on teaching critical race theory in public schools. Someone sent my wife an email threatening to shoot me in the face.

    My wife and I knew that it was almost certainly a bluff. But we also knew that white nationalists had our home address, both of us were out of town and the only person home that night was my college-age son. So we called the local sheriff, shared the threat, and asked if the department could send someone to check our house.

    Minutes later, a young deputy called to tell me all was quiet at our home. When I asked if he would mind checking back frequently, he said he’d stay in front of our house all night. Then he asked, “Why did you get this threat?”

    I hesitated before I told him. Our community is so MAGA that I had a pang of concern about his response. “I’m a columnist,” I said, “and we’ve had lots of threats ever since I wrote against Donald Trump.”

    The deputy paused for a moment. “I’m a vet,” he said, “and I volunteered to serve because I believe in our Constitution. I believe in free speech.” And then he said words I’ll never forget: “You keep speaking, and I’ll stand guard.”

    I didn’t know that deputy’s politics and I didn’t need to. When I heard his words, I thought, that’s it. That’s the way through. Sometimes we are called to speak. Sometimes we are called to stand guard. All the time we can at least comfort those under threat, telling them with words and deeds that they are not alone. If we do that, we can persevere. Otherwise, the fear will be too much for good people to bear."

  • Comment I left on david french's recent column

    Yes I am subscribed but its on that a dollar a month deal for the next six months. Plus I like their crossword and cooking section

    Paul sweetie have some dignity

    > As most people know by now, Robert Hur, a special counsel appointed to look into allegations of wrongdoing on Biden’s part, concluded that the president shouldn’t be charged. But his report included an uncalled-for and completely unprofessional swipe at Biden’s mental acuity, apparently based on the president’s difficulty in remembering specific dates — difficulty that, as I wrote on Friday, everyone confronts at whatever age. Hur’s gratuitous treatment of Biden echoed James Comey’s gratuitous treatment of Clinton — Hur and Comey both seemed to want to take political stands when that was not their duty.

    he had to justify his decision to not press charges somehow Paul

    > It’s also true that many voters think the president’s age is an issue. But there’s perception and there’s reality: As anyone who has recently spent time with Biden (and I have) can tell you, he is in full possession of his faculties — completely lucid and with excellent grasp of detail. Of course, most voters don’t get to see him up close, and it’s on Biden’s team to address that. And yes, he speaks quietly and a bit slowly, although this is in part because of his lifetime struggle with stuttering. He also, by the way, has a sense of humor, which I think is important.

    "Trust me bro he's fine" lmao be fr rn

  • you just had to add the foot 🤢🤢

  • Russian Court Jails Woman for Wearing 'Extremist' Rainbow Earrings - The Moscow Times Russian Court Jails Woman for Wearing 'Extremist' Rainbow Earrings - The Moscow Times

    A court in the central Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod has jailed a woman for wearing rainbow earrings, the human rights group Egida reported late Wednesday, marking the second case of its kind after Russia banned the so-called “LGBT movement” as an “extremist” organization in November.   According ...

    Russian Court Jails Woman for Wearing 'Extremist' Rainbow Earrings - The Moscow Times

    ngl russia is not making it easy to give critical support lol

    A new global gender divide is emerging

    One of the most well-established patterns in measuring public opinion is that every generation tends to move as one in terms of its politics and general ideology. Its members share the same formative experiences, reach life’s big milestones at the same time and intermingle in the same spaces. So how should we make sense of reports that Gen Z is hyper-progressive on certain issues, but surprisingly conservative on others? The answer, in the words of Alice Evans, a visiting fellow at Stanford University and one of the leading researchers on the topic, is that today’s under-thirties are undergoing a great gender divergence, with young women in the former camp and young men the latter. Gen Z is two generations, not one. In countries on every continent, an ideological gap has opened up between young men and women. Tens of millions of people who occupy the same cities, workplaces, classrooms and even homes no longer see eye-to-eye. In the US, Gallup data shows that after decades where the sexes were each spread roughly equally across liberal and conservative world views, women aged 18 to 30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male contemporaries. That gap took just six years to open up

    What's a game you love but can't actually recommend?
  • I mean def the most forgotten-to-the-sands-of-time game i've played is Wet. I rly enjoyed it at the time as a suburban teenager with nothing better to do, but I can't recommend because in hindsight it was pretty mid and it didnt come out on pc, so you'd have to put in the extra work to emulate and its not worth it lol

  • After a Botched Execution, Alabama Is Trying an Untested Method After a Botched Execution, Alabama Is Trying an Untested Method

    The state plans to carry out the first U.S. execution via nitrogen hypoxia with Kenneth Smith, who survived an earlier attempt to execute him by lethal injection.

    After a Botched Execution, Alabama Is Trying an Untested Method

    > The state plans to carry out the first U.S. execution via nitrogen hypoxia with Kenneth Smith, who survived an earlier attempt to execute him by lethal injection

    Death to America, and death to the South in particular. Scorch that motherfucking earth.

  • a pastelwashed caste system? in my ostensibly-for-little-girls animated series? It's likelier than you think

  • What do island countries do under communism?

    They can hardly industrialize on a sustainable scale right? Tourism is their only possible lifeblood, along with extractive stuff like mining and fishing and being a tax haven. What viable path is there for them under a communist system?

    Israel’s latest weapon against Palestine is Egypt’s debt Israel’s latest weapon against Palestine is Egypt’s debt

    Will Egypt agree to take in the Palestinian population expelled from Gaza in exchange for the cancellation of its external debt?

    Israel’s latest weapon against Palestine is Egypt’s debt

    > A leaked document written by Gila Gamaliel, the Israeli intelligence minister, came to light in late October amid the devastating war in Gaza.

    > It set out a proposal to relocate the residents of Gaza to Sinai (Egypt) as a solution “which will produce positive long-term strategic results”. But how could Egypt accept such a solution when most of its population appears to be pro-Palestinian?

    > The answer can be found in the world of macroeconomics: debt.

    > After being revealed by the Israeli newspaper Calcalist and WikiLeaks, the proposal is getting attention in the Israeli and Egyptian critical press. Tel Aviv appears to be in talks with Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi about Egypt taking in Gazans and settling them in Sinai, in exchange for the cancellation of all its debts to the World Bank.

    > This could mean the Israeli government would take on the debts Egypt owes to multilateral creditors (such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund etc.) or that (with the support of the United States) it would convince allied Western countries to write off Egyptian debts to national institutions

    Hope Egypt doesnt fall for this

    gaming "what ifs"

    Whats a gaming failure or undeveloped project you wish had a more successful release/was fully realized? For me its tomb raider angel of darkness. There were a lot of problems with the production, ranging from lack of leadership to scrapped concepts to the unpreparedness of the team for the complexity of programming for the PS2. Core design didnt have enough time to iron out the kinks even with all the crunch time, and eidos didnt give them more time because they wanted to release in june.

    The game was an unfinished mess, full of bugs and haphazard level design. But its gained something of a cult status within the raider community, with memes centering on its iconic side characters like janice the parisian sex worker as well as lara's feisty one-liners. Its still being kept alive by a dedicated community of speedrunners and unofficial remasters. I often think what could have been if it had more time to at least be passable at launch. Core planned two sequels that would have continued the story. Obviously they were scrapped, core design went defunct, and tomb raider was handed over to crystal dynamics.

    Why do Germans think that having committed the Holocaust gives them special privileges to speak about Jews?
  • They've really got a lot going for them as a society

    Could you expand on that? Thinking of moving

  • fuck off YouTube, I will never watch ads
  • this is a script that has a different way of blocking ads which is so far undetected by youtube. Can recommend

  • have you ever read a video game novelization

    Ever since I learned they were a thing they cracked me up tbh. Idk I guess the target audience are like hardcore fans who love lore expansion, but gamers dont strike me for the most part as the reading type. Tho maybe thats projection

    what are things in your life you're still bitter about

    For me its when my family flew in for my graduation and they also decided to meet my sister's in-laws. After graduation we were supposed to go to a restaurant. The ceremony was supposed to last two hours but stretched to four and we were about to miss our reservation. My sister pressured me to leave even tho I didnt have a chance to take pictures with friends and such. I have mostly moved on but honestly a part of me still hates her for it.

    Want to do a 3x3 thread?
  • a few of these are core and unchanging (tekken 3, ctr, uncharted 2, bloodborne), some are recency bias (bayonetta, celeste). There are a lot I would include that didnt make the cut but that I love no less eg wind waker, super mario sunshine, super mario galaxy, shadow of the colossus, return of the obra dinn, vtmb. DS2 i think is controversial, but it was the first soulsborne I played and it holds a special place, warts and all

  • Be Gay, Do Crimes
  • this guy is low key my twin. We kinda look similar, I'm gay and I'm a pathological liar lol

  • President Biden Announces an Additional $9 Billion in Student Debt Relief for 125,000 Americans | The White House
  • even smaller is the percentage of affected borrowers, 125000/43000000 = 0.003*100=0.3